Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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robio (30s)
Unfortunately, Iga's method is the only way to get a real challenge with the game. There are no selectable difficulty settings, and you don't unlock a harder one when you complete the game; it only allows you to replay the game on the same difficulty but with all of the Force powers and costumes that you have unlocked on the first go.
I'm watching gargoyles episode 1
Beaver is here. Beaver is lurking.
... to er, um... do... something.... <_< >_>
I'm still here, but I haven't found much reason to post recently.
But I guess since someone actually noticed my absence and commented on it, I'll contribute a post.
Took a look at those Games of Fall lists for the consoles. Wii's got some good stuff coming, but it just doesn't look as good as some of the stuff the 360 and PS3 are getting. Not nearly as good, IMO. I'm a Wii-only gamer right now, so I'm a bit of a sad panda. Not like it would be wise to spend money on ANY games right now, though.
As for numbers, they list 20 Wii games, 27 360 games, and 30 PS3 games. Not horrible, but I'm still left sighing. My roommate's got a 360, so I've been able to see gorgeous game visuals. And of course I still want MGS4. The PS3's price can't drop too soon! Then again... I want BC. Stupid Sony.
Haven't seen that show in years. Must download.
So I was looking at the coming soon releases to see any upcoming games I would want to rent, OMG its packed. Have you seen the Wii release schedule for tuesday?! Sim City Creator, De Blob, Lego Batman and Wario Land all on the same day, holy crap! Then for PS3/360 you got Brothers in Arms, and Lego Batman. The following week SH5 comes out and so does Sonic Chronicles. Yikes.
Well SH5 gets the nod out of all those cause some of those Wii games I want to own, Sonic I definetly want to own. Lego games I can wait and BIA is iffy. SH is a franchise I still love even though it disappoints me most of the time.
Thats crazy, on the PS3 you can change the difficulty on the fly at any moment. There are three difficulty modes and you unlock a super hard one when you beat it. The game is tough, even on normal I died a ton of times. Thats so weird how different they handled the wii.
Different Strokes different folks I guess. I personally really dislike achievements as they extract me from immersion and playing the game the way I want to. I got really pist off when Valve put it in Half-Life 2. It was like "Quick you have found 4 bombs only 2 more to get 700 extra points!" and I was like "Fuck you this is MY game and I seek and destory what I want when I want.
Japanese Development Falling Behind - I think the obvious answer to as of why Japanese developers are falling behind is due to the lackof "hard-hitting games" as well as games that push the market forward. Yeah technically there are just as much if not even more innovative and creative Japanese games then ever before, but most are just simple experiment titles. Such of these are like say Patapon, LocoRoco, Hirashima no Game, Zack and Wiki, and Captain Rainbow. However compare this to upcoming Western innovative games. Left 4 Dead, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, and Prototype. These games are at a completely different league then the Japanese games. They aren't mere "experiements" but full fleged epics.
And this is what made the Japanese so popular to begin with. Compare the past if you will. Yeah Western developers had 1 on 1 fighting for years. But it wasn't until Street Fighter II was released in Japan that the genre found its soul. Yeah Alone in the Dark was a pretty nifty game, but it wasn't until Resident Evil that the survival horror genre started to live. Yeah Pitfall was a hit but it wasn't until Super Mario Bros. that the platformer genre was defined. And it is THIS were the Japanese developers have completely fumbled the ball.
In the interview they state how Japanese games have a hard time to sell because the PS3/360 are too expensive and don't sell enough in Japan and Nintendo games sell the best on the DS/Wii. Well no fucking shit they do. Counting out TWEWY and possibly Phoenix Wright I've played nothing that I could label "Production Valued" on those two systems from third party Japanese developers. If you want big sales then you need to make "big games". People buy the games that they will have the best expereince with and therefore they buy the best. And if that isn't your game well you're fucked. And it is pretty clear that the Japanese don't understand this. The games on the DS to me essentially feel like a fun SNES game with average production values on attachment device (like the SEGA CD) that poors out better 2D graphics or a N64 game with a different expansion pack that allows more polygons and game data. The games on the DS don't feel like games made in 2008 as well as games made with ambitions. They are just the same tried and true with some touch screen effects or some wacky ass experiemental game that feels like a independent downloadable game that made it to retail.
And what is this? Some Japanese companys are still following the same formula they've done since the hey-days of the arcade? And they blame the consumers, development costs, or Nintendo for this?
Evolve or Die Japan, Evolve or Die.
Devil May Cry 4 - Still awesome (playing as Dante now), but the camera is just getting horrible. Anyway is Ninja Gaiden significantly better then Devil May Cry from a neutral standpoint like most people say or is that just its ego?
Warioland Interviews - Glad to see some developers take their games seriously from the get go.
GTA DS Screens - Orgasmic!
One of the site's forefathers.
You still have the best avatar here, so that counts for something.
As for the numbers, the thing is most of those Wii games suck ass. So they don't count. Meanwhile, the vast majority of games listed on the other machines I'm actually interested in, if not totally hyped for....even on the DS.
Buy Silent Hill like a real man. Haha Really, though, it looks good IMO....like it could be the best in awhile. Certainly better than 4. Much better.
Resident Evil 5 should really be called Resident Evil 7 (Code Veronica, Zero). You know its true.
Well Beaver End 2008 begin 2009 is where it is at with the Wii. Deadly Creatures, Little Kings Story, Dizastuuh, Madworld, Fragile, Rune Factory, Tales of Symphonia 2. Japan is getting Tenchu 4 Arc something and Kizuna. There are more that I am missing, but there are quite a lot games coming.
Yeah, the Wii version was half-assed then. I'm seriously considering renting the 360 version now, so that I can play the real Force Unleashed game.
I do not agree with your assesment. First comparing the inovative games, the Western games you mentioned are far more traditional than the Japanese games you mentioned. I mean you are comparing Dead Space to the weirdest game ever (Captain Rainbow). The Captain is far more risky than a horor game where you shoot aliens. One has mainstram appeal and the other scares the Christian anti-gay retards.
Second they comparison is a bit off. They are comparing one country to two whole continents (Europe and America).
Third your DS example is plain wrong. Let's compare the DS japanese support to the western one. It is no contest, the DS is a western dumping ground, while Japan is making quality titles.
Last point, why is Nintendo never taken into account for Japan vs West? Nintendo is doing very, very well. They are beating every one profit wise by a large margin!
I'm just curious. Have you people ever met somebody who was like THE stereotype?
I say this because I went for my interview at Blockbuster today at 8 in the morning. They are currently desperately looking for gamers. And well desperately looking for a job as well as knowing a lot about videogames I was like well what the hell?
So I get there and they are doing roll call early. So I was like "Whatever". The manager then started to interview the movie people all at once and gave us the choice to play "Guitar Hero III" or "Madden" while we waited. Some dude picked Guitar Hero III. I think she did this so that she could observe us to see how good we were at the game to see if we were "hardcore gamers" or not.
After some time and my pathetic performance with the game she decided to interview us all at once. She did this by asking us the following questions: "How long have you been playing game for?", "What systems do you own?" "What games are coming out?".
The first guy was actually somewhat normal in his responses. But the second guy really startled me. For example she asked "what systems do you own?". Now obviously this question is to see what systems do you own that can help out the consumer when buying or renting games at the store. The dude was like "Commodor 64, Collecovision, Intellivision, SNES, Genesis, the 360 (which as he stated was "the first ever CD based gaming system"), and what not. I was like
. Then he preceeds to say that he has been playing games since they were invented with PONG (Maganvox Odyessy and Tennis for 2 actually came before this) and that he plays games on average 12 to 15 hours a day and that he likes pretty much ever genre as he told them individually to the manager. I was like "she only asked 3 questions...".
The thing that is just ridiculous is that after his "interview" everyone just listed what games they like and every single console they owned. Few of them listed how long they've been playing games or the games that were coming out. I mean sure a fair share amount of the people there talked about it but for very brief while going on for like 2 minutes of what games they enjoy and their entire console collection. It was like they weren't even in an interview.
But what would an arwkward gaming experience be without your conspiracy's and your factual urban rumors? While there the manager (who was clueless about gaming hence why she asked everyone about it) what was the most powerful console. Pretty much everyone said the PS3. They guy next to me said that "The PS3 is more powerful then any other gaming system in existence!". I said "Wait what!? No it isn't the PC is." He then said "No dude SONY makes their own processors therefore the PS3 is the most powerful gaming system ever!" I was like
. What made this more arkward is that he proceeded to say that he enjoys (because remember people started to just say games they enjoy and not ones coming out) graphically heavy games from Crytek as he loves Crysis and Crysis Warhead. ....How the fuck can you think that the PS3 is more powerful then the PC when you own and play Crysis and Crysis Warhead? Seriously. He then preceeds to state that the games are on their way console exclusively to the PS3 (something that isn't true and hasn't been confirmed).
This continued as the manager stated that she knows nothing about online and that she got PSN to pay cards. Someone said "Wait you have to pay for the online now?", the manager replied "I think so.". And everyone said "Awww! Really?", "No way!" and "Damn!". And the guy next to me stated "Well I think they forgot me because I'm still not paying for it so that's all that matters." I was like
"You took someones question and took it as a statement and confirmed it as news?" 
As time goes on the manager then asks us what should we do to promote the companies. She then says "We could hold tournaments." One guy (who was just fucking weird and had a voice as if he'd been smoking 10,000 cigars a day) said "That would be cool but you would need games that WE like to play like fighting games and stuff". I preceded to say to her "Well considering that you are talking about games that future consumers and not US will come into play I saw stuff like Guitar Hero, Madden, Super Smash Bros., and Halo. I was thinking "Did he actually think that she asked that question so that she'd hold tournaments for us employees?"
The interview ended with the same guy giving the weirdest most strange response I've heard there. The manager then asked if we were reliable enough and that in case we became too slow that we had a choice to transfer to another blockbuster 40 minutes away for a given time until pace picks up again. The weird guy raised his hand and responded "I think I can speak for everyone here that we are all "hardcore gamers", and as us being "hardcore gamers" we just love being around games. It isn't about the money or whatnot we just want to be around games all the time and spending time with games. Gaming is cultural and as being that you must dedicate yourself too it". I don't remember what else he said after that because I was just full of "...This guy can't be fucking serious". I don't know about anyone else here but I want a job for money and not to be around well games. If I wanted to be around games and that was my priority then why the fuck would I get a job in the first place? Why not just sit home so I could continue playing. And "Gaming is a culture"?
Overall that was pretty much my expereince. And for some reason I felt like putting it on here to hear your guys's comments.
One of the site's forefathers.
Dead Space mixes Resident Evil/Bioshock/System Shock and it has tons of production value to pull of that "epic" feel. Compare this to Captain Rainbow which seems like a top done mid-budget PS2 game. I'm not talking about risk but more so innovation and fresh feelings that can blow you away.
Also the comparison is referring to (well mine at least) how the Japanese developers are progressing compared to Western developers. The average Western developer is far more into touch with gaming then the average Japanese.
With the DS quality is in fun? Yes. Quality as in notable? Not to me. Most of the games on the DS while fun don't scream out to me or glue me to the screen due to their soul or "full-feelness".
Finally Nintendo was taken into the example but they are a HUGE exception. Counting out Nintendo and Capcom every other Japanese publisher is way behind.
One of the site's forefathers.
The problem with these western vs eastern development pseudo-intellectual critiques is that it's always from the perspective of the western gamer. Western development is comprised of western employees for western audiences. When the western gamer evaluates it, of course it's slanted.
Meanwhile it's also this linear "See this epic western game, it's just self-evident that it's soo much better than this eastern-developed game."
It's not a discussion on progress or ideas. It's an American gamer circle-jerk.
Oh, and for experiences stereotypes, that would be a good description for my high school experience.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePunk on DMC4, coming from a totally bias position, DMC is every bit as good as NG, I think the combat system is better. To be honest they are both excellent games that do the combat differently and I feel that your preference is all that will distiguish the two.
Oh and that story was hilarious and scary at the same time. I have come to the conclusion that people in the real world are totally wacked out when it comes to gaming and only people on the internet kind of know what is going on (obviously those people on the internet have to be real, but I have yet to see them). I cannot tell you how many times I enter a GS and they are having the most absurd conversation with so many lies flying around. They talk about games that don't exist, they invent news, and are generally wrong about things. I could try to correct them but whats the point, they would just respond with "No, I heard its true". This is why outside the internet I really dont talk about gaming.
Why are news articles disappearing?
I definately see where you are coming from and agree to a certain extent. However as someone who primarly prefers Japaense games I do feel that they are really lacking in a production valued and "epicness" manner. If that makes sense. I mean I see these games indevelopment such as say White Knight Story, but they've been that way for years. That games was announced when? TGS 06?
Yeah same here. I mean seriously the people were just fucking weird. I mean not to stereotype by looks and what not but they all seemed straight out of some 90's sitcom as the "nerdy and weird" kid. And don't even get me started on Gamestop. I remember some guy would harass me (that's right) for buying Wii games. I remember trying to see if I should preorder Sonic and the Secret Rings of SSX Blur. I changed my preorder to SSX Blur and the guy replied "But Sonic and the Secret Rings is suppose to save the Wii!". I replied "What?". The employee stated "Yeah because there is nothing else that's going to come out for it!". I also remember buying some other Wii game and the guy said when I brought the game to the counter "The Wii sucks it's only for mini-games!". I was like
This is why people always stereotype gamers and anime fans as fucking weirdos because it is the weirdos that standout because they are so vocal about it.
One of the site's forefathers.
I deleted double-posts of the Games of 2008 series that were already posted.
I make no comment on relative quality, only the manner of discussing it. But a lack of "epicness" is begging the question of why "epicness" is inherently a good thing.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile