Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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SupremeAC (2m)
A game for the Butch Lesbian market!
...and I thought games for the Casuals were the sign of the Video Apocalypse!
After these horrible performance, those guys shouldn't lay their hands on any musical instrument ever again. What did the Ramones do to them?
They lost! Wow...
"For some inexplainable reason, Nintendo has decided to journey back to the GameCube era with Shake It's presentation. The title officially displays in 16:9 mode, but all of the gameplay action is boxed into a 4:3 square. The leftover left/right regions show a static background graphic and are also used to display heads-up display information. It's a really lazy approach that offers the Big N the ability to say the game supports widescreen output when it really doesn't."
Matt bashes Wario Shake because it's not "true" 16:9.
Hey, Matt most of Nintendo's fan base probably don't even own 16:9 TVs yet.
It's over!!
E3 is awesome!
Is it over? My video just quit abruptly.
Fuck E3.
Three times.
Its over, that horrible presentation of Rock Revolution ended in death, then the woman said, "thank you have have a nice E3" The end.
When will they learn that putting fake music games on stage is horrible, it always looks terrible and its hilarious but for the wrong reasons.
Hoi start reading the Wario impressions.
Raven Matt does that all the time when a game is not progressive scan and wide screen. But is he actually calling the animation bad? What the fuck is he smoking?
So what is everyone's top 10 games of E3 for each platform?
Something about Wario reminds me about Aladdin on genesis which is one of the most beautiful great sidescrollers out there.
Yeah, the animation looks fantastic to me.
Did they show 10 games for each platform?
I might be able to make a top ten of the show...
^as long as you put Madworld at #1. The trailer was funny as hell
I could do a top 69.
Emotional Flatline.
You know what Edge, I might as well, gaf is down. I know you were joking but too bad here are my lists. (from what I have seen so far)
Exclusive Sony:
Exclusive MS:
Third Party 360/PS3 (no SFIV for me yet, I need to see videos):