John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
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The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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SupremeAC (5m)
Baiken (the samurai with the red hair) is a woman not a man.
One of the site's forefathers.
Which is why she's jacking off to her sword instead of a dick.
I read them did you read mine?
P.S. about you Galaxy's replayability: you are wrong
Seriously you are actually rewarded for 120 stars. And you are rewarded again for doing it with Luigi. Plus Luigi's cosmic races are much more difficult than Mario's. Plus watch some speed runs, the game is full with short cuts and awesome tricks you can do. I have found some of my own and saw some on youtube. Plus it is plain fun. That are 3 plusses, what more do you want.
About the spring, yes it can be annoying. I found it fun in a annoying way, it's not like the game forces you to retry the whole level when you die. But I can see you point. But I think you can reach most of the point without the spring powerup. Triple jump spin, wall jump spin again.
The biggest flaw I found was: on a few occasion the camera failed me. During the desert where you have to colect purple coins. If the camera is behind you, you can't see some pitfalls. The 5th dome boss. You have all these cool bosses. Megalegs, Bowser, Bowsers junior ship, Bowser and than the fifth one. Another awesome one you would think, NO its the coconut blowing octopus. Anti-climatic. There are a few stars: like finding luigi on the rooftop and purple coins in the haunted ship level that are not of the same quality as others, but they are not bad or frustating, they are just not as good as the other ones.
That's all the flaws I found. As you can see most of them are tiny and insignificant. Galaxy is in my opinion one of the most polished games I have played.
@Vader, the question about Galaxy why 9.9 and not a 10 was a joke. Hence the
. The rest was a serious discussion. I have a few problems with giving rating based on feelings
Error on Page can suckle on ma ballz.
Oh Mario Galaxy. Aweaome game, but yeah the lack of immersion I felt while playing it....the way its designed in tiny levels and whatnot, just kind of prevented me from really felling it as much as most games of that quality. I usually struggled to play it for more than an hour at a time. That's what kept me from giving it an ELITE rating. I honestly liked Sunshine just as much. Although, I used to play Sunshine for hours and hours easily.
I think I was trying to play the PS2 Okami at the time as well, another game that I can't play for long periods of time. I was questioning my love of gaming thanks to these games, because normally when I get a game that's supposedly 9+ material, I have no problem losing hours every play session and having it feel like no time at all.
Galaxy is a solid 9 in my book. Okami however....I'm still not done with it but I'd say right now Its like an 8.1 or 8.2
Galaxy has awesome replay value. I bought my copy at launch, and I still play it every week. It's just fun to play over and over again.
As far as the spring powerup, I can understand why some might not like it, but I can honestly say that I do. I tend to like weird gameplay mechanics (I loved using FLUDD in Sunshine, for instance), so that may be why I like it so much.
That's one manly looking female. You SURE that's not a fucking tranny?
I dont buy that at all Iga, I hate reviews that are mechanical and take points off like its a test or something. I agree that some stuff are objective and I believe they should be mentioned in the review but i don't believe that the final say or score has to be an average of the good vs. the bad, the final score is a feeling. Its why I disliked the old GS scoring system, that was horrible, the score is not a math equation.
Also I write reviews for me, so thats what ultimately matters. Professional reviews do need to be more objective but most still go with their gut feeling, its why reading multiple reviews is a must.
But there was a time at Gamespot when that review system really worked. Back when they had actual good reviewers. I'd say 90% of their ratings around 2000, 2001, 2002 I agreed with. If I didn't, it was usually a Gerstmann review.
Vader read my point again. I never said to take of points for bad things like a test. I said take away the score all together. Besides you do not like to treat reviews like test, than why do you give them scores? You know where you give scores, that's right in tests.
Subject is a Japanese woman on the run from the authorities. She is still deeply traumatized from the loss of her parents during the war. All of her movements revolve around her ultimate goal of revenge. Her current target is the one she regards as the creator of the Gears. Although her skill with a Japanese sword is great, she is no match for our military might. Additionally, her desire for revenge makes her easy to control. Even if she manages to find the Gears' creator, it would only help our mission. She should not be viewed as a serious threat
^^^From the official site. Nope definately a female.
Also I ment that I couldn't just turn Super Mario Galaxy on and start playing any level over again any time I wanted like Super Mario Bros. or Banjo Kazooie.
One of the site's forefathers.
Testing. Testing. 1,2,3.
Gerstmann, Tomb Raider 2: 5.7 eeeeeh...
My god....they're having a fucking beta for HOME?? WTF?
Like...lets all get together in our virtual house and.....look at trophies. How retarded. Getting carried away with BETA crap suddenly.
Its not that its a score its a rating. I do believe having a system for quick reference for reviews of any kind, movies, games, etc. I just do not believe that score/rating whatever should be calculated, its just what it is, a numerical value of your feelings of a game.
I know right, how stupid...
*prays to get in*
Oh god, wtf.
Than why work with a 100 score? A 5 star or 10/10 ratings are much better in that case. You know what you should do Vader? Whan reviewing a new game leave the score out. Than we should try to guess the score you have given it. That way, you can improve your writing without relying on as a clutch.
Wow, Gerstmann gave it that high of a score?
I hated Tomb Raider 2. In fact, I hated all of the Core Design Tomb Raider games except for the original which was a great game.
I dont care about improving my writing I care about just getting my opinion in some type of written format. I like having all my games rated and reviews, and only a scale of 100 gives me enough leeway to differentiate most games from another. There is no science to it, its just picking a number but it works for me.