Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
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robio (5m)
I just saw Kiki's Delivery Service, another awesome Miyazaki movie. Studio Gibli has really the 'feelgood' vibe. Most of these days the movies you'll see are dark and broody, it's good to watch something else for a change.
Of course I could post the link to the complete movie here so that everyone is able to watch, but I won't! Why, because I am evil, EVIL.
Gamingeek I 100% agree with you with Sven. While I think he is a great mod, well compared to TaS anyway, he does twist the path obviously since he works for Capcom.
I'm sorry but if Capcom announced something like Capcom vs. Tatsunoko (with a Western release), Breath of Fire VI, Strider Wii, Dino Crisis 4 (RE4 styled), or a new IP with similar stature then everything would be fine.
In terms of Spyborgs I'm sorry the trailer looked like shit, but this game is so early in its lifespan I don't think it's fair to judge it. With this new game they have for the Wii, just from the 1 screen alone I can tell that it isn't going to be an answer to the problem. And with Zack and Wiki, while it was a good game it still was no where in the range people claim it to be.
Basically people want an EPIC game for the Wii. Techinically there is Monster Hunter 3 but nobody cares about that but Japan. People just want a game on the Wii that is of the same calibur of Dead Rising for the 360. Being truthful here so far there isn't a game that Capcom has released that does.
One of the site's forefathers.
Capcom are looking into the Tatsunoko release for the West - though I'd love to see a BRAND NEW STRIDER GAME. I don't care if it's a new 3D game (i.e. Bionic Commando) or even a remake (BC: Rearmed), but seeing it would be nice.
"And with Zack and Wiki, while it was a good game it still was no where in the range people claim it to be."
Good to see you man. Been a loooong time. Hope you stick around. This place is a cool chill out place for friends. Thankfully so far, sans A-holes. Hope to keep it that way.
You are evil, you should be buying these. I like Kiki but the screaming young witch thing is a little young skewing. Miyazaki does tend to focus on empowering young women. I'm still waiting for feed back on Tales from Earthsea, it seems no one has seen this movie or read the books apart from me.
Sven is the director of strategic operations in the US division of Capcom.
Yeah I mean really. Okami was made by 8 people, a port by a team that probably didn't cost much if anything in terms of production. Distribution is another matter. I bought 3 out of 4 of Capcom's wii games so far, so I am a supporter and have a right to complain, but Sven, again nice guy who I like a lot and all, but he's kinda ignoring the problems and perceptions here.
Spyborgs was shown in such an early state the screens looked sub par for PS2 and it's by a start up company. When I think Capcom I think Capcom Japan, I think about their internal development studios, I think big budget, I think flashy. Spyborgs looks like it could have been a PSP project. I really hope that it comes together but that and a 2-D puzzle game from the Puzzle Quest guys for wii balanced against SFIV, RE5, Dark Void, Bionic Commando, Dead Rising and DMC4.... doesn't really show any kind of parity there.
Flock is a PS3/360 game and supposedly there is a secret capcom wii game that is more mature at E3, but NGamer say that it is an interesting "take" on a next gen favourite. That shouts spin off to me, probably an Umbrella Chronicles version of RE5 or some crapola. Again MH3 looks like it will be big and epic etc. but it is probably made by the PSP team, it is the 3rd game in a series from the PSP which wii owners probably aren't even familiar with, it wont be at E3 and we still have seen barely anything of it.
I think if capcom want to "win" over consumers who are complaining than they just have to look to early 360 games like Lost Planet and Dead Rising, big, original productions not skewed at a younger market. I guess there wouldn't be all this complaining if Wii were another GC, but it's outselling the competition combined and in the motherland of Japan I think even this week it outsold PS3 by 4:1
The wayI see it is that Production studio 4, the Mikami/Inaba/Kamiya guys would probably have been the division to be making original wii games. Then capcom treated them like crap, ported or canned most of their "Capcom 5 GC exclusives" apart from PN03. Then canned Clover after Okami.
Mikami of resident evil, Inaba of Viewtiful Joe and executive producer of the Phoenix wright games and Kamiya of Devil May cry were for me, the creative forces behind capcom. And now they are gone and the Onimusha chump is in charge making either frustrating games like Dead Rising or underwhelming action games like Lost Planet. Even RE5 is being made by the guy who ported RE4 to PS2.
Capcom can't farm out games to western developers like spyborgs and neopets and then claim that they are giving full backing to the wii as a platform.
The only promising thing I got out of Sven's post was this:
"I do strongly believe that our best Wii efforts will be built from the ground up for Wii... like Spyborgs and some other things I can't talk about."
Bwahahahahah, thanks for the suggestion, I am going to watch Tales from Earthsea now. On man once I have money I am so buying Deathnote, Elfen Lied, Outlaw Star, Last Exile, Ergo Proxy, All Miyazaki films, Grave of the Fireflies and I already have the Melancholy of Haruhu Suzumiya. A DVD I would have not know it existed if I did not watch it on the net.
So that's the rule of anime watching, if you enjoy it buy the DVD unless it is something like Naruto. I am not buying 300+ episodes.
Well if you excuse me I already found Tales of the Earthsea. I am watching it now
I posted a rather lenghty reply at the Capcom forums. I eagerly anticipate the response....
Scum! Tales of Earthsea is no Spirited Away, it's more like Nausicaa good, maybe. I read the excellent books so I was initially hugely disappointed in the film, then later came to appreciate it. Can you find trailers or reviews for those movies you mentioned?
I don't know about where you live but here in the UK HMV sell the ghibli collection movies for around £5-7 each. That's $10-14.
I saw the movie Tales of the Earthsea and I liked it, but there were some problems. Many things were left unexplained. They never expalined how the magic works and also never explained what Earthsea is. The movie is full of refence you will not get if you haven't read the books. I had to read Wikipedia afterwards to understand the Eartsea universe.
You know that after searching Wiki I know that in no way the books can be condensed in a movie. It would have been better if it was a anime serie of 50 episodes or something. That way you can explain these things. It is too much to explain in one movie.
About the movies. My list does hardly include movies. They are mostly series. Elfenlied is 13 episoded, Death note is 37 or something, Haruhi is 13 episodes. And reviews, fuck that. I saw many series and these are one of the best. That should be enough for you. Take a pick and I will tell you why they are awesome. Okay.
Official 360 pricecut announced.
Yay for fake pricecuts and clearance sales.
The magic is basically all about balance. Even in the books you basically have to read through all 4 books and they are still trying to explain to you how the magic works. It's all stems from the Imanent Grove on Roke Island, this sort of birthplace of the world where this magical forest is. Earthsea is just the name for the world as Middle Earth is the name for LOTR. It's called Earthsea because the whole world is basically a collection of islands there are no massive all encompassing continents.
One thing about the movie is that it just sort of jumps Tehanu's transformation on you and doesn't explain why, whereas I was fully aware as to the whys and hows of the situation having read the books. They would have to make 4 movies to tell each story, but the movie is based on basically one book with other references from another thrown in. If there are any people who have read LOTR, the Other Wind which is the follow up to the Earthsea trilogy is IMO as good as mythmaking and story telling as those books, but to get it you have to have read the other three tales first.
I have read Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wyne Jones, in all honesty it's a pretty crappy kids book, Miyazaki ripped off the core ideas but basically did something more grand and special than anything in the book.
I've also read The Night Watch trilogy and Battle Royale and The Ring and Dark Water, these are all availible in English and were great books before they were great movies.
I'll check youtube to see if your series are availible to look at.
GG what if I posted the first 3 episodes of Death Note here. If you like them than buy the DVD. How about it?
Nah, I don't download movies or music. If it's on youtube I would watch maybe a half hour episode just to get a gauge on it. Maybe I'll see if I can rent it from blockbuster or lovefilm. Thanks anyway.
So can you explain death note?
Downloading no I never download. And watching it on youtube. Come now, youtube is shit. Veoh and Dailymotion is a superior version of youtube without the attention seeking retards.
Episode 1
You can download veoh tv for free and see it on full screen.
The first episode explains it all. Death note was aired in Japan and now America. The only reason you are paying for it is because you are born in England.
I can. Boy finds weird notebook, he finds out that when he writes a name in it (and having seen that persons face), the person dies. Then he embarks on a killing spree, of criminals. He thinks all the time he's somehow doing it for the sake of humanity, and that his actions will take him closer to rule teh world. Then a weird young detective steps up and hunts him down. A big chunk of the series is the struggle between both of them. It's really fast-paced and filled with unexpected twists. But I dunno if that's your thing. Both characters are marvelous examples of psychopathology, though.
Or you can visit my other forum, animecrazy, all the anime is on the side of the home page in alphabetical order.
Everything you view on the Internet is downloaded. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE IT! GWAHAHA
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileRumor about next Halo game not having Master Chief in it.
Gah I hate my internets block at work. :'(
Just chiming in to tell you guys to see Hellboy 2, it kicks all sorts of ass. Thank you Guillermo Del Torro for believing in practically effects and makeup when so many other filmakers have given up on it. The world in this movie feels real, the monsters feel like they are actually there, like you can touch them. These are not cartoons pasted with humans, its actual effects and I love. There is something about actual real effects that is magical, something CG can never touch. None of the effects look like a man in a suit, its so well done. And yes there is still CG but its used only when its needed and its spectacular. I can see why Peter Jackson chose him for the Hobbit, like Jackson, Del Toro knows when to use real effects with CG effects. They understand the balance unlike a certain someone that forgot there was such things as practical effects and almost made an all CG trilogy of that galaxy far far away.
Its an all out action movie with giant monsters at any turn, but there is so much care put into these characters, Hellboy seems more human than say most of the characters in the Fantastic Four movies. The action is fantastic, holy crap can Del Torro film a fight scene, none of this quick cuts, zoomed in shaky cam crap. You get beautifully choreographed fights scenes that you can see. This movie is better than the first, the first was enjoyable but it felt like it held back, this one does not.
If you are not a fan of fantasy like action movies there is nothing here for you, it is what it is. But for the rest of you that love the fantastic, go see it.
Damn, I have to convince my wife to go watch Hellboy 2 with me. Yesterday we all went to watch Wall-E. So awesome.
Wall-E is excellent, I am shocked to see its doing not so well in the box office (well in relative terms to the other Pixar films). Now is your wife ok with a movie starring almost all monsters. This is one of those films where if the person is not into it, I dont think they will have a good time.