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The Official Playstation 4 thread of GREATNESS IS HERE.
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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 17:07:28

Will do.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:03:43

I am broadcasting live

You can say mean things to me while I play. Nyaa

Edited: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:04:22
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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:21:51

Foolz I made the perfect video for you. Shows everything from starting up the game, all multiplayer menus and a full match (well one started halfway). Dont laugh at my first death...

Here is another video showing spawn points in action.

i watched a bit of myself, I'm so bad at shooting.

Edited: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:34:48
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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:47:53

So? What did you think of Warframe? Did you actually buy that Electric-Staff thingee...?

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:48:33

Had a fun with Leo in Warframe, one of the F2P games on PS4. Its really good, it has all the issues all F2P games have which is that its a time sink if you want all the cool stuff but it plays well and it has that loot game feel. I just think you progress too slow so I may get bored before I get too into it.

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:49:29
phantom_leo said:

So? What did you think of Warframe? Did you actually buy that Electric-Staff thingee...?

I like it a lot. Yeah I bough the staff, it has a stun when you jump attack which I clearly love. Nyaa

So we both chose Loki huh. Decoy is cool. Invisibility is pointless.

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:49:46

Never mind. Just remembered. Plus Members get a free Upgrade Pack, don't they? I forgot to Download that.  Hrm

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:55:10
phantom_leo said:

Never mind. Just remembered. Plus Members get a free Upgrade Pack, don't they? I forgot to Download that.  Hrm

I have no clue. I didnt do anything with a download. I have no clue what is going on in those menus, half the time I accidently buy crap.

Edited: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:55:28
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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:56:41

Great multiplayer videos, thanks for that man! That short video was a bit of a massacre, though. Nyaa Nicely played as the sniper in the other video. That's not gonna work so well when people start to get better, though. Unless the reticule turning red is gone? You were running directly towards people and they didn't notice you...

Movement and damage looks much closer to 2 than 3, but the maps look a lot like 3. The one in the short video seems to just be a larger version of Kaznan Jungle. It's funny watching a Killzone match full of people who aren't used to the maps. The best thing to do then is to just run through the good lines because even if people see you coming they're distracted by finding their way around and are always easy pickings.

The only thing that really bothers me is the change to the heavy machine gun. That was the most fun weapon to use when experienced because it required the greatest skill in terms of recoil. If you wanted to use it as a long range weapon, then you had to be very good at feathering R1, and except at the closest range you couldn't just hold down fire. It looks like the easiest weapon with the least recoil in those videos.

So good to see the consistent frame rate. Is there a way to see how many times you died, not just k/d ratio? I couldn't find a death count post-match. And I also didn't see a way to tell how many people were in game...I don't think the controller and numbers was it? I think some of those went over 24.

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:00:39

^ Glad you enjoyed them, reading you pick them apart is fantastic, like a KZ professor.

I can never see how many times I died, wtf is that. I looked all over and in the end stat screen I cant find deaths. In your main stat screen you can see overall deaths. You can see who is in the game buy pressing the touch pad, in the end screen I needed to tab to the next window to see all indiviual points.

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:03:02

Wow, that's weird as about the deaths. Uneasy

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 09:13:29

The controller battery life sucks.

So I tried Blacksite the other F2P game, its a very twitchy shooter, feels like counter strike. Upgrades are behind a pay wall which you can use real money to get quickly. Looked very basic. The gameplay seemed solid enough but there is nothing interesting to make it stand out.

Warframe though, that's pretty sweet.

Contrast is... I dont know what it is yet. Its not that good, that I know.

KZ multiplayer is fantastic. I love the paranoia game type, all snipers and invisible cloaks. Oh and I did an all pistol match, no melee, surprisingly awesome. The custom modes maybe better than the warzones.

Foolz new video for you, of the pistol only match.  Check out this awesome map, it has a rotating wall thing that makes such tense moments cause when it opens all hell breaks loose.

Edited: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 09:13:58
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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 11:10:27

Nice. Lol, the ISA have a less evil laser on their pistol. The pistol looks a lot more powerful...and it looked like they've carried over the cover mechanic from single player to multi?

Edited: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 11:10:54

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:48:49
Foolz said:

Nice. Lol, the ISA have a less evil laser on their pistol. The pistol looks a lot more powerful...and it looked like they've carried over the cover mechanic from single player to multi?

Yeah cover is there, I didnt know until I saw I needed a certain amount of cover kills to unlock something.

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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:02:19
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

Nice. Lol, the ISA have a less evil laser on their pistol. The pistol looks a lot more powerful...and it looked like they've carried over the cover mechanic from single player to multi?

Yeah cover is there, I didnt know until I saw I needed a certain amount of cover kills to unlock something.

Does it ever get in the way, like sticking you to a wall when you don't want to be stuck there? Playing through the campaign of 2 after so many hours of multiplayer I found the cover mechanic incredibly annoying and to be a hindrance instead of a help. If you have to press a button to stick to cover instead of it being automatic then there won't be a problem.

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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:15:10
Foolz said:

Does it ever get in the way, like sticking you to a wall when you don't want to be stuck there? Playing through the campaign of 2 after so many hours of multiplayer I found the cover mechanic incredibly annoying and to be a hindrance instead of a help. If you have to press a button to stick to cover instead of it being automatic then there won't be a problem.

I find that you really need to be in front of a wall and croutched and then aim to get into cover. You have to work hard to get into cover.

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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:50:47

I got Battlefield 4 in the mail today and played some of the campaign (since online is broken to hell right now), WOW the graphics are crazy!!!! Is this what you PC people have been enjoying for years now? Its crazy how smooth everything runs. I have learned that the PS4s graphics isn't so much about incredible realistic models and stuff its about how perfect the games run, about how smooth the picture looks. It's like the jump from DVD to Blu-ray.


BTW the game seems good. I HATED BF3, worst campaign ever. This game changes things up right away. You have squad commands. Levels with giant areas to do battle as you choose with enemies scattered throughout. Its not an endless stream of spawning enemies, its not a whack a mole kind of shooter anymore. I already had a vehicle to drive in the first level, some were totally optional. There was a tank boss fight where you had to plant mines all over the street, wasnt executed that well but it was still more interesting than anything n BF3. Oh and they went full arcade mode, scoring is now a standard part of the game, so the better you play the more points you get.

Its a massive upgrade in the campaign quality.


Which is better? BF above, Killzone below


These pictures dont do the games justice though.

Edited: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:52:49
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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:47:11

Yes it is. Nyaa

Some BF4 vidoes would be nice too.

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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 11:43:50
Dvader said:

These pictures dont do the games justice though.

Now you know how I feel when I post pics of games on the PC and everybody goes "meh". lol


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Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:16:35

I am away from my ps4 for a few days so I figured it is time to do a current review of the first weekend with PS4.

The Good:

  • Menus, starting up and switching between apps is all lightning fast.
  • Background downloading and installs is a beautiful thing. So is the half install game start. Games take less than a minute and then you can play while it installs 50Gs
  • Sharing kind of works, when it does its awesome. Same with streaming.
  • Controller is great to hold and play.
  • Game's graphics are so beautiful.
  • Cross game chat works perfectly.
  • Remote play when it works is pretty crazy
  • The whats new feed and activity feed for each game keeps you up to date on what others are doing.
  • Trophy upgrades are nice
  • Using the motion sensors to work the in game keyboard

The Bad:

  • The network features have been a mess and causing all sorts of weird stuff to occur. Whats new feed hardly worked. Downloads would be wonky. When the network was down (by this I mean the PS4 features, the actual online network never went down and has worked fine since the first night) you could not access games in your library, it would glitch you out to the main XMB.
  • Controller battery life is a joke. And how the hell is there no indication on the controller that the pad needs charging or is finished charging, wtf. Oh and having to hold down the PS button to enter the shutdown menu just to see the battery life is ridiculous.
  • No sorting options in the menus or library.
  • No friend is online pop up notification. Hell I would like a "friend is broadcasting" notification too.
  • Having to go to the xmb, then go to the message screen, then chose the friend that just sent you a message just to read a message is annoying. I miss the message preview in the notification.
  • The PS Store is messy and slow to load.
  • Sharing doesn't always work, it does not always record your last 15 minutes. It sucks when you did something great, hit share and its not there.
  • Remote play is super inconsistent.
  • I have had random issues like game crashes, my system has froze, it shut itself off while it was in standby and occasional moments where no image appears on the TV screen requiring a reboot.
  • I will lose all space in the HDD in no time.
  • I think patches are still tied to the installs meaning if you delete the installs you delete the patches too meaning when you reinstall the game you have to redownload all patches, that is moronic.
Edited: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:16:52
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