My signature move would be that scene from Scary Movie when the dude shoots the chick up to the ceiling with his load.
Mine would be pulling down my pants and whanging them in the other persons face, then face humping them to the ground, while yelling "Play Endless Ocean 2!"
gamingeek said:Mine would be pulling down my pants and whanging them in the other persons face, then face humping them to the ground, while yelling "Play Endless Ocean 2!"
In the sequel, you say " Watch FMA: Brotherhood" and " Toasteee!"
I'd be an improbably tall and gangly figure with a large reach and a sword. Only melee attacks, no projectiles. I'd be all about evading attacks while prancing around and taunting, waiting for an opening to attack. My attacks would do little damage, but the longer I manage to avoid taking damage, the stronger my attacks would become. My signature move would be conjuring a Monster Hunter style hammer out of thin air while screaming BRING IT ON. This would be akin to me going in berzerk, dealing high damage with slow attacks, but sacrificing defence and just absorbing damage while I try to mow everything down.
I think that that would most accurately reflect who I am and how I play games, sports, ... I'll either play it safe while trying to annoy my opponent, or I'll go all in with little regard for the consequences.
Foolz said:It's in my signature.
So you'd kick a futbol? Or turn into water and slide under the character and then button mash to fill the entire screen with water, weakening your enemy so you could apply the GOOOOOAAAAALLLLL attack to the balls?
SupremeAC said:I'd be an improbably tall and gangly figure with a large reach and a sword. Only melee attacks, no projectiles. I'd be all about evading attacks while prancing around and taunting, waiting for an opening to attack. My attacks would do little damage, but the longer I manage to avoid taking damage, the stronger my attacks would become. My signature move would be conjuring a Monster Hunter style hammer out of thin air while screaming BRING IT ON. This would be akin to me going in berzerk, dealing high damage with slow attacks, but sacrificing defence and just absorbing damage while I try to mow everything down.
I think that that would most accurately reflect who I am and how I play games, sports, ... I'll either play it safe while trying to annoy my opponent, or I'll go all in with little regard for the consequences.
So you are someone who views yourself as having a high level of patience, perserverance and determination and doesn't mind taking your time to acheive a goal. But if you see something you want, and are not sure if you can attain it, you just go for it regardless of the consequences.
Well, ou time is up for this week.
aspro said:
So you are someone who views yourself as having a high level of patience, perserverance and determination and doesn't mind taking your time to acheive a goal. But if you see something you want, and are not sure if you can attain it, you just go for it regardless of the consequences.
Well, ou time is up for this week.
I'd say it's more a case of being feeble and ineffective and things always taking more time than necessairy for me to get them done But yours is good too.
I was more referring to how I am competitively while playing games or sports. Winning or losing isn't that important, as long as I can get on the nerves of my opponent. I'm in it for the mind game
And what did we learn from your choice? You enjoy hitting things with a large rod of wood?
aspro said:So you'd kick a futbol? Or turn into water and slide under the character and then button mash to fill the entire screen with water, weakening your enemy so you could apply the GOOOOOAAAAALLLLL attack to the balls?
Uh. Sure. Sure.
SupremeAC said:I'd say it's more a case of being feeble and ineffective and things always taking more time than necessairy for me to get them done
But yours is good too.
I was more referring to how I am competitively while playing games or sports. Winning or losing isn't that important, as long as I can get on the nerves of my opponent. I'm in it for the mind game
And what did we learn from your choice? You enjoy hitting things with a large rod of wood?
Well let's see:
I'd have long sleeves.
My basic moves would be ...sliding into the legs of the opposition, as if you were sliding into base:
My low level super move would involve a long wind up before throwing the pitch ...with a good pay off). So you;d have to knock someone down... and throw it while they were still down, just about to get up.
But the SIGNATURE MOVE would involve sliding out a hidden baseball bat from out of your sleeve.
You wind up, with a manic button mashing to power up, and then, BAM, "HOME RUN" into your opponent.
But since that's been done, what I would want to do is to be a cross between Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and The Hurricane. In WWE so often characters that are supposed to be the eternal do-gooders like Cena often act like immature bullies. So instead, I'd be straight up a super-hero. Cape, mask and all, and maintain a character of do-goodery in a proper way. Run out to save random people. Don't cheat nomatter how easy. When a ref screws up, tell him and get the match restarted for the sake of honour! And of course, get beaten down a lot. Because it's not about asserting your power or taking advantage of others. It's not about being an all-powerful overlord. It's about being the best you can. Everyone loves playing the bad guy, and everyone loves watching the badass but charismatic jerk. I want a voice for the good guy.
Signature: Top-rope corkscrew splash (gotta fly!)
Finisher: Subdue the Evildoer! Standing surboard, holding both arms to disable the foe.
Debut match gimmick: A run of matches where I win by the opponent's attempts to cheat backfiring
Alternate gimmick: Have two completely different personas that both compete and never acknowledge that we're the same person. Bonus points if people genuinely don't know (different movesets and keep the costume full-body covering, including a wig for hair).
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileTé_Rojo said:Green mist into shining wizard!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
Stolen from the gameovergreggy podcast.
If you were in a fighter, or wrestling video game what would be your signature move?

I'd be a baseball player
But I'd have long sleeves.
My basic moves would be just throwing baseballs and sliding into the legs of the opposition, as if you were sliding into base:
My low level super move would involve a long wind up before throwing the pitch (making you vulnerable but with a good pay off). So you;d have to knock someone down, then wind up your pitch and throw it while they were still down, just about to get up.
But the SIGNATURE MOVE would involve sliding out a hidden baseball bat from out of your sleeve.
You wind up, with a manic button mashing to power up, and then, BAM, "HOME RUN" into your opponent.