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The Versus thread
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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:18:18
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:


I dont understand what is going on here. Why are there plants around Superman?

Superman was too busy hanging up holly to notice Batman's suckerpunch.

Edited: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:20:47
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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:21:29
Dvader said:

I dont understand what is going on here. Why are there plants around Superman?

This was the battle I mentioned in Hush vol 1.  Poison Ivy had Superman under her thrall, and to keep readers reminded of this they had one of her vines wrapped around his neck for the issue. And since Poison Ivy was more or less mind controlling him, she of course had him try to beat up Batman. It did not work. ANd then Krypto went after Ivy.... no really, that's what happened.

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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:22:08
travo said:

Superman was too busy hanging up holly to notice Batman's suckerpunch.

Batman's punch would have broken his fist into tiny pieces whil Superman wouldn't blink. Unless those are kryptonite gloves. Or Kryptonite plants.

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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:23:17
Dvader said:
travo said:

Superman was too busy hanging up holly to notice Batman's suckerpunch.

Batman's punch would have broken his fist into tiny pieces whil Superman wouldn't blink. Unless those are kryptonite gloves. Or Kryptonite plants.

Notice how Batman's glove looks a little green?  Kryptonite ring.

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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:25:59
robio said:

Notice how Batman's glove looks a little green?  Kryptonite ring.

A little ring, superman can probably still get away, create enough distance and then attack from afar. Its all so fake. Nyaa

Edited: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:26:09
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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:37:32

Batman is a self-made hero. He started out with nothing other than the human abilities he was born with and he's used his capital and focus to create an enterprise that is so formidable that it can be even compared with Superman.

Superman did nothing but be born. He's aristocracy.  He's only special on Earth because of a quirk of the galaxy.  He did nothing to acheive his greatness.

Who would win in a fight? Probably Superman because he's a lummox dumb enough to violate a code of practice and Batman has ethics.


BTTF over Anything John Williams has done.  The Indy theme is iconic, and I've got the cassette currently in my walkman, but it's so repetitive and dull.  BTTF has magic, it's got varying pace, it's evocative of the movement of the DeLorean or a Hoverboard.  Indy's theme by comparison just plods along, repeating itself, until it takes a time-out in the middle and then goes back to mindlessly droning on.  John Williams is SO overated.

Incidentally, in Deadly Premonition, the lead protagonist has these kinds of conversations with himself all the time while you play.

Edited: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:46:48

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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:40:00
gamingeek said:

Indy wins.

I do not know who Goku is.

Now, 80s Russia vs 80s America in a war, who wins?

This happened, it was the Cold War. No one won, it was just a bullshit PR exercise for the defense industry in the US and Communist Party in the Soviet Union.

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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:42:50
Dvader said:

I dont understand what is going on here. Why are there plants around Superman?

I read that story arc and it's because Poison Ivy is mind controlling him.


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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:44:35

Superman vs Batman is a tough choice. At one hand, Superman will overpower him, obviously. And can fly. On the other hand, Batman can outsmart him.

It's a tie all because of Batman's wisdom.

But at the end, all Superman has to do is punch him once into space and it's over.


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Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:47:00

How about...



Hulk (Since Hulk gets stronger whenever he's angry and getting hurt. And has healing power.)

Superman can't stop him, but he can contain him.


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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 03:41:51
aspro said:

          This happened, it was the Cold War. No one won, it was just a bullshit PR exercise for the defense industry in the US and Communist Party in the Soviet Union.

I think what you mean is everybody won.

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 04:17:56

Well, yes and no. Since there was no real threat of war, the world kind of suffered from artificial separations, and it also gave the arms traders a few decades to establish a stronghold on the GDP's of both countries.

I guess we got the space race out of it, if you think that's worthwhile.  Tang, Velco, pens that can write upside down, that kind of thing.

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:28:50
ASK_Story said:

How about...



Hulk (Since Hulk gets stronger whenever he's angry and getting hurt. And has healing power.)

Superman can't stop him, but he can contain him.

Grab him and throw him into space. Done.

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:30:09
aspro said:

BTTF over Anything John Williams has done.  The Indy theme is iconic, and I've got the cassette currently in my walkman, but it's so repetitive and dull.  BTTF has magic, it's got varying pace, it's evocative of the movement of the DeLorean or a Hoverboard.  Indy's theme by comparison just plods along, repeating itself, until it takes a time-out in the middle and then goes back to mindlessly droning on.  John Williams is SO overated.

Incidentally, in Deadly Premonition, the lead protagonist has these kinds of conversations with himself all the time while you play.

I agree about BTTF and Indy but not about Williams, he is one of the greats and nearly every theme he does is iconic. And BTTF is not as good as Star Wars.

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:34:11

You are probably right about Star Wars, I'd have to go listen to it, whenever I think of it it I just hear the Bill Murray SNL version.

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:39:55

Today was the first time in 18 years that Brett Favre did not play football. A legendary player, a legendary streak ends today. So I give you this one.

Greatest Iron Man Streak

Cal Ripken Jr.

2632 consecutive games started. 16 years straight.


Brett Favre

297 consecutive games, 321 including the playoffs. 18 years straight.

I choose Favre, I think its the most impressive iron man streak in all of sports. No sport is tougher than football and the QB position is one of the most vulnerable in the game. Every single week someone is trying to kill you. He played hurt is entire career, every single part of his body has probably been on the injury list. To play 18 years straight like that is unheard of. What Cal did was probably more mental than anything, its a whole lot of games, but you just stand out there for most of the games. Favre wins hands down.

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:02:21

As much as I like, admire, and respect Cal Ripken Jr., I have to go with Favre on this one. For Favre to play that many games consecutively (don't forget the playoff games), is not human!

I think Peyton Manning has the best chance of breaking that streak, but I don't think he will.

Edited: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:06:24


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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:14:59

Favre is Favre, for all his prima donna garbage he is who he is, whereas I've heard Ripken was a total prick to his team mates and demaded special treatment (separate hotel, car instead of shuttle etc...) but comes off in the media like he's Captain America. Then there was the day he couldn't play during his streak and there was a power outage isolated to the Orioles stadium, which caused the cancellation of the game hrrmmmm.

So I go with Favre even though NFL < MLB.

Edited: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:17:01

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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:21:14
aspro said:

Favre is Favre, for all his prima donna garbage he is who he is, whereas I've heard Ripken was a total prick to his team mates and demaded special treatment (separate hotel, car instead of shuttle etc...) but comes off in the media like he's Captain America. Then there was the day he couldn't play during his streak and there was a power outage isolated to the Orioles stadium, which caused the cancellation of the game hrrmmmm.

So I go with Favre even though NFL < MLB.

Wow. I didn't hear that stuff about Cal Ripken Jr.


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Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:27:44

Yeah, if you google "Ripken team bus" you'll see a lot of posts much like the one I just wrote (and most of them are favre V Ripken threads LOL

This guy on the internet makes a good case against Ripken (and you know if it's posted in an internet forum it has to be true!)

I know no one is allowed to bad mouth the hallowed saint of baseball, but here's some food for thought:

Before he "broke" Lou Gehrig's streak, there were several documented instances where his manager wanted him to sit out a game, but Cal refused, putting his record over that of the good of the team.

Statistics show that the year he broke the record, he was batting well below .300 and it was clear that there were other players that were better suited for the shortstop position, but it was more important for Cal to get his record than for the Orioles to win games.

No, obviously at that point you can't ask the guy to give up his streak, but it just goes to prove what a phony baloney record this really is.

The only reason Gehrig had to end his streak is because he became terminally ill, but if it were not for that, it could have been possible that Cal would never even come close, because let's face facts, Cal Ripken really is ½ the player Lou Gehrig was.

But Gehrig got cheated out of his legacy by a selfish ball player who manufactured this phony record by milking an above average but unspectacular career over 2 decades.

When you look at what Lou Gehrig accomplished during his Iron Man run as opposed to what Cal Ripken accomplished during his, Cal couldn't hold Lou's jock. Ripken is one of the most overrated baseball players of all time.

Yeah he hit over 400 home runs, but when you see that he has had only ONE- count 'em ONE 30 HR season, you can see that he stretched mediocrity over a long long time. Take any ball player who hits 25 home runs a year, and keep in him in the lineup for 20 years, hell he will hit 500! Take a guy who gets 150 hits a year in 700 at bats, well if he sticks around for 20 seasons, he will join the 3000 hit club. Meaningless.

In addition, Ripken has had just four 100+ rbi seasons. That's good, but again, that means in all the seasons he played every game, excluding the 2 strike seasons, if my math is correct, he's had 11 seasons with less than 100 RBIs, and that isn't making a very big contribution.

And don’t give me the “most home runs by a shortstop” crap. That’s like holding the record for most goals by a goaltender in hockey. Shortstops traditionally are weak at the plate.

In addition, he's batted over .300 only four full seasons for a good but certainly not Hall-of-fame lifetime .277 batting average.

And while he was a very good player in the 1980s, he didn’t bat over .300 from 1985-1990, and from 1995 until he sat, didn't bat over .300. If it were any other player who hit those numbers, they would sit once in a while, but no not Cal.

As a matter of fact, Ripken batted .257, belted 30 or less HRs and earned less than 100 rbis in 1987, 1990, 1992 and 1993, but you know, there was that streak that had to be kept alive even if Cal kinda sucked.

On the other hand you have Lou Gehrig, who didn't get to fly from game to game, and who didn't have the benefit of advanced training and nutritional methods in the 1930s, who played over 2100 consecutive games- WITHOUT the benefit of 2 strike shortened seasons may I add!

During those years, Gehrig hit over .300 12 TIMES, and averaged .340 over his career back in the days when the game wasn't diluted with too many teams with bad pitching like it is today. In addition, he belted 493 home runs.

Gehrig's stats are so head and shoulder above Cal's its almost a crime for Ripken to have stolen this record from such a great ballplayer like he did. The Real Iron Man batted over .300 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS; hit over 30 home runs 9 STRAIGHT times, including 5 40+ home run seasons! And not only did Lou belt in 100+ rbis 9 straight times, he also had SEVEN 150+ rbi seasons. Yes, Lou Gehrig almost had twice as many 150 rbi years than Ripken had 100. It's such a joke.

All this came crashing down in 1938, when Lou's skills deteriorated due to his yet undiagnosed illness. Then, in that year he ONLY batted .295, hit 29 round trippers, and had 114 rbis. In other words, a dream season for Cal the Fraud was sub-par for a terminally ill Lou Gehrig.

And of course, rather than bowing out gracefully before the beginning of the season when it was clear that he was shot, Cal decided that he was going to announce his retirement before the season gets cranking, so he could have his "farewell tour". If your that banged up, why not just retire now and open up a roster slot? Don't worry, Cal you'll get your ceremony.

To make things worse, he gets elected to the All-Star team, which proves that’s a joke since he's hitting a minor league level .229. You know Cal, some hard working minor leaguer might want that spot on the Orioles to pay their bills, and maybe some other AL player might not mind getting that All-Star selection on their resume, you selfish prick.

Cal Ripken is a guy who got to play all those games in the 80s because his dad was a manager, and then strong-armed Baltimore management into letting him play even when there were instances where he was hurting his team.

Oh, he's special because he played all those seasons with one team? Well, if he's so damn special how come they only won one World Series, and did you ever think that the reason he stayed in Baltimore is because he knew that it was the only team in the Major Leagues that was too scared of their fans to make him sit out a game?

To make things worse, I’m sick and tired of all this talk about his “wholesome” image. Please. The guy usually travels alone, and let’s not forget that baseball card stunt. And I admit I have no proof of this, but I've heard on the radio from at least one credible journalist that he’s a lot different guy when the camera is off. Probably no proof since of course since, God forbid you say anything bad about Cal.

Baseball is so desperate for heroes they have to turn to creatine chugging muscleheads and low batting order egomaniacs for idols.

Cal Ripken is a self-serving fraud.

Edited: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:29:55

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