Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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robio (2m)
GG can you make one fort me too?
Yes I did like Kameo and also Blue Dragon I found them both very enjoyable.
Hmm what was that loud popping sound I just heard?
A Seinfeld sig would be awesome. Thanks.
EDIT: Neither Gamestop nor Amazon lists the install requirements. Lazy bastards.
Bah, I'm just going to buy a PS2 instead. It has a TON of dirt cheap games that I've never played anyway.
You could also buy a PS3 with backwards compatibility! About the harddrive well rent game, install, return game, de-install. You should be OK. Or you can buy a gaming PC.
Yeah, except those cost a lot more.
I'm just looking at my options. I've been a two console owner since 1990, and it's weird having just one now. I'm not all that interested in a PS3 anymore after looking at all the crap I'd have to go through just to play a game. I used to be a PC gamer, and I quit that because it was too much of a hassle; PS3 reminds me of what I didn't like about PC gaming. Now, I'm not trying to bash PS3 or anything, but I'm getting the feeling that it just isn't for me.
Maybe I'm just getting too old for this stuff . . .
That's why I sugested PC gaming, because the HD consoles are more and more like a PC with all the crap you have to go through. So you might as well buy a PC then. Or you can buy a new DS.
Besides the hassle of installing games, patches and the endless hardware upgrades, there was another problem I had with PC gaming: I have tendionits problems in both of my wrists, and I can't use a normal mouse at all (I use the touch pad on my laptop instead). Typing doesn't bother me unless I do a lot of it daily, so I suppose I could play those old Zork text adventures.
I loved the DS when I had one, but I'm afraid that console has run its course with me. There hasn't been a game on that platform that's interested me since Zelda PH. I just don't see any reason to buy another one.
I have come to a decision today, though. I'm just going to stick with the Wii and hope third parties get a clue and make better games for it. I also hope Nintendo of America gets their heads out of their asses and release better VC games too. Where's my Pilotwings 64, Nintendo!
Now, why don't they make games like Panic Restaurant anymore? Games that knew they were games, and not trying to emulate the latest Hollywood action flick. Man, I miss that kind of crazy yet fun games of the '80s.
Morning from Melbourne all. Yet another cold morning - which in a matter of days should stop. Yay for Spring.
Just checking the PSN Store update - wow. We actually got more games than the US. Neat! Anyone tried the Force Unleashed demo? Want to know if it's worth the 1.3GB for 25-30 minutes (according to the download page on PSN, anyway) of gameplay.
(prices changed since this was made, obviously)
The only problem with the 20GB is there's no Wi-Fi--oh and SD card/memory stick slots are missing but those don't seem to be mentioned by anyone anyway. Aside from that, full PS2 backwards compatibility and you can just us your own external HDD to expand the memory if you need it.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHate to do this to you, but there are some impressions up at GS, including one from the almighty Shameus...I trust the guy more than I trust most game journalists.
I hear those screws are mighty tricky, however.
Wow, thanks, Yoda! That clears up a lot of confusion I had about the 20GB model. I didn't know it had full PS2 BC; I thought only the 60GB and up models had BC. That's makes a pretty big difference to me. I don't have a wireless router, so I don't care about the lack of Wi-Fi; same with those card slots. I also didn't know it supported external HDD. That's pretty cool.
Well, thanks to this new info, the PS3 is back in the running as my possible second console now. I don't know if or when I'll get it, but I'm definately considering it. I don't like the installing games nonsense, but I suppose it isn't that big a deal since I rent only once a month or so. As Iga pointed out earlier, " . . . rent game, install, return game, de-install." It sounds like a hassle, but I suppose it's not as bad as constantly worrying that your console will get the RRoD suddenly.
Ah, but the screws are for internal harddrives. It seems easier with an external drive. Though I don't have a PS3 to have tried it.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNah, that's cool Des. Thanks anyway.
SW FU impressions:
Played it a few times, this will not be a bad game, just you know, a 6-7 score game, some people will really like it, will be a good time but nothing special. Watching the previews, making of's, etc, I really thought this game will give you an environment unlike anything we have seen. The dev team was constantly talking about Euphoria mixed with Havok and that other tech to provide this amazing experience... doesn't happen here. You get idiotic enemies, levels that seem uninspired (like the same crates are lying around every 2 feet all over the level). The physics, I have seen better, nothing in this game feels like it has any weight. Euphoria, ugh I don't see these enemies doing anything special. I assume you have all seen the stromtrooper grab on to something clips, well that will almost never happen when you actually play the game unless you stop everything and make it happen yourself by guiding a stormtrooper toward something. Its so impractical, it will not have any effect at all on the game. Or take for instance a room where Tie Fighters fly by and occasionally shoot at you, well you can move an iron railing so it gets in the flight path of the Tie-Fighter to blow it up, thats pretty cool. But to do that you must stop, move it with the force and then wait for a Tie Fighter to come by... or you know you can just keep moving and ignore it all together, don't worry the Tie Fighter won't hurt you.
Remember the whole thing about glass shattering, wood splintering, how its new technology that this game will use, it may be there, but I can't see want it does if everything DISAPPEARS right after you break it. In the tutorial you have to break glass, I swear the glass starts to disappear as its falling to the floor. In fact everything disappears in this demo, kill a stormtrooper, he disappears. Launch a Tie Fighter at enemies, it has a explosion effect but it actually disappears. All the damage you do vanishes in a second. I am used to things disappearing in games, we all are, but a game where you are supposed to cause a mess with the force, I would like to see the results of my mess for a short while. Also it completely takes away the impact of heavy objects when they vanish just like a tiny droid, a tie-fight doesn't break up into smaller pieces, it just *poof* disappears, its such an odd gameplay experience that makes the game feel off. I think Steel said it, nothing feels right, things don't feel like they have weight.
As for the combat, its ok, its ultimately is what will make or break this game and I think its a solid system but a game like this should have felt great. The lightsaber feels like a club, you beat people with it and it has little impact. The force is the main draw here and yes it can be fun but it can feel a bit off as well. For me, my main issue is the force grab, to do this you press R2 on what ever object you are looking at and you pick it up with the force. Then you move it around with the two sticks (you don't control the character with two sticks so this switch is not that smooth), to throw it you point in a direction with the L stick and release R2. The problem is you are completely standing still while this is happening and in this game a ton of people are shooting at you so you can't be still for long. Many times you have to pick up, throw and hope for the best. It seems when you throw an object it has a sort of lock on system, it will target someone, it just may not be who you intended it to be. Take the battle against the AT-ST, lining up a shot with a crate is next to impossible when it has its giant lasers hit you all the time, and if you do a quick throw it will probably target a nearby stormtrooper instead. Maybe I can get used to it but force grabbing and throwing should be more intuitive to use, especially since its the main gameplay element of the game.
Back to the lightsaber, like any average action game you have a dial a combo system. You can mix in your other force powers in with lightsaber strikes to make some cool effects like a lighting saber attack, or a baseball like lightsaber force push swing. As the game goes on I am sure you can do more complex moves so I don't think it will be bad, but it's just like any other game. Thats my main problem, why does my combat feel like any action game, I am supposed to be a Jedi not guy with sword a three hit combos. Have you guys played Legacy of Kain Defiance, it feels like that, in fact the jump attack where the Jedi floats in one spot while slashing is almost the same animation Kain uses in that very same move. It doesn't feel like the saber or force powers are unique cause they are fit into everyday gaming conventions rather than making them feel different. I am trying to describe it in writing, not sure if I am doing a good job, but it doesn't feel like I am a Jedi and I thought that was the point of the game. I can't help but think about the Jedi Knight games, those gave you powers that felt right, something is off about this game.
Then there are other little things that bothered me like the force bar, if my main weapon is supposed to be the force, let me use it damn you. A few times I was in the middle of a battle slamming my R2 button to pick up an object and nothing would happen, why, your out of force, it refills quickly but it lowers to ofast as well. As for blocking, standing still and not being able to do anything while blocking is not what I call functional. I assume the block will mostly be used for melee combat or at least that is what I am hoping for cause its not an effective way to day with massive amount of lasers. Yes it will block them but you can't counter, you cant change position, you just stand there deflecting, its like a stand off nothing comes of it. Why do you not deflect automatically like in Jedi Knight, he does deflect some lasers but not most. Why can't I move while deflecting lasers, or more importantly use the force to get out of the situation, once you are blocking you can't do anything else. Then there is the fight against the AT-ST, to beat him you can just jump at him and slash in mid-air (or use lighting or push in mid-air), repeat over and over, just slash away, not how I would picture a jedi taking one down.
I know I am complaining a lot but thats cause I thought this game was going to feel polished, was going to feel special, from this demo it does not. Maybe the game has some great scenarios as the game goes on, maybe the Jedi on Jedi combat is excellent, maybe as the game goes on a really deep interesting combat system emerges, I hope so but this demo does not leave me with much hope. I am still going to play this demo a lot cause it is fun, throwing around stormtroopers never gets old, I don't hate it, just feel short of what I expected. Force Unleashed moved from a buy to a rental cause of this demo.
(BTW on harder difficulties it gets slightly better as you have to actually pay attention and kill enemies in an efficient manner. It might be one of those games to play on hard first.)
Just read them now Vader.
Wow. I'm shocked. Here I was going to download it for, I'm not so sure.
Was always going to be a rental though. Makes me sad that the lightsaber is practically a club.
Well download it, that doesn't hurt. Some will enjoy this a lot I believe, for me, it did not feel special.
Yeah I downloaded it for poops and giggles, and I had more fun with it than I did with Too Human...Though it was just as dissappointing for me...I think I like Outcast better, at least on Outcast you have the option to turn on dismemberment, and the environment in Outcast is also slightly better (and I was expecting Unleashed to be better tenfold in that categeory).