Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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Darth Vader and/or Yoda are not enough to sway me to purchase Soul Calibur IV. I still have Soul Calibur II (with Link!) which I still play from time-to-time, so I'm good.
Now that's a WiiFit I'd buy.
Tell me you didn't just say that. On the other hand the DoA girls are pretty tempting.
People it is time for
Hard Gay
This time HG is playing Cupid. A guy is in love with a girl, but he's to shy. So the most logical thing to do is to get some help van HG. You will also see where the term "thrust me" comes from. Enough blabering, time to start watching:
Hard Gay: Cupid
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"Disguise, hooo!"
So Iga needs a hard gay avatar, Edge has the cammie dunaway one. Archangel needs the quagmire one. I think i may need a tom nook one.
Order Up! Wii gets a B from 1up
So who's the king of the kitchen, then? Well, Cooking Mama does have more recipes than Order Up!, but it lacks that special ingredient that keeps me coming back for more. In fact, now that I've tasted what a fleshed-out cooking-game experience can really be, it'll be hard to go back to Cooking Mama -- I'll definitely be coming back for more Order Up.
I'm also a PC guy. I game more on consoles, but I also love PC games, so having news for that platform would make coverage here complete.
Does Guilty Gear work well with the Classic controller, or is the Wii version not a good buy because of the controls? My friend recommends the PS2 version, but I don't think he's even touched a Classic controller... and neither have I, for that matter.
dvader and yodariquo aren't going to be in the same Soulcalibur game? PETITION TIEM!!!1
I am not worthy for that avatar. My avatar shall remain Pein
P.S. did you watch Death note yet? I am curious what you think of it.
The Classic Controller is basically a Snes controller, so fighting games would work more or less the same. The D-pad is superior to the one on the playstation, but "real" fighting fans like to use joysticks anyways.
The problem I have with the Classic Controller is its rounded backside which is difficult to hold on to while pressing the shoulder buttons. The SNES controller had a flat backside, and was much easier and more confortable to use, IMO.
We have PC news just not a button to shade it. A lot of multiplatform stuff is PC/360/ps3
What colour would pc news be anyway? Grey?
Correct, I tried doing PC news, but all the news on IGN PC was about multiplatform games. The PC shares a lot with PS3 and 360.
BTW GG I put Oldboy on a Netflix que, not mine so it will take a while but its coming.
Cool beans, punk said he's getting Battle Royale today. Hope you have a surround sound system at... what am I saying, I remember your blog when you got it. I love the music in oldboy.
BTW what do you guys think about the vehicles in Batman? In Schumachers films it looks like a fish or shoe. I don't like this militarised Bale batmobile. For me it's the classic Adam west one and the fairly sleek Keaton Batman mobile.
POPersia DS video. Looks like they have taken inspiration from phantom hourglass. It looks pretty good apart from the babyish pixel art. But I know some freaks that like this sort of thing.
Preview guy from ONM defends sonic and the black knight.
Sonic and the Black Knight does not need defending, everyone can see its greatness...
As for Batman vehicles, the first 89 Batmoblie is by far my favorite, it looks badass. But the tumbler works great in this realistic type batman world Nolan created.
Oh and a few pages back, Iwata = Fedor, perfect Iga, very nice.
*Puts up Leo signal* (hmm now I wonder what the symbol on the leo signal would be... an NES sprite of somekind)
Leo I need 1942 impressions. Is it worth it?
BTW GG when are we going to play Smash Bros?
My code is 2664-1764-5573. I will need yours again.
Uh, problem is we are all sort of randomly posting our codes everywhere then not following up.
Someone needs to so a smash bros hookup blog or something where we can all exchange codes and times, I can use my scheduling table to work out times we could all be online too. Stupid friend codes. Why can't it work as easily as mario kart?