Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
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robio (7m)
OMFG! Well even things that like this are bound to happen and given SE's growing trend to bringing more of their titles to the 360 as well it was still very stunning to witness this officially. Even though I will definately be picking up a PS3 sometime I'm still very pleased with this decision. Unless there are any huge differences between the two versions the 360 version will be the one I get.
Yeah I mean this becoming sort of standard for me, the MS conference experience that is. All good, solid games and content and announcements. Just a lot of that we know already or expect. And just nothing that suprises me. I expected a motion remote at the conference to be honest and now I'm almost disappointed that it's not there.
Yes expected, the PS3 is doing badly in Japan and the software sales are not hot. Plus most games announced are multi platform. Ass Creed, DMC 4, etc, where all PS3 exclusives. They need to sell as much as they can. I predict the real money will come from the DS RPGs however!
^^^Yeah. I find it funny that people complain that the Xbox 360 isn't moving any units in Japan when the same is true for the PS3. I'm not surprised that so many PS3 only titles are coming to the 360. Then again this was the PS3's ONLY big game left since MGS4 already came out.
What does the PS3 have now? SONY titles? WTF?
Anyway read my previous post people!
One of the site's forefathers.
WTH you racist bastard!
*So says the Asian* I really admire these guys that speak another language and I even appreciate them doing their best to deliver speeches in english. Iwata too. But I really think they should just let the translators do the work.
Yeah basically an N64 game on XBLA and a multiformat release are the highlights. You didn't want a 360 motion controller? Could have been either cool, or funny as hell depending.
Gamespot's down again. WTF? They've been doing E3's since forever, and they still can't get their crap together?
I speak 3
And there is nothing wrong with Iwata's english by the way.
The conference was odd cause it started off awesome, just showing off games with annoucements. Thats the way it should be, about games.
Then it went into complete insanity with their crazy annoucements about Live, Netflixs, fake Mii's, fake Home, fake singstar, fake eye toy. Terrible party games, just awful.
Then the megaton with FFXIII which saved it.
I give the conference a C-
Yeah I'm a bit bummed on the no motion controller thing as I was very interested on seeing what it would be like but I do still like my standard controllers so I'm not overly disappointed. Also given the rumours about a new MS console arriving perhaps as early as 2010 it's probably best just to hold off on it until then. Overall though it sounded like a great show with all the excellent games coming along with a couple of fantastic surprises such as Banjo on XBLA and of course FFXIII coming to the 360.
GS is such crap.
Looking at Microsoft's other attempt to get other markets it probably wouldn't have been too good.
I also laughed at when the one Guitar Hero (or Rock Band can't remember) guy announced Metallica and as he was talking he put his hands up and made the metal fist.
Yes I do apperciate Wada for having the courage to speak another language (and believe me I am not ignorant at all and respect everyone of all sex and race) but I haven't seen such bad attempt.
One of the site's forefathers.
Why the fuck were they not allowed to show the FFXIII trailer. If they hide it from the public again I will personally bomb Square.
So many news stories going up everywhere, what site do I choose for the news links??????
Any suggestions?
Oh come on. The mushroom puffy hairdo of a 10 year old + his accent = comedy gold. Or it used to, but he's getting better each year.
Ken Kutaragi used to crack me up. He had that Wada style voice, but a baby cherub face and yet delivered these evil samurai sounding put downs. Man was a legend.
Let's talk people - there is a massive personality hole that Peter Moore left behind. Where is allard and moore and bach? Where is the bravado? It's boring. I miss all the personality.
Even reggie was boring last year "My Name is reggie and I am....... happy." He should have said "My name is reggie and I have planted small explosive devices under the chairs of every seat in this auditorium. Wii rules, disagree and I blow your ass up. "
Man, this week is going to be hell for us news posters. I'm going to be sick on Wednesday, GG. You'll have to take over that day.
You can now select a news article to be categorized as None/Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony. Doing so for a company will add a green/red/blue border for that story.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIf there's an original source, use that. If it's a site reporting on the event where's there's no original source because everyone saw it, prefer either IGN or an obscure source so that the servers are less likely to go down (1up, GameSpot servers don't fare so well during E3).
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIwata sounds the same way in Japanese too. Funny yes, but still perfectly understandable. My accents is cool though is sound like myself in all 3 languages I speak
Hmm, 2010? I thought they wanted a long curve with 360?
Maybe they are saving the full screen version for the sony conference?
*reggie not my problem.gif* Ah, how sweet the scheduling is.
I'm half oriental and the way KK used to pronounce Praystation 3 used to crack me up.
I also loved how Microsoft completely ignored the Wii in their conference ("We will sell more units world-wide by the end of the generation...then the PS3").
Also Resident Evil 5 comes out March 2009? That's practically a year.
Also sorry GG if I offended you or anyone else with my Engrish haggling.
One of the site's forefathers.