Listening now.
- Did they keep the souped up framerate for the Hobbit?
- Background downloads are great.
- Vader when someone is online it shows up when you hit the home button at the top of the screen. Then you go into Miiverse to message them.
- Your friends list shows up on the message screen, you just click to message a friend.
- The remote feature needs work, it needs colour buttons and play, fast forward etc for DVRs.
- On the resistive touch screen there is a video on the internet where a scientist compares them. Resistive is better in some ways, more accurate, especially for drawing. I don't always want my chubby fingers on a little touch screen. But it seems to be very responsive anyway IMO.
- Less than 3 hours battery life? Are you crazy?
- I use Miiverse a lot. Wish my friends would use it more.
- OMG troll boards in Miiverse? I have to check this out.
- The net browser is fantastic. FANtastic.
- It's not opera anymore. search the updates there is an article up.
- I'm suprised you like NLand so much. I would give it a 7.5 - I can see its value if you have friends over and play the single player too. As a single player experience though it's pretty lacking. Still decent though.
- Yeah Yoda, when you see the stuff on Nintendland on video you are like wuuuuuuuut? When you play it you almost instantly get it.
- I dislike the metroid game.
- Ninjas are Japanese Vader.
- Online play with voice chat would be super awesome.
- ZombiU, I like it a lot. Once I learned that you can stash goods in the safehouse it relieved a lot of the tension. I dont get caught out by rat radar blips as I scan a lot..
- Halo 4, just as good as any Halo before. Because they are all the SAME!
- COD, meh. FPS devolved for cavemen. Like Vaders nephew
- Have to stop at 1 hr 10 mins. Will return. Thanks Yoda, vader, aspro for this.
Liked the Halo 4 and VGA talk too.
Knowing about films through television isn’t much better than knowing about films through nothing.
Didn’t he film it in 48, not 45?
Lucrative Nintendo porn, but only after 11.
Vader: you were right the first time about Robio.
You beat The University of Waterloo? Pretty sure that shouldn’t be too hard.
“I’m running low on ammo, I better kill myself!”
“Did I give Modern Warfare 2 a 9.3? Okay, that was a mistake.” Well played, Yoda.
“Because the guy yelling nigger, nigger, is like the best team player ever.”
They need to time their nigger spam with their ping spam and make it like this.
Vader: talk about Vita, Wii U, but most excitement for defending Castlevania’s drawing mechanic.
Wii U 425k. I don't believe it because Pachter.
Vader, you said technology so much this podcast, and every time it sounded like this.
Metal Gear Solid V...ita!
Wii Sports influence went far beyond Nintendo and its own genre. I don't see Call of Duty influecing games that aren't shooters. Okay, maybe it's influenced games such as Ass Creed in their online where they didn't really have a starting point within thier own genre, but in general its mainly influenced only shooters. Good pick, but I think Wii Sports just beats it. The influence of both are absolutely horrible, so we're basically picking out which is the worse game.
Anyway so good to have the 'cast back! Great job guys.
Keeping with tradition I feel like I should comment since I'm on the next one. I love you all <3
Derek "Yodariquo" and David "Dvader" return to host the 135th episode of The Pressroom.
Vader gives his hands-on impressions of Wii U and Vita as well as Nintendoland, Zombi U, Halo 4, Black Ops 2, Playstation All-Star Battle Royale and Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Yoda gives us some Dota 2 and Starcraft II updates before breaking down the week's news.
November NPD
2012 Spike Video Game Awards
Streetfighter X Mega Man
Crytek Cries About Next Gen Costs
The Last of Us Release Details
Germans Holding Back Nintendo in Europe
Community Focus
2:04:00 Borderlands 2 Blowout!!! (for Leo)
Intro Music by Nestrogen