Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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What pisses me off about Capcom and Svensson is that he keeps saying how Capcom have the highest rated wii games as a 3rd party publisher which shows how great they are as developers and how great they are supporting the wii.
Citing.......... RE4 and Okami. So your PS2 and GC ports prove how fucking great you are on Wii? Oh piss off, there is loyalty to your company and just being patronising and it's getting annoying at this point.
Then basically all they do is throw users a bone and say some general fluff that indicates that a few years later if the game is successful than a belated port might be on the cards... so we should be excited!
*double thumbs up*
I read that line that gameinformer is peddling about developers being upset with nintendo over wii motion plus.
It's not like the device is launching anytime soon, it's out in march 2009 at the earliest. They had to keep it a secret for the E3 conference in case it leaked out and given all the rumors about rival motion controllers, you can understand why they needed it as a trump card.
Even if they had told lucasarts about it in advance, lucasarts would still have to delay the clone wars by 9 months till the gizmo launches. Announcing it 9 months in advance means it can be incorporated into a lot of games either at the begginning or nearing the end of their respective development phases. Red Steel is using it and that was announced fairly soon after the announcement.
I think Red Steel 2 could be an amazing game....if they put some effort into it. With games like Metroid and Conduit, there's no reason it shouldn't have great controls. That's the main problem with RS is the controls are horrible. Not just the aiming...but even the shit they have mapped to the buttons, none of it makes sense. If RS had Metroid controls, it would have made the game 10 times better right there alone. And they're also using that new motion POS, so that should also help out especially the sword fighting.
But I also think this is one game that could and should really just go for a Mature rating. The subject matter and style just beg for a more violent experience...the T rating is akin to the old Medal of Honor games. "Red" Steel...riiight.
Nice, that's what most people think. You can just imagine how with a few improvements the original could have been a great game. If it had a lot more polish and a control scheme like MP3 and now with motion plus. The potential can hopefully be realised if they don't rush it. You can even see how they pushed the visuals in some areas, which is impressive given that it was a launch game built on UE2 using gamecube dev kits. If you think about Wii launch there were no games that pushed visuals to any extent and for a long time after launch too.
I'm not really to fussed on the violence. They could do some cool things like slicing a guy in half with motionplus or decapitating guys though, with stylish blood splashes. The violence to me reminds me of goldeneye, it didn't need a lot of blood or anything to be a good game. Hell I even put on the paintball cheat a lot of the time.
Not just the violence, but the story and whatnot also. Its just an M experience dumbed down to a T because they thought it would sell better.
And yes production values-wise, RS2 had better be in a whole new universe compared to RS1. It better be rivaling Conduit.
I don't get why you guys are crapping all over Capcom. They're arguably one of the best third party developers on the Wii. I remember everyone being ecstatic for Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition which not only is a fantastic game but is also the definitive version. Okami which is also a fantastic game. Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles which turned out to be a very solid original. Now your also getting a Dead Rising port which should be a very pleasant surprise given the Wii's low specs. The fact is that developers want to push their franchises with the perks that more powerful hardware can offer and quite frankly as a fan of these franchises I'm very glad they are. I would be very disappointed if developers such as Capcom started games like RE5 or Dead Rising 2 on the Wii first then contemplate making ports of those games for the more powerful systems. Capcom has a lot of games they are working on which all take up time, money, and manpower. Nintendo decided to go with a less powerful machine and that's not where a lot of developers want to continue their franchises on. You may as well start crapping on Konami for not putting MGS4 on the Wii or a bunch of other developers with their games as well.
I know some of you have one of the other consoles as well as the Wii which makes this angst against Capcom even more perplexing to me. Why not just buy these games on the other console anyway?
I'm fairly happy with Capcom's Wii support so far, but I would like to see more from them, especially now that my 360 is toast. I hope Capcom does make Street Fighter 4 for Wii. It's the first fighting game that's grabbed my attention since Soul Calibur 2 on Gamecube. A port of RE5 would also be nice.
Fixed it for you Raven.
Actually Capcom needs to stop porting and do a dark original game. Yes the hd consoles will get RE5, but what does the Wii get? Nothing of that caliber. Why not make an exclusive Resident Evil game for the Wii, that uses the Wii-motion capabilities to the fullest, maybe even Wii-motionplus? They could make a Resident Evil or perhaps another IP that is totally original. But they do nothing of the sorts, yet.
I mean the Wii is a fricking market leader, why the hell does the Wii get ports? Plus the Wii is cheaper to develop for, why the hell are 3rd parties not capitalizing on this? The answer is that Nintendo not only disrupted Microsoft and Sony, they disrupted all the other developers that relied on the old system.
Companies do not want to change and are therefore resisting it. This leaves the door open for smaller developers like High Voltage, Aquire etc. They shall capitalize on this trend and grow. This is a good thing no one wants a few big companies calling the shot.
The Blue Ocean stategy is not to defeat your opponent, but to make him irrelevant, that happened now too. While Nintendo is selling wel (huge understatement)l, Microsoft and Sony are fighting each other in a market place that is ever shrinking. Let face it guys the market stategy of expensive hardware and cutting edge graphics is not sustainable. I expect it to die next gen!
I conclude with these words from Reggie: "Innovate or die!"
I'm personally not satisfied with any console maker this gen. They've all done something retarded in my opinion.
Sony and Microsoft fucked up in that, they're too into the whole entertainment hub thing which in turn makes the cost of consoles go up and effectively shrinks the audience.
Sony fucked up with Blu-Ray. Microsoft fucked up with the worst hardware ever.
Sony fucked up by not being agressive in keeping 3rd-party exclusives.
Nintendo fucked up by not their machine powerful enough to do multi-plat games on a regular basis. Nintendo fucked up with a foolish online model.
There's a happy medium that companies used to hit between high-tech powerful hardware, user-friendlyness, and price point. This gen, nobody managed this.
And don't even get me started on using fucking hard drives as a reason to have different models with different prices.
Despite the shortcomings of the console makers, developers have continued to make some great games.
You are only half right here Edge. Making the Wii powerfull enough to compete with the 360 and PS3 would make it fail hard. The reason why the hd consoles are expensive is because they are so powerful. Did you see the loses Microsoft and Sony made? But yeah, the online is crap.
I am not sure what Nintendo could do differently with regards to 3rd party support. Maybe they should have launched with Wiiware to capture the smaller developers. Nintendo disrupted the market with the DS and the Wii, abrupt change never goes smoothly. I mean no one was expecting the Wii to take off.
^^^I agree that there have been some great games that have came out (MGS4 and SMG) but I am a bit dissapointed in the quaninty of great games this console generation. (Edge will love my soon to be article).
One of the site's forefathers.
Nah, I've played 3rd Strike to death back on Dreamcast. I'm done with that game. SF4 has my attention now.
Overload's next official entry on Wii (NOT A PORT BUILT GROUND UP)
One of the site's forefathers.
Well, my thoughts are Nintendo never had a problem coming out with cutting edge systems for a better price than the competition before. N64 and Gamecube were both $200. There's no way in hell they had to charge $250 for the Wii. I'm fairly sure they did that so people wouldn't think it was TOO underpowered.
I would have gladly paid $300 for the Wii with better specs. And I'm sure they could have come up with a model that they wouldn't have lost money on, unlike the other retards.
Look who I'm going to see tomorrow night!!!
Not correct.
Overlord II confirmed for PC/360/PS3.
Also, Overlord Minions - a new DS game, is announced.
Hey Guys:
I've been gone a for a little now, sorry if anyone actually missed me lol, but I was trying to dedicate my time to helping out Rag over at the GGD...So far I have been wholly unsuccessful, and it really feels like the forum is all but dead now despite our best efforts. I don't know I just felt bad constantly posting news here, while Rag had to handle everything over at GS. And its been really hard for me deciding where I am going to stay, most of my friends are still over at GS in some form or fashion although they are leaving at an increasingly alarming rate. I know a lot of you guys have been done with Gamespot for a while now, but what I realized was that a lot of people you guys have come to dislike are mostly my closest friends over at GS. Me and Rag had I talk and I basically decided that wherever he went I was going to follow. I've only been posting really much at all from Monday to Thursday, and so really the days I can cover half days are getting more and more limited. I don't really like the direction this site has gone, posting news day after day gets a little old, and there isn't really any filter...A lot of the stuff that gets posted, included most of the stuff I use to post daily, is and was filler. It just got old after a while, and I only really ever wanted to post the stuff that most excited me...The kind of stuff that doesn't come out daily. I would love to be welcomed back, but I would have to warn you all that I will be splitting my time between here and GS...With GS being slightly at a higher priority right now. However, as I check out the weekly postings, it seems you guys are doing more than well enough without me being a big part of the site and I know that that will continue.
That's cool Des.
Anyway, STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES. EA have officially jumped the shark.
I have to disagree I think the quantity of great games has been very impressive these past couple of years and has been quite possibly the best two years I have ever had. Games that I have played such as Halo 3, CoD 4, Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden II, Soulcalbur IV, GTAIV, Mass Effect, Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda TP, etc. etc. and games I have yet to play such as MGS4 etc. Also there have been some great recreations of classic games such as Bionic Commando: Rearmed and new games done from the classics like Pac-man Championship Edition.
Yeah my friend saw them in Chicago last week. He said that they were good but was annoyed how the lead singer always played air guitar while singing.
One of the site's forefathers.