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The Press Room Episode #113
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Mon, 14 May 2012 02:00:33

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Tom (Foolz) Towers and Shane (Aspro) return to host the 113th episode of The Pressroom. Games covered this week include Awesomenauts (PS3), Binary Domain (PS3), Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (PS3), Runescape (PC), Ragnarok Online (PC) and GTA 3: Vice City (XB).  Also included is the most convoluted, rambling review of Saints Row: The Third (PS3) EVER recorded.

Steam Voucher at Retail?
April 2012 NPD
Subsidized $99 360 Bundle Real
Projekt CD Working on New RPG
SEGA to Focus on Digital/ Mobile
Minecraft 360
Pachter's Hood-a-Phobia

Community Focus
Vader Hates Witcher 2

Running Time: 1:56:42
File Size: ~53.4 MB

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Intro Music by Nestrogen
News Intro by sci
Outro Music by Spamtron

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Mon, 14 May 2012 02:07:54

Some notes:

The launch price of the Wii in the US was $249.

Images from the podcast:

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:03:27

Doom podcast needs to happen.

The VG Press

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:23:10

"Series veteran Tim Timmins"...

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:24:15

When did this happen? I wanted to do a podcast now. Sad

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:30:10
Dvader said:

When did this happen? I wanted to do a podcast now. Sad

Yesterday at around this time. Oh well, hopefully next week then!

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:30:39


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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:39:51

Oooh that reminds me I have a headset now.  So one of these days I want to try again, and see if I can set an ever lower record for least downloaded show.

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:51:15

I dont hate Witcher 2. LOL

What kind of topic is that.

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Mon, 14 May 2012 17:43:21

Aspro podcasts with little boys and makes a joke about "69"... That's pretty much what to take away from the first few minutes of the show.

So is it fair to say Binary Domain takes the premise of Blade Runner (the director's cut), and applies it in a more violent and hardcore way?

Good review on Awesomenauts. I debated picking that one up since it is free on Plus. Seems like it might be dull for people who don't know what they're doing ( i.e. me). I may have to pass.

And nice editing job to keep Foolz out of a civil suit. Though really a lawsuit would be some great PR for the site.

Good observations on MMO's by Fool too. At least for the first 30 minutes he started talking about them. Makes me miss EverQuest.

Great job on the podcast guys. Really good one.

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Mon, 14 May 2012 23:23:39
Dvader said:

I dont hate Witcher 2. LOL

What kind of topic is that.

Ask Foolz, I just read the scripts.

robio said:

Oooh that reminds me I have a headset now.  So one of these days I want to try again, and see if I can set an ever lower record for least downloaded show.

Dvader said:

When did this happen? I wanted to do a podcast now. Sad

I can see a love connection.

robio said:


So is it fair to say Binary Domain takes the premise of Blade Runner (the director's cut), and applies it in a more violent and hardcore way?


Great job on the podcast guys. Really good one.

Thanks Robio. I have not seen Blade Runner (dodges thrown remotes and shoes), but the robot destruction and AI in the game is one of the best parts. The way they keep clawing at you in different ways depending on where they have been shot is so satisfying.

When I was editing I noted that 3 minutes into my 18 minute review of Saints Row: The Third I say, " cut to the chase". It was not intentional, but I think in the future I'll do convoluted reviews for select games. I don't think I actually got to the game until I was 13-14 minutes into my Klosterman-like rabbit hole dive.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 02:40:59


Adam Sessler, G4 TV.

For the record I said he sucked someone off in a back alley to get his first job in TV.  Do your worst Mr. Sessler, I'm sure you need money after parting ways with G4.

Blade Runner is definitely an influence, but it's more of a hodge podge of different sci fi takes on the theme, and is probably more influenced by Japanese musings on the idea.

It's certainly far better than Blade Runner, though. WinkWink

Edited: Tue, 15 May 2012 02:41:36

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Tue, 15 May 2012 02:49:36

Almost finished Binary Domain.

Two things I forgot to say:

- SHEILD BASHING is in Binary Domain. Amazing. My favorite thing in all of gaming.

- Too many fucking bosses in this game. TOO many.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 12:33:52

Just about anything is better than Blade Runner. . . seriously, it has got to be the worst "highly respected and influential" film i have ever seen.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 12:36:06
robio said:

Just about anything is better than Blade Runner. . . seriously, it has got to be the worst "highly respected and influential" film i have ever seen.

Perhaps not the worst, but it's certainly up there with the worst.

On Awesomenauts: I think it's actually worth giving a go anyway. As you can probably tell by me not even remembering the name of the genre it's the first MOBA game I've played too. It's pretty easy to get into, and the match making usually puts you against equally matched players so you shouldn't be getting pwned too badly early on.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 12:42:31

Oh one last thing to comment on. Binary Domain still seems to be at its full retsil price. Needless to say last night when I went shopping I left disappointed.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 12:51:53
robio said:

Oh one last thing to comment on. Binary Domain still seems to be at its full retsil price. Needless to say last night when I went shopping I left disappointed.

That's weird. Jamie picked it up for something like $20-$40 at retail soon after it launched if I remember correctly.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 14:06:50

^Yeah I imported it from the UK and it was $15 for the game and $5 for shipping. :  Hrrmmmmm.

(AUD is roughly the same as USD, a little higher in value).

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Tue, 15 May 2012 14:09:30
Hmmmmm I'll have the look harder. The two retailers I went to, GS and Target still had it for the full $60.
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