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So Site Suggestions and Rules Version 1.0 VOTE NOW!
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Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:21:12
I'm looking at implementing a fixed signature dimensional size limit (primarily height).  I want feedback on how this should be handled.

Do you want it to be a community-based thing where we generally ignore it and let it go as long as nobody complains?

Should there be an enforced strict limit?  If so, how should this be done, there are a few ways:
1 - Anything that extends past the height limit is simply hidden
2 - Anything that extends past the height limit scrolls in a box the size of the height limit
3 - No programmable implementation and enforced by contacting the user

There are pros and cons to all.  I like 1) from an aesthetic perspective, but it makes moderation harder because it's exploitable (hide a tonne of crap underneathe the barrier to cause loading issues). I like 2) as you get to see all the content, but it's a little ugly and makes scrolling through a page annoying. 3) is more flexible and community oriented, but can get more personal and leaves gaps in time where users can be bothered.

I want to put this before everyone before going ahead with any changes.
Edited: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:22:42


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Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:29:40
I think 3 is fine, we are small enough to be personal.
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Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:32:02



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Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:35:16
I should probably catch this now as to say this isn't a poll.  Note that the suggested numeric options were if a strict limit were implemented.  If you do support one of those options, I'd like to know what size limit would be appropriate.


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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 01:09:45

Yodariquo said:
I'm looking at implementing a fixed signature dimensional size limit (primarily height).  I want feedback on how this should be handled.

Do you want it to be a community-based thing where we generally ignore it and let it go as long as nobody complains?

Should there be an enforced strict limit?  If so, how should this be done, there are a few ways:
1 - Anything that extends past the height limit is simply hidden
2 - Anything that extends past the height limit scrolls in a box the size of the height limit
3 - No programmable implementation and enforced by contacting the user

There are pros and cons to all.  I like 1) from an aesthetic perspective, but it makes moderation harder because it's exploitable (hide a tonne of crap underneathe the barrier to cause loading issues). I like 2) as you get to see all the content, but it's a little ugly and makes scrolling through a page annoying. 3) is more flexible and community oriented, but can get more personal and leaves gaps in time where users can be bothered.

I want to put this before everyone before going ahead with any changes.

For reasons you clearly already understand an enforced limit is preferable.

I would say that in the signaure upload area you specify the limits and reject anything that doesn't fit that criteria (if there is a way to do that).  For existing members, if any are out of compliance, just make a post in this thread telling them the change in policy and scale the current ones.  If it is less work, drop them a PM.

As for limits, I'd use other sites as a guide, I'm not aware of what they are off the cuff.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 04:53:50
Suggestion: What about a chat room? It would be particularly useful for event discussion (like e3 and TGS keynotes), co-ordinating podcasts, MMA events etc...

It might cannibalize ggweekly though, and I'm sure it is not technically a cinch to pull off (and may be a bandwidth hog for the server).

Second suggestion is to include a UTC clock at the top of each page, small, up in the corner.  This would be helpful in terms of communicating because you could look up and say 'I'll be back at 23:00 utc' or 'the sony conference starts at 11:00 utc) and everyone would know what you mean without the usual 'it's 13:00 here tuesday and so it's 19:00 monday in california, so that means it's 22:00 in Miami, so I'll be back on at 22:30 your time' .  

It might also help promote our international flavour.
Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 05:00:44

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 04:59:35
aspro said:
Suggestion; What about a chat room? It would be particularly useful for event discussion (like e3 and TGS keynotes), co-ordinating podcasts, MMA events etc...

It might cannibalize ggweekly though, and I'm sure it is not technically a cinch to pull off (and may be a bandwidth hog for the server).

Variations on the idea have been considered.  If I were to do it, I'd write my own so it wouldn't be as bad as off-the-shelf though site load is definitely an issue with background JavaScript calls happening all the time.  But my main concern is actually not really so much cannibilizing GG Weekly, but not having the paper trail as it were.  We want people to come by and see all the content, as well as search spiders to pick it up as well.  Not that it's out of the question, just putting the concerns out there.

That said, some of the ideas were the basic embedding, obviously, but also being able to include one in a PM, for example, for a private chat -- a sort of instant messenger, as it were.  An alternative was also a comprimise, which is background detecting new comments so you don't have to refresh the whole page.

And thinking now, perhaps a variation on that, which would allow you to go into "Chat mode".  Everything would still be visible in the forum completely normally, but also have the option of switching to a windowed mode where it automatically loads new messages.  This one I like.

The main idea does stem from the big events, though, you're right.

Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 05:00:13


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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 05:06:31
Yeah, hte seperate window is a good idea. so maybe have it work as a part of the pm system and then only roll it out as a menu option for big events (which we could promote through e-mail -- 'Join us at 23:00 UTC to chat as Nintendo holds their e3 presentation'). So, like a red or blue menu option that says 'E3 chat' that you could take down after the event.

Since the other sites don't do it I can see it as a real differentiator - and who doesn't like a free-for-all chat?

But, a lot of work there, so i'm just throwing it out there for thoughts. Oh and, I edited in a 2nd suggestion for you.
Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 05:07:19

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 12:06:32
Sigs should be about 2 inches high and just resize them with the correct ratio with a script?

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Fri, 13 Nov 2009 21:02:29
Here's a suggestion I'll throw out there.

On one of my private sites (now defunct) I provided game tips (and other RL tips) that were no where else on the web.  Yahoo answers kind of made me irrelevent, but I did get a fair bit of traffic as I only published stuff that was legitimately no where else on the web.

So if I got stuck on a section of a game and could not find a tip on the web, I'd figure it out then publish it.  Those pages got 200+ hits a month each -- since they were the only place on the web and all the key words got hit "Simpson's Game" "Problem" "How to jump to platform" "Can't jump platform with Bart" -- that sort of thing.  The Pokemon ones I had got even more traffic.

So anyway, I was wondering if we could start a new forum called "Game Tips and Strategies" (or similar) with each thread being for a game.  The main motivation being to increase traffic, but maybe it would help out our current community as well.

I beat about 2 games a month, so I'd do one for each game, we'd have to see if the rest of the community would help us out.  I'm NOT talking about full on game guides, the threads would be as simple as a usual thread, with a normal post being as short as "This is how you jump to the higher platform in the factory level with Bart.  The thing to know about Bart's double jump is that you don't hit the second jump at the highest point of his arc, you do it just as he starts to come down.  By double jumping in this manner you'll be able to hit the higher platforms."

Another benefit would be to make out forum directory look slightly more robust. Only slightly.

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Fri, 13 Nov 2009 22:32:40
aspro said:
So anyway, I was wondering if we could start a new forum called "Game Tips and Strategies" (or similar) with each thread being for a game.  The main motivation being to increase traffic, but maybe it would help out our current community as well.

As acting admin, I look at things more in terms of organization and management, and this works for me as it filters out threads that come across as spam-ish in other forums because it's not really a discussion thread, and consequently on the side, those topics get ignored in the fray because people aren't there for that.

The only issue I have is whether or not there would be enough participation, or if it would just sit relatively idly.  That said, it caters to a different market, because now you're not arguing or anything, but trying to solve a problem.

I think this is one where we need more input.  Would anyone here use this?  Do you think you'd ask questions in a Gaming Help board, and would you go there and answer?

Edited: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 22:34:42


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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 05:22:06
I've created GGWeeklyBar, a Firefox toolbar that lets you submit GG Weekly articles directly from the browser without having to be on the site (though you do have to be logged in).  It autofills the title and link when the page loads.


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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 05:48:35

Yodariquo said:
I've created GGWeeklyBar, a Firefox toolbar that lets you submit GG Weekly articles directly from the browser without having to be on the site (though you do have to be logged in).  It autofills the title and link when the page loads.

Awesome! That makes news posting a whole lot easier. Happy

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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 06:18:54
Ravenprose said:

Yodariquo said:
I've created GGWeeklyBar, a Firefox toolbar that lets you submit GG Weekly articles directly from the browser without having to be on the site (though you do have to be logged in).  It autofills the title and link when the page loads.

Awesome! That makes news posting a whole lot easier. Happy

Good to hear, because I wasn't sure if it was going to get any use LOL

Be sure to post any feedback here for improvements.


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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 06:53:21

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:
So anyway, I was wondering if we could start a new forum called "Game Tips and Strategies" (or similar) with each thread being for a game.  The main motivation being to increase traffic, but maybe it would help out our current community as well.

As acting admin, I look at things more in terms of organization and management, and this works for me as it filters out threads that come across as spam-ish in other forums because it's not really a discussion thread, and consequently on the side, those topics get ignored in the fray because people aren't there for that.

The only issue I have is whether or not there would be enough participation, or if it would just sit relatively idly.  That said, it caters to a different market, because now you're not arguing or anything, but trying to solve a problem.

I think this is one where we need more input.  Would anyone here use this?  Do you think you'd ask questions in a Gaming Help board, and would you go there and answer?

I agree. I went driving 6 hours today (for good purpose) and really wondered about if the community would support this, or if it would end up a forum ghost town with nothing but posts from me. I don't know how many of our actives visit this thread, so I'll reflect on this more and whether or not to ask this in a more public arena to see if we can get support from the heavy hitters (in terms of game completion) like Vader.

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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 07:37:52

Yodariquo said:
Ravenprose said:

Yodariquo said:
I've created GGWeeklyBar, a Firefox toolbar that lets you submit GG Weekly articles directly from the browser without having to be on the site (though you do have to be logged in).  It autofills the title and link when the page loads.

Awesome! That makes news posting a whole lot easier. Happy

Good to hear, because I wasn't sure if it was going to get any use LOL

Be sure to post any feedback here for improvements.

How do I add it. When I search for addons in firefox ggweeklybar doesn't come up.

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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 07:58:58

aspro said:

How do I add it. When I search for addons in firefox ggweeklybar doesn't come up.

I followed Yoda's link, put a check in the box saying,"Let me install this experimental add-on," and then added it to Firefox.

Edited: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 08:01:17

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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:00:15
Ravenprose said:

aspro said:

How do I add it. When I search for addons in firefox ggweeklybar doesn't come up.

I followed Yoda's link, put a check in the box saying,"Let me install this experimental add-on," and then added it to Firefox. (Nyaa couldn't resist)

Yes, you have to follow a direct link for now.  Apparently it will become searchable despite still only being in the "Sandbox" and not "Public".  The main downside to not being public is that updates are not done through the update check, but the extension is so narrow that I don't think it's really something that would be made more widely available.

Edited: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:03:30


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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 20:46:13
Thanks, I don't know how I missed that last night -- I'm not on my normal computer / O.S so I don't know.  I installed it on this one though and it looks great.  I'll try it out later today, looks like it will make posting articles much easier.

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Mon, 16 Nov 2009 03:41:36
I'm thinking of implementing something like mod points at Slashdot (an example) where you can "mod" something up as interesting/informative/funny or down as troll/flame.  Weirdly enough, the idea comes from wanting to have a WTF button LOL.

Another angle is having the option to tag posts as different things, but that may be a bit much.  Perhaps a select number of optional tags, or you can vote for one out of a list.  Just make things a little more interactive and fun than an up/down system.

Just an idea at this point, no particular plans or preference.
Edited: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 03:43:16


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