battle and system page updated
(several mini movies in battle page)
Forum > Gaming Discussion > XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
Awesome battles. Do you think it's influenced by Western RPG titles? It's probably the first JRPG I see that looks a bit like an actual third person action game withOUT watering down what an RPG is (unlike Crystal Bearers), like the Gothic and Elder Scrolls series, with the player even able to jump and battles being seamless, not just visible on the field enemies that you touch to initiate battle as in Tales of or FFXIII and others, but seamless with no transition, just go up to enemies and start fighting. Your characters can also look different, if that's not just preset options but it actually changes their appearance based on their equipment then that's pretty rare for a JRPG. Good stuff.
Edited: Fri, 21 May 2010 18:33:28
All these videos come from the Japan nintendo channel?
What will it take to get better quality, damnit. It looks okay. Would have liked to see some battles with bigger creatures.
Huh? They're from the game's site. What videos were you reffering to in your last post if not those? The last trailer showed bigger stuff and bosses.
Edited: Sat, 22 May 2010 11:59:41
Agnates said:Huh? They're from the game's site. What videos were you reffering to in your last post if not those? The last trailer showed bigger stuff and bosses.
I was wondering if the bad quality of the video was because it came from someone ripping it from the Japanese Nintendo channel which is where a lot of video has come from so far.

I want it, it's packed with systems to add depth and variety. Keeping party happy? Keeping city NPCs happy? Wtf was all that? Getting experience just via exploration? Who cares about a few rough edges.
Awesome, it even has some Majora's mask type helping town characters I hear. So was it reviewed or not?
New commercial. Weird (Japanese!). It sounds like Titanic and looks like Xenosaga? Wtf?
Edited: Mon, 31 May 2010 08:16:25
Less breasts or implied oral sex than most Japanese commercials, though.

Edited: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 03:04:06
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travo (3m)
Nice scans Agnates.
Good to see so much grass.