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The thread of free MH3U goodness
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Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:54:40
bugsonglass said:

Don't have it on disk.  This was the free download I got by registering MK8

The first thing you do is turn the game off, then remove the Wii U HDD and send it to Aspro to be shotgunned

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Fri, 27 Jun 2014 14:16:31

So after 3.5 hours I finally got to hunt some big game.  And I must say, I'm much much better at this then I was when I first played Tri.  I got mauled by my first Great Jaggi over and over again in Tri, now I slaughtered him like I'd swat a fly.

Still playing with hunthing horns.  Fighting with them is very similar in style an rhytm to fighting with hammers.  They're also heavy hitters, dealing a lot of damage.  Not as powerfull as hammers, but they do allow you to conjure temporary perks out of thin air.

Bugs, be sure to ditch the sword and shield combo you start out with as soon as possible.  I used that at the start of Tri and for the love of god, I couldn't slay a thing.  Reach is way too short and they don't do enough damage.  Pick one of the bigger weapon classes and learn to dodge (or block, if you chose the greatsword).  Also, if we're aiming for co-op play, you might consider a 'cutting' class weapon as I favor blunts.  We'd complement eachother and be able to get the most loot out of our kills.  It's not all too important, but just saying.

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Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:24:18

2nd big game mission has you catching a bear like creature.  It's just not the same as fighting dinosaur like creatures.  Sad  Dinosaurs are the coolest.

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Tue, 01 Jul 2014 13:00:54

I felt bad when I hunted the bear. He was cute and cuddly. He didn't deserve to die.

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Tue, 01 Jul 2014 13:40:42

I killed him the first time since I wasted all my tranqs.  I think he looks stupid.

I'm also contemplating if I should try the bow.  What weapons did you try out/use?

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Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:17:29
The bow was my main. Its a low damage weapon, so it can be tough to solo with but if the poison ability is available that will help the trade-off. You may not get the big mid-battle monster drops like tails when using it though.

I also used the medium firearms which allowed me to fight close to the same way, but there was more power. Bullets don't always have straight trajectories though so I'm not a huge fan.

And when I had to get close up I go with dual blades every time. Good speed, decent power, but just bring lots of whet stones as they lose sharpness quickly.
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Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:26:35

Well, I tried the bow yesterday.  While it's impressive to see how using a different weapon changes the game, I didn't like the controls much.  The actual aiming isn't fluid and leaves you very vulnerable.  It also takes ages to take anything down, as you have to keep a distance to the target.  I find that with a hammer or hunting horn, if I'm right next to a monster, I can easily find a safe spot and land some combo's.  With a bow however, it's much too easy for the monster to just turn to face me and then charge me.  So I land less blows per attack and do less damage with each hit.

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Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:10:15
SupremeAC said:

  So I land less blows per attack and do less damage with each hit.

That's the issue a lot of people tend to have, and that's a fair point. It's why I always made sure I had a strong melee weapon in my arsenal at all times. A few things fix that though. Later versions of the bows will fire off up to 5 arrows at once, and a fully charged bow attack is strong when all of them hit. One ability will let you actually swing an arrow like a sword, which also allows you to do strong damage up close (leaves you too vulnerable for my liking). I found that the bow was best against the really huge monsters that didn't take require a lot of skill to aim. Roll to the side of a giant, and just unleash a volley of arrows, and they will get hit each time. Also, it completely changes the game against flying monsters. That requires a little more skill to understand the control, but once you do, it's much easier to fight them. You're not just waiting around for them to swoop.

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Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:47:58

I think I'll experiment some more with them when I get further in the game and can craft me a better bow...  Or I might not.  It was interesting, and I can see it being a fun weapon to master.  I just don't know if I could stomach the learning curve when I could just be bludgeoning huge monsters with huge hammers.

Come to think of if, I hardly ever saw gunners in Tri either.  And when I did they weren't very helpfull because of their relative low stats.  I know Dkittels always uses artillary and played the whole game that way, but hey, I never played with him.  Nyaa

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Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:58:51

I saw a fair number of bow users in 3U, but I can't think of too many gunners other than myself. And even I hated the guns.

I really hope this game goes on sale again soon...

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Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:25:02

Excited to see a thread about MH3U! Hubby and I hunt together, sometimes with a couple of our friends. He used to play on the wii u but found a way to get his saved account and play it on his 3ds instead. Have you started doing the capture quests? I swear I hated those huge mosquito-like creatures (sounds like bhanahabra, bnabahra) and those thieving cats. I was about to finally finish the capture quest on rathalos. He was already weak and limping and went to the area where he lays to rest and snooze. So i followed. I was very careful on my attacks already since i might accidentally off him. Earlier, i trapped him to weaken him. Then another attempt at trapping him failed, so that left me to combine my last trapping tools. Lo and behold, the cat stole it from me. Tried to follow and it sneakily went near to rathalos. Suffice to say, I accidentally hit rathalos with my dual swords, killed him, and failed my mission. Felt really stupid afterwards. Currently on a mission to get the brachydios to drop that gem so i could upgrade my weapon. I've been farming for that one for a loooooong time already.

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Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:58:49

Hello and welcome.  Thanks for reviving this tread for me  Nyaa

I'm still early days in the game.  I haven't played much since I lack a co-op partner  *cough*Bugs*cough* >_>  .  I played a lot of Tri on Wii though, and I never minded capture missions much.  I remember getting stuck on Rathalos for a long time though.  In the end I got so fed up with being blown away I crafted the ultimate wind resistance gear and looked much the fool in the process, as nothing of my armor matched.

What weapons do you use?  I used to be all hammer, but now I'm playing with hunting horns, as they're basically hammers with added perks.

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Fri, 29 Aug 2014 12:53:55

Just a reminder to anyone who was on the fence, Capcom has it for sale for $16 on the eShop this week!!!! It's practically a requirement now.

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Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:09:17
robio said:

Just a reminder to anyone who was on the fence, Capcom has it for sale for $16 on the eShop this week!!!! It's practically a requirement now.

of course, those of use that already own it but haven't played it could, you know, actually start playing it.  You know who you are Hrm

Edited: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:09:53
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Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:11:54

And now that this thread is active again (more or less), I wanted to add that I recently faced my first defeat in the game while trying to kill my first Duramburos.  The thing didn't best me, it just wouldn't die fast enough and I ran out of time.  Killed it on my second try though.

I should also start playing online, but there's little incentive to do so all on my own  Sad.

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