Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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Ellyoda (9m)
GTA with Wii motionplus = Jack Thompson + exploding head
Would love to see that.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii) Final Thoughts
Well, I finished The Force Unleashed a few minutes ago, and it is a pretty good interactive movie. Why do I call it an interactive movie? Well, that's because the Wii version of the game has absolutely no death penalty. If you die during a battle, you are respawned with full life bar, and whatever enemies you've killed or damage you have done to a boss prior to your death, remains. You simply cannot lose at this game. The lack of death penalty destroys any challenge the game might have had. This lead me to become very bored with the game about halfway through. I decided to force myself to complete it anyway, and it helped thinking of it as an interactive movie rather than a game.
Now, I managed to complete The Force Unleashed in a little over 7 hours. The story is okay, and does offer a few interesting elements, but could've been better. It feels too much like a video game story rather than a new chapter in the Star Wars Saga.
Now, the Wii version is a fun interactive experiance, just don't expect it to be a traditional game. Swinging the Wii remote like a lightsaber is a still lot of fun, and it makes for a good rental.
According to dvader, the PS3/360 versions do not suffer from the Wii's "no death penalty" issue, so those may be a better choice.
About Godmode only posting here one time.....
I think there's been a few people to do that. Dutch posted one fucking review, and never posted in here. Gamingqueen I believe made one comment in here, then never came back.
If that's all I was gonna do I wouldn't even bother. What's the point?
I think they are using us! You know they get their news from us and post it of the GGD and System Wars and get all the credit. If true, it means that we have a purpose.
Yeah, shame aspro didn't stick around too. And there's not enough Beaver here either.
If I think about my experience here and when this thing was on 1up, I've had some pretty good times here with no A-holes or noobs.
No way to turn that off?
Sure you can, when you die turn off the console. Or if you want more pain, wipe your memory card!
Morning from Melbourne all. Just about to watch some anime - which shall it be, Azumanga Daioh or Haruhi?
In other news, I have a TF2 guest pass I need to give away in a few days. Who wants it?
Morning? Whoa, huge time difference here. I've never heard of those anime, let me know what they are like.
Definetely Haruhi Suzumiya! Homer, where do you watch your anime? The internet? Plus do you want to watch Haruhi chronologically or how they where aired?
NAY! Azumanga!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHow many episodes is Azumanga?
I download them on Veoh. I found this nifty program that allows me to download ANYTHING, including streaming video otherwise thought difficult to download. I don't buy anime on DVD, because I don't believe in spending 30 bucks AUD (which is how much a regular DVD costs) for only a handful of episodes. If Madman (the primary source for anime in Australia), decided to release seasons (or arcs, if you prefer) of anime...then maybe I'd reconsider.
Then again, the caveat is that if I download them, I can only find the dubs. But I can live with that.
What's the difference between the chronological order or how they were aired?
26 -- that's right, twice as many as your so-called god's
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI also watch on Veoh, but I stream it and watch it. Try downloading Veoh tv, you can watch it full screen. By the way you can find subs on veoh, no point in watching the dubs. The episodes are not aired chronological, which makes it a confusing, but more enjoyable in a way. If you want I can give you the chronological order!
If it spoils the anime, then don't. If it doesn't, PM me the list.
(2, 3 ,5 ,10 ,13 ,14 ,4, 7, 6, 8, 1, 12, 11 ,9)
Crazy anime fools. I'm going to watch some 80s cartoon intros in my blog. I must have updated that thing 20 times by now. Not that anyone has noticed.
EXO squad? I remember it now.