Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Is it sad that the best moment was a slide show presentation through a game.
Eh E3, TGS to the rescue!
Not many awesome announcements or surprises at all from anybody. Just a lot of "We're awesome" talk.
Almost nothing in terms of new games, but hell I wanted to see more on games we know like Infamous, put that on stage. Killzone 2, where is it, does it suck that bad? Either show GoW3 or dont show it at all. White Knight Story where are you? FFXIII is still coming out, nothing on that or Versus? GT5, only your biggest property...
I'm tellin' ya, if SEGA was still making consoles the Dreamcast 2 would be the ONE system that was totally focused on traditional games, and ONLY games. That would be the one that would have the power of the 360 but a mass market price, and no useless non-gaming crap getting in its way.
I miss SEGA hardware. *Goes to play Code Veronica on Dreamcast*
Me too... *hugs DC*
B4 I go, madworld screens are up at IGN
So are COD5 wii screens
Sounds like Sony put on a really solid show. Not quite as good as Microsoft because it had no big surprise like FFXIII but a pretty solid show throughout. It was definately better then Nintendo's show though.
Overall I'd say it's been a great E3 so far and I'd rate the conferences as a B+ for MS, a B for Sony, and a C- for Nintendo.
All of E3 is boring.
And Edge giving Sega 10 million dollars? You might as well throw the money into a freaking river. Sega's went down for a reason!
I hope Platinum games has demos at E3. I want to see Mad World and Bayonetta.
Lets not forget guys, the show just started. Now come the videos and previews.
I think he has having trouble with the fact that some grown up people are crying like little bitches.
Nintendo's demo lineup at E3:
Wii Music
Wii Sports Resort
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Pokemon Ranger 2
Rhythm Heaven
Mystery Case Files
Thats it, thats all they have. What suckage.
Third parties to the rescue (when did I ever think I would say that) Mad World screens, trailer:
How did you know I was crying. Bitch.
Where the fuck is Wario?
I do not remember calling specific names, but oh well.
P.S. I was not talking about you, I said grown up people
Exactly the point.
At least we get THIS!
I changed my mind, now that I think about it Nintendo's conference will be the only one remembered, so it wins.
I said 10 BILLION.
That's to make up for all the dumb shit they would no doubt do.....the cash and the awesome games/hardware would offset the stupidity.
What street corner did they pick him up on? Got any crack, essay?