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XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
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Fri, 06 Mar 2015 11:45:08
Iga_Bobovic said:
gamingeek said:

Level 75

Tried using my default team of Reyn, Shulk and Sharla.

Sharla gets targeted and dies a lot.

So I tried with Shulk, Melia and Dunban, not much luck either.

Is this that boss you had trouble with and had to use the arts with the bar icon through them or something?

I tried using purge because it's a telethia but it didn't do much either.

Yes it was the boss I had trouble with. Use ether attacks. Melia, Riki and Shulk for his Monado arts will be your best bet. If your AI team is walking in the green goo, call them back. Use the force topple move with Melia (spear break and starlight kick) and then use the her ether attacks. Use wind first, then lighting, then summon copy. Then discharge everything. This will do a ton of damage. Also make level 6 electricity gems to increase the damage of the lighting attacks. Also use level 6 agility, ether defense and physical defense gems, Melia will draw a ton of aggro. Try to keep loritia toppled.

Melia sucks when the CPU is controlling her, so you have to do it yourself. If you still have trouble to sidequest to level up and get topple up and topple plus gems.

Riki also has a ton of ether atttacks like Freezinate and Burninate and some poison attacks.

Ah...I'm not the only one who had trouble here...


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Fri, 06 Mar 2015 12:20:28
gamingeek said:

This is exactly what happened to me. Really loved the game up until this point.

I think I beat Lorathia, can't even remember anymore it's been so long since I played it. Then I got kinda bored at some other bit.

You never finished it?


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Fri, 06 Mar 2015 12:27:55

Not quite, but that's not unusual for me. I tend to get the final boss in games and think "good enough" and move onto the next game.

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Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:51:01

This Lorinthia fight is pissing me off...I definitely see why so many people quit the game here. After putting so much time into it its annoying as hell to be stuck on this cunt.


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Fri, 06 Mar 2015 19:32:04
edgecrusher said:

This Lorinthia fight is pissing me off...I definitely see why so many people quit the game here. After putting so much time into it its annoying as hell to be stuck on this cunt.

Yep. Yep.

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 07:48:09
I've resorted to farming level 75 chimai selua crabs just outside of the lorinthia fight area. Kill it, save game, load save....kill it again. Seems like the fastest way to level up.


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 08:31:11
edgecrusher said:
I've resorted to farming level 75 chimai selua crabs just outside of the lorinthia fight area. Kill it, save game, load save....kill it again. Seems like the fastest way to level up.

Or you could use Melia. Lorinthia is weak against ether attacks. Melia uses ether attacks. The energy sphere enemies are also weak to ether attacks!

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:05:58
Iga_Bobovic said:

Or you could use Melia. Lorinthia is weak against ether attacks. Melia uses ether attacks. The energy sphere enemies are also weak to ether attacks!

I did try using Melia when I was lower level and got my ass kicked regardless. I got everyone up to Level 75 & am in the middle of the fight now. She has hardly any health left but dunban just died. I had to pause the game.

I'm using Melia, dunban, & riki. If I die before her I will be pissed. I hope the rest of the game isn't as annoying as her.

Edited: Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:49:36


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:48:21




Fuckin pain in the ass bitch.


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:54:50
edgecrusher said:




Fuckin pain in the ass bitch.

She is bad. The acid around the arena and your stupid suicidal team mates are worse!

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 09:57:40

There are other bosses that are annoying, but they are optional. And if you take them on, you need to learn the battle system. If you do not the annoyance factor goes down.

The game explains poorly that some enemies are weak against ether attacks. I figured the shit out after I beat that cunt. I actually level 80 before I beat her and it took a long time.

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:06:33
Iga_Bobovic said:

There are other bosses that are annoying, but they are optional. And if you take them on, you need to learn the battle system. If you do not the annoyance factor goes down.

The game explains poorly that some enemies are weak against ether attacks. I figured the shit out after I beat that cunt. I actually level 80 before I beat her and it took a long time.

The funny thing was, I turned the volume off on the game and put my headphones on listening to music while I was leveling up. So when I hit 75 I said fuck it, time to try again....kept my headphones on during the fight and kind of zoned out and forgot what I was doing. Then I looked up and realized she was almost dead, I couldn't believe it! LOL


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:32:43

Okay Edge.

some tips. Be sure to be around level 80 before you go to the point of no return. Do not worry about it, the game will clearly explain when this point comes. Second level up the Monado Shield art as much as you can. You know that move where everyone gets a bubble shield. Third listen to the awesome music and kill everything in your way.

P.S. the are more plot twist to come WinkWink

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:37:23
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay Edge.

some tips. Be sure to be around level 80 before you go to the point of no return. Do not worry about it, the game will clearly explain when this point comes. Second level up the Monado Shield art as much as you can. You know that move where everyone gets a bubble shield. Third listen to the awesome music and kill everything in your way.

P.S. the are more plot twist to come WinkWink

Cool, I think I've almost got the Monado Shield maxed out already....I used it quite a bit in the Mechon City area. How much longer is there to go? Should I be able to easily hit level 80 before that point, considering I'm at 75 now?


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:39:07

BTW hitting level 80 has been my goal anyway, just because I've read lots of people had trouble beating the game under that level.


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:44:00
edgecrusher said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay Edge.

some tips. Be sure to be around level 80 before you go to the point of no return. Do not worry about it, the game will clearly explain when this point comes. Second level up the Monado Shield art as much as you can. You know that move where everyone gets a bubble shield. Third listen to the awesome music and kill everything in your way.

P.S. the are more plot twist to come WinkWink

Cool, I think I've almost got the Monado Shield maxed out already....I used it quite a bit in the Mechon City area. How much longer is there to go? Should I be able to easily hit level 80 before that point, considering I'm at 75 now?

Not much longer, you are in the final area of the game. The song you hear is called to the final battle. You should be able to reach level 80, but just going from room to room and killing everything.

Also you get bonus points from me if you manage to beat the final boss with naked Dunban in your team!

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 12:17:35
Iga_Bobovic said:

Not much longer, you are in the final area of the game. The song you hear is called to the final battle. You should be able to reach level 80, but just going from room to room and killing everything.

Also you get bonus points from me if you manage to beat the final boss with naked Dunban in your team!

How about naked Melia instead?

Hopefully it unlocks naked pics of the voice actress.


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 12:27:07
edgecrusher said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Not much longer, you are in the final area of the game. The song you hear is called to the final battle. You should be able to reach level 80, but just going from room to room and killing everything.

Also you get bonus points from me if you manage to beat the final boss with naked Dunban in your team!

How about naked Melia instead?

Hopefully it unlocks naked pics of the voice actress.

I wish. But Dunban's agilty goes way up whe he is nude.

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 12:28:29
Iga_Bobovic said:

I wish. But Dunban's agilty goes way up whe he is nude.

Mine does as well.


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Sat, 07 Mar 2015 17:26:29
Fuckin' giant's treasure chests FTW!!


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