Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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^^^At least it isn't a cell phone game.
Personally I don't see much fault on this being that the series is built off of design from the Playstation 1. I really can't see the PS3 offering anymore then bells and whistles, hell come to think of it I can say sorta the same for the PSP.
One of the site's forefathers.
I've heard other people say the same about the graphics.
I'm can't decide which to get, widescreen and 480p, or ceaper game!
True, but I like bells and whistles. *smiley here...but site is still acting up on me. hard to post*
Plus, just like any game they could really expand on the original idea if they wanted to. They could turn Parasite Eve 3 into an amazing new console game. Ah well...I'm getting more than used to being disappointed in Square's choices these days anyway. I don't think there's a gaming company disappointing me more.
Snoopy DS FTW
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIf it was a PS3 game I'd expect them to copy Resident Evil 4 like they did Resident Evil with the original. Basically the over-the-shoulder viewpoint with epic role-playing!
One of the site's forefathers.
I liked this one
Q: How do I kill it? A: You kill it by taking it's life
P.S. All you other people, watch the two movies NOWWWWWWWW!
Is it a piece of crap now? It shoots LASERS! How about THAT for craftsmenship!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo if you have a PSP that event was the greatest thing ever, for the rest, meh. Well at least I know an FFXIII demo is coming.
New Pixeljunk Eden video, this one is ofthe later levels, it shows some more elements people that are only in the early levels wont see.
In this level the standard pollen holders (the things floating around) now cannot be picked up using the web, it will break the web. So you have to adjust the length of the web as you are swinging to make sure you hit it. If you have no idea about the game at all, you hit the pollen guys to realease pollen with will fill the seeds and make plants grow, use the plants to move around. The goal is to get those giant glowing things, you see three of them in the video. As you see the levels get much bigger and even have puzzles, its awesome.
Well using an analogue stick as a makeshift paint brush sounds like a pretty big issue to me.
I meant to call you Devil Beaver damn you!
I understand, in a lot of the reviews a lot of the guys complain about how the wii celestial brush is not accurate as they keep making mistakes. Again this is poor reviewing and the descructoid guy hits it on the head. Most people dont realise that if you you press Z rather than A to paint you get those straight lines. Some people try pressing both and screw things up. Or just don't draw well enough by completing their circles. You can even get away with drawing some squished up circles and as long as you complete them they get recognised so some of these reviewers must be really shitty.
I can definitely understand on the combat side. I think that waggle just replaces the attack button like in twilight princess and there is a case of timing which makes it more difficult. But like the reviews mention, combat is so easy it's not a problem, you dont eve need that dodge move. One of the things that I think was mentioned in one of the reviews was that because using the brush in the wii version was so effortless, you constantly whop it out in combat where it would be laboured using a stick doing the same in combat.
I'm in the snow area now. Those are some freaky looking bears
I think I may be stuck, I can't... oh yeah I enter this village and no one lets me into their huts and the guy at the top wont let me see the chief and I have no idea what I'm suppossed to be doing now 
WTH? Don't forget about the brush.
You're such a cheapass, you know you're getting the ps2 version anyway
Did you ever see white mother in endless ocean?
You suck.
To be honest, I had more trouble with the brush stuff on the PS2. There were times when I'd have to sit there and try the same thing 50 times before it recognised what I wanted to do, which is ridiculous. On Wii I've had a few times where I had to try things 4 or 5 times, but that's about it.
I still feel as though Clover didn't make the brush stuff as intuitive as it should be, considering its a major part of the design. When you do the same exact thing over and over, and it finally succeeds on the last try, something is fucked up.
GG....admit it. You made out with that chick in your Bully sig an unhealthy amount of times.
I see lots of white mothers. I'm a milf hunter.
Oh wow, has anyone read this?
Battalion wars maker kuji pitched to sega back in 2006 for making a wii Jet set radio
And there is the concept art too. Interesting, Kuju's BW team has rebranded to Headstrong games and continue to work on Wii and in partnership with Sega for an upcoming game. This could really be happening.
Hmmm, kind of an odd choice though. Headstrong working on such a Japanese, SEGA out the ass franchise. FUCKING ERROR ON PAGE!!! ARGH!!!
I made out with everyone. The fat chick the snob GUY, the braces girl, the cheerleader. Everyone. Hell I would have done Gary given the chance
I need to find some decent bully art to make a decent sig. SteelAttack should do it for me for mocking me with his each to his own comments. It's like a knife stabbing through butter.
My heart is made of butter, that is how fat I am.
As weird as a UK based developer making a 3-D version of advance wars?
Yeah ERROR on page is really starting to F me off. I have to reload the whole page just to post.
Let me just put in a call to site maintainance....
That dude in the lower left hand side of your sig scares me. What's with his face?
What were you trying to draw, man?! There's only been one thing that gives me trouble, and that's drawing the heart in Sei-an City (BTW, try drawing it counterclockwise in one stroke).
Mmmmmm, devil beaver....
I'm getting tired of waggle for attacking. Square button all the way, baby!
In the snowy village, try going all the way up to the house by the big doorway. There's a lady in there with birds on her mask that I think you need to talk to.