The Press Room Episode #108
Yay, I should give it a listen sometime tonight when playing Xenoblade.
I look forward to the impressions of Final Fantasy VII. I've heard good things about that little sleeper.
robio said:I look forward to the impressions of Final Fantasy VII. I've heard good things about that little sleeper.

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Tom (Foolz) Towers and Shane (Aspro) are back to host the 108th episode of The Pressroom. Hands-on impressions of Sakura Wars: So Long My Love, Odium, Freedom Force, Final Fantasy 7, The Thing, Final Fantasy 9, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Septerra Core, Yakuza: Dead Souls, Rayman, Urban Chaos: Riot Response and Crash Bandicoot. We also come up with an alternate numbering system for 1 through 8.
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Running Time: 1:34:15
File Size: ~37.7 MB
Intro Music by Nestrogen
News Intro by sci
Outro Music by Spamtron