Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Well its Nintedo's news stategy. They now announce a game only a month of 2 before release. I guess they are tired of the cycle hype, delay, fanboy crying, release, fanboy backlash etc. I saw a week ago a commercial of New Mario Bros. So in other words it seems that nintendo is intending to promote their game far beyond release!
Grammoton Cleric's take on Nintendo:
"That the Wii is selling well doesn't mystify me because it's a fad. It's a cheap console that many people play for an hour per week and as such the games coming to the Wii reflect this type of casual consumer demographic, which may be good for Nintendo's bottom line but sucks for those of us who want more games like Metroid Prime 3 and less crap like WiiFit and a ton of overpriced shovel ware. The fact that the Wii has taken the lead in the console market doesn't automatically make it a better system than the PS3. What matters, and should always matter, are the games.
So we all ask the question again: Where are the games, Nintendo?
Sorry, but the notion of Nintendo first party games looming behind closed doors doesn't impress me, especially when both MS and Sony are showing a number of promising titles in playable form that will be in our hands by this holiday season.
As to your assertion that third parties "will follow the sales", and so they have. They continue to shovel crappy, shallow games and weak sauce ports onto the Wii and charge a premium rate for them.
Do you sincerely believe that such practices are good for this industry?
Nintendo's E3 presentation failed because they didn't show us software. They failed because they seem to be abandoning quality and innovation in favor of weak, casual-orientated offerings. They failed because they didn't even bother to really show up for this event and apparently, expected gamers to lap up their nonsense and ask for seconds.
I own all three consoles and in my estimation, the Wii is by far the weakest in terms of software. Like the last two previous Nintendo consoles, the Wii library is a bleak, grey and boring horizon punctuated by the occasional 1st party exclusive. As it stands the Wii has no answer this year for games like Metal Gear 4 and GTAIV, while in contrast Sony's got several AAA potentials perched and waiting.
So yes, Nintendo's #1 right now. And last year, Spiderman 3 was the highest grossing film.
And neither deserves their respective top slot. "
I agree with some of what he says, but he also acts as if Wii has no good games at all coming, when it does. Its just troubling how little the real games are being talked about. I mean how can the market for real games grow if you never speak of them?
I remain baffled at how little Nintendo is promoting their in-house upcoming lineup, though.
^^ So Grammaton_Cleric says: "Nintendo does not deserve first place, because it is not making games that I like" Everything he bases of his own opinion.
GoNintendo "End of day" thoughts - The last 10 minutes of Konami's press event will forever stick in my head
I will try it again, SHIT
The latest editions of Japanese magazine Famitsu have revealed many a new detail about World Destruction, Image Epoch and SEGA’s dramatic, upcoming Nintendo DS RPG, specifically information on the title’s battle system and character skills.

The battle system is reportedly turn-based, and similar to that of Xenogears, and will use both the upper and lower screens of the DS to accommodate ground and air attacks, or indeed, huge enemies that naturally fill the space of both displays.
World Destruction’s six different party members will each have their own weapon and skill types, and there are ten different categories of normal attacks - Ground Rush 1st, Ground Rush 2nd, Ground Rush 3rd, Ground Blow 1st, Ground Blow 2nd, Ground Blow 3rd, Ground Extra, Aerial Rush, Aerial Blow and Aerial Extra.
Separate to the ordinary levelling up points gained in normal battle, custom points can also be earned, and used to improve the accuracy, power, and effectiveness of attacks and skills. As your character’s attributes develop, more are unlocked.
World Destruction, whose story revolves around a young man, Kirie, who possesses immense destructive powers even though he does not know why, and Morte, a young lady, part of a terrorist organisation bent on destroying the world, is released in Japan on September 18.
No word on a Western translation yet, however.
World Destruction movies
Anime trailer (yes they are making an anime series of it)
Conkur's Bad Fur Day, and Banjo & Kazooie say hello!
THe Dead SPace link doesn't work for me, must see now, you guys know how much I've been raving about this game ever since I saw the first trailer...Screw you bandwagoners!
And than they are blasted away by the sheer awesomeness of Perfect Dark
P.S. I fixed the link to Dead Space
You fools are crazy. I love my banjo as much as the next man but you can barely call it a platform game. A platform game has risk of death by falling off a platform. Banjo lacks that for 90% of the game(s). These is an excess of collecting but I enjoyed it and the same element in DK64.
Unfortunately when I look at banjo nuts and bolts footage I smile when I see character movement, wince when I see vehicles.
Grammaton makes some decent points in a shitty way. And some unreasonable points in a shitty way. Either way, don't bring that here Edgeboner.
More at the link
GG did you read the World Destruction stuff I posted above? Oh, and do not forget to watch the movies!
World Destruction is looking pretty cool. Dead Rising is looking not too shabby either and seems like they're fitting in a decent number of zombies on screen.
Not sure where I'd place Banjo & Kazooie on my list of platformers but man is that game ever awesome and tons of fun. I definately can't wait to get it on XBLA with some graphical touchups, achievements, and leaderboards it should be a great blast from the past.
I don't really mind the use of vehicles in this new Banjo game Nuts & Bolts. I think it will turn out to be quite fun plus I love the look of the game.
DRising looks awfully pixellated and I have no idea why all the screens are so dark. I will brighten a couple just cause.
Said the Joker.
"Now you will pay!"
Dark Knight be damned
Absolutely awsome TV show! I remember watching that a bunch as a kid.
Adam West is Batman.
Terminator salvation teaser for the new movie.