Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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robio (10m)
Why aren't more people talking about this?
I haven't played the GB version as I originaly thought it was a port. But yeah Kid Icarus has much more in common with Conker's Bad Fur Day or Dynamite Heady in terms of its pace and mechanics (I.E. Misc.).
But yeah if they probably make a sequel they will either:
A. Make it a Action-Adventure game where flying plays a significant role
B. Make a Platformer where flying plays a significant role
C. Make a true sequel where you can't fly and you do misc. things every level and the fans will complain like fuck over what they were REALLY asking for.
Also I just went to Gaf and it's pretty crazy there (could only imagine when this shit just happened).
P.S. Does Amirox have a massive rod up his ass?
One of the site's forefathers.
Dead Rising Wii is looking great!
Have you guys checked out the badass new Conduit vid? This game looks fucking great IMO. High Voltage are definitely putting some passion into it which is a breathe of fucking fresh air on the Wii as far as I'm fucking concerned.
Cool. Thanks, GG.
Mega Man 9's Box Art
You know the more I look at the screens (over the shoulder view) the more I realise just how the camera change is going to radically alter the gameplay. Dead rising had your typical dual analogue camera system, zoomed out, I remember it not even having a centering button so you were often running toward the screen and if you took your thumb away from the attack button to turn the camera you could be screwed. Its zoomed out camera made it better for melee. If the RE4 viewpoint persists like it does in those screens it's going to be just like RE4 wii edition and it has the environments and zombies there, there are a ton of zombies I can see in those pics. This could actually play quite differently on wii and if they do iron out the faults like they said i.e easier to begin with, no time restrictions on missions, it would go a long way towards releasing this games potential.
Let's just hope that they fix the weapon switching, I want to be able to assign weapons twilight princess style to the dpad or hold down the minus button and prime 3 style just point and be done with it.
Saw them this morning. The controls video is great:
This is my favourite though, the boss battle.
I'm impressed that the single player game is basically done with 9 months to go and they are going to spend all that time on layers of polish and multiplayer. So far the only hands on preview I have read is from gonintendo RMC and it was very positive.
Best Fur Shading=Conkur Live & Reloaded, though the game itself was a bit of a letdown due to censorship...Anyway, RE5 is as good as dead to me, at least for now, it just got personally blackballed.
I never got the Xbox version as I had it on N64. It was censored?
I never played either version, but I do remember reviewers saying that Microsoft censored stuff that Nintendo had allowed in the original Conker.
Huh, weird.
First PIKMIN 3 screen released!
Awesome! New Gradius game for Wiiware. Thankyou Konami. I'll definately be grabbing this game. I was really hoping more for a totally pumped up Gradius V kind of game with beefier graphics but this looks pretty cool so I'll take what I can get.
Wow, that cat almost looks photorealistic!
Oh yeah I also had Demon's Crest for the SNES and I loved that game. I'd scoop it up in a heartbeat if it ever came out for the Virtual Console and/or XBLA.
it ships with the wii graphics plus accessory.
^Now you're just making stuff up.
You can upload your DS stuff
They get the bus into the city and get the mii makeover. Oooh you can put stuff up for sale at the auction house and anyone online can go to the house and bid for it.
Yes, he is a giant troll that has actually banned people from trolling. Such irony!
Wow read this interview. Totilo asks an EA guy about the dissapointing Bloomblox sales. EA guy: "Last time I checked MTV wasn’t a financial network, but .. it met our expectations. “Boom Blox” was a competent seller in the month it was introduced and only had a week of sales without advertising."
If my knowledge of Japanese isn't failing me, the guy's shirt reads "Akiba" (followed by something else), which made me think of MGS4.
MTV Multiplayer: “Boom Blox” is a lot of people’s favorite Wii game so far. But a lot of those same people have been looking at the sales figures, seeing that only 60,000 copies were sold in the first month, and I need to know what you were expecting in terms of performance for “Boom Blox.” Are you as worried or panicked as some of these fans are about what “Boom Blox”’s success — or lack thereof — means?
John Riccitiello, CEO of Electronic Arts: First off, we had a week’s sales with no advertising. Last time I checked MTV wasn’t a financial network, but .. it met our expectations. “Boom Blox” was a competent seller in the month it was introduced and only had a week of sales without advertising. So it’s doing actually quite well. We haven’t announced a sequel, but I would tell you that I certainly am curious [about doing one]. It’s a hit title.
Multiplayer: So everything you guys were doing in terms of making “Boom Blox” — making an original game for the Wii — is still something you guys feel will work? This is not a sign to EA that “Boom Blox” wasn’t the right direction?
Riccitiello: Given that you come from a music network, I think “Boom Blox” is going to be the “Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’” for games. It’s going to last a long time. I think it’s going to be a favorite for a long time. If you haven’t picked it up there’s really nothing like it out there… frankly I’m addicted to it. My kids are into it. It’s a great title.
"I think that there’s probably one other element to it, and that’s that our view of how we use E3 has changed. For a very long time, E3 was an event where — and certainly Nintendo included — catered specifically to the core gamer. Now we look at more … an opportunity for us to introduce new concepts and new types of play that we intend to bring to the broader audience, particularly because of the media that gathers at E3 now.
So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we’re still working on many of those titles, but it’s just not the type of event where we’ll be showcasing that anymore. "