Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
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Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
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Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
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Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
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Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
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robio (5m) Archangel3371 (7m)
So with the stupid nature of world times and friend codes - apart from the great mario kart. We need to actually organise some online games. So what I have done is using my news scheduling world times table, I have created one for use for online gaming.
If you could tell me your time relative to GMT at the world clock site here:
Tell me the times:
This table can obviously be used to schedule online games for any platform. But given the nature of friend codes I am also making a better database that has all our Wii system codes on, as well as a table with individual friend codes for all our online titles that we want to hook up on. So eeeek! Me and Ravenprose can play endless ocean and Mario Kart together.
So, let me know:
I will be building up a table and then share it online, maybe we could get it hosted here and I could edit it?
Foolz, your smash code is wrong apparentely. Dvader and Punk I have added you.
My smash code is 3136 8128 3750
I have bugsonglasses endless ocean code on the table.
I have Raven's Mario kart code on the table.
If you have wii games that don't require friend codes just let me know if you are an owner to exhange levels or tokens. For instance I am an owner of:
None of which require friend codes but some of which you need to know who else owns it so you don't waste time sending info to people who don't own the game.
Bugs you have Elebits don't you? Send me some levels.
Yeah. But he was punching many people in the face and I got scared.
You are not the only one Steel. But wait when you see him when he is not fighting. You would never guess he is the world number 1 heavyweight. Fedor is a nice and humble guy.
Looking at the picture above, could you tell he is the worlds baddest man?
Feminists attack PS3's Fat PrincessWednesday 23-Jul-2008 9:19 AM PSN game is "fat-hating" and reinforces nasty stereotypes, claim feminist blogs
Feminist gaming blogs across the internet have gone on the attack against cutesy PSN multiplayer game Fat Princess, which has been branded "fat-hating" and said to reinforce female stereotypes.
In case you missed it, 'Princess has two teams of 16 battle it out to rescue their princess from the opposing team's fortress, only the enemy's been stuffing her full of cake and it's now going to take most of your team to haul the tubby royal back to base. It's a clever twist on CTF, and looks bloody brilliant to be fair.
Blog Feminist Gamers doesn't agree, calling the PSN release "fat-bashing" and suggesting that it will "reinforce nasty stereotypes about women and the obese" when it's released on the PlayStation Network.
Fellow blog Shakespear Sister is even more angry. "Congrats on your awesome new game, Sony. I'm positively thrilled to see such unyielding dedication to creating a new generation of fat-hating, heteronormative assholes," she posted on her blog.
"I can't figure out is why anyone would want to rescue a fat princess in the first place, since everyone knows that fat girls are unlovable human garbage at whom any sensible bloke would sooner hurl invective than cast a longing glance," she adds (with sarcasm, perhaps).
"I sure hope there's a clever dénouement like the Fat Princess magically becoming thin once she's rescued! 'Cuz that would rock, yo!"
Calm down, girls. There's far, far better games for you to focus your hate on (cough, Soul Calibur IV).
^^ Feminist gamers, no thanks!
I have no idea what these words mean.
I've put the online hook up page on my blog so just let me know either here or on my blog page.
@ Iga: Does he go around the world bare chested?
Steel, Not always. Why do you ask?
WTF do you have a fucking folder of Fedor pics?
I declare this week the Fedor and Iwata Week.
BTW, was that Vladimir Putin in the third pic?
Microsoft - Sony, Nintendo slacked-off for the last 12 months
"I think we got more than 12 months' work done, and others went on an extended vacation. Hopefully they got some good vacation photos, because they sure weren't showing up at work. Of course I'm going to be biased, but so far what I've heard is that Sony and Nintendo have disappointed. And Microsoft has been leading, innovating and driving a very comprehensive global program." - Don Mattrick, Microsoft
These kinds of comments just come off as petty, IMO. You'd think that people in such high positions in their company would act more professional.
No Steel I google searched them all. I have no Fedor pics in my computer. And yes Fedor is good friends with Putin. Putin is a black belt in judo like Fedor, and the guy shaking hands with Fedor in the same picture is Silvio Berlusconi. The prime minister of Italy.
But enough with my Fedor nuthanging, time for some game relating news. Stormbringer translated the creator's voice of Fatal Frame 4. Here are some tidbits:
- interviewed are Makoto Shibata and Keisuke Kikuchi
- When writing the prototype for the original game, SHibata wanted to include two main ideas. Firstly, he wanted the game to be set in traditional Japanese houses, as he intented to use the numerous dark, hidden places these buildings usually contain to waken profound fears within the player. Secondly, he wanted to include ghosts, as well as a unique system to confine them via a camera. Why a camera ? Well, he explains that the ghosts are supposed to be so scary to look at directly, that he thought a ghost-trapping camera would be a good way to allow the character to fight the ghost without actually looking at him directly [basically, by putting a camera lens between the apparition and the character].
-Kikuchi was opposed to the camera idea at first. His vision of the way a character should fight a ghost in a Japanese-style horror story was a bit more "ceremonial" and involved something like the character shooting an exorcising arrow as well as casting some charm on the ghost to defeat it. However, he later found out that this camera idea was quite fitting for this project, and ended up approving it.
- This new game takes place on the fictional Rougetsutou island, within a half-western half-Japanese hotel, which served as a sanatorium in the past. On this island, a mystical ritual was performed every ten years by the autochthons as a Moon worshipping ceremonial, until the rituals stopped one day for mysterious reasons.
Coincidentally to this, five youngs girls were abducted on the island, and later retrieved to safety by a detective. However, since the 5 victims had lost all memories related to these events, the case was closed.
The story of the game actually begins several years later, when the each of the 3 remaining victims choose to go back to the island to try to remember what happened to them many years ago. These 3 young women are the main characters of the game.
- About the subtitle "Mask of the Lunar Eclipse" : in this game, it's actually the name of a mystical mask used during an ancient Moon worshipping ritual, and which is able to break apart people's memories.
- the basic concept of the game remains unchanged, but the gameplay has been "dramatically improved".
- Move the character with the nunchuk, direct the flashlight with the remote. Seems like it doesn't use a pointer at all, just the motion sensors, so you just have to move/incline the Wiimote up, down, right, or left to control the flashlight. After multiple experiments, they found out that this is the control scheme that better replicates the sensation of holding an actual flashlight. Works pretty well apparently.
- Third Person, behind-the-back view. You can walk or even run while moving the Wiimote to look around with the flashlight.
-About the stage design -> while the previous games in the series were taking place mainly in old traditional Japanese houses, this new game takes place in a mansion that blends Japanese style as well as Western style. The reason for this ? It's that while the traditional, Japanese livehood was usually just above the ground (and below the usual line-of-sight), the western-influenced livehood tends to place everyday objects higher from the ground )and closer to the line-of-sight), which they found out was a more practical level design for a 3rd person, behind-the-back game (basically, so the character shouldn't have to constantly look towards the ground to advance and explore...) , which is why they choosed to design the main level of the game around a type of building that is sporting this Western-influence.
- it might seem like a detail, but they actually adjusted very carefully the speed at which the character moves. They took into account both the complaints stating that the previous games were a bit too slow, and their belief that the character should move in accordance with the setting and the type of game it is in. See also this video.
- The theme of this project was "Feeling the fear with your body".They effectively endeavoured to use the intuitiveness of the controls in many ways to allow for more immersion. They also made use of features such as the Wiimote speaker, or the vibrations to enforce the immersion.
- Seems like they are pretty happy with the Nintendo-Grasshopper-Tecmo collaboration, although Kikuchi admits that it was a bit of a mess to take into account of the opinion of each and every one. They don't give many details on the roles of each company, but it sounds like Grasshopper in particular took care of defining the characters' actions/controls and overall personality, while Nintendo acted as an executive producer (they actually had a producer on the project).
-In conclusion, Kikuchi calls it pretty clearly the very best of the series in term of fear-inducing atmosphere, in term of volume, as well as in term of overall enjoyment. The game is apparently full of bonus content, which they declined to reveal for now (could we expect crazy stuff Made in Grasshopper ?...).
Killer FF stuff, Iga, thanks. I'm so pumped for this game, only to cry like a little girl when I start playing it. I'm such a fucking wuss when it comes to true horror games.
I beg of you, film yourself and put in on youtube! Like the japanese girl in the commercials!
Fucking Mafia.
In Italy Mafia = Politican
Lol, Steel is a Fedor fan
Man that was quick