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The Official Animal Crossing GOTY Hype Thread
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Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:14:49

Dvader said:
I know that newegg deal is sweet but the thing is I have all these gift cards so I need a retail store to drop it to that price. I dont think Best Buy price matches online only stores. I figure I can wait, I know it may take a month but at the end of that month I will have Animal Crossing back and I could still get another game, which I have been planning to do so, odds are it will be Punch-Out.

one month is not such a long time ... but you will miss my birthday Sad  having said that can i recommend you get Madworld as that game over punch-out?  you have got to get to play Madworld.

gamingeek said:

Oh and the specific holidays means that you can visit online to see foreign holidays. I cant wait to see thanksgiving Happy

And LOL, Bugs set up your wiispeak. What is the point of me Travo and you having it but never using it?

is the game going to do anything special for my birthday?  you guys have to come over ... and bring lots of gifts ... and money !!

gg the thing with wii speak beyond the embarassment is that as you know i have to set up the wii before each play session and put it all away afterwards (if it stays out it dies), so i that will be one more thing to worry about.  but i will set it up at least sometime this weekend ... will send you a sexy voicemail (by the way your last few ones have been so heavily distorted i could hardly make out what you were saying ... so no more message while your having sex ok?)


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Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:25:28

SteelAttack said:
Oh, the percentage perv is back again? You know you get boners while talking in percentages, don't you? LOL BTW, my penis is 46.7% harder after reading that. Nyaa

But it was 100% hard only moments ago. So now you've supercharged it like a Power Ranger?

bugsonglass said:

Dvader said:
I know that newegg deal is sweet but the thing is I have all these gift cards so I need a retail store to drop it to that price. I dont think Best Buy price matches online only stores. I figure I can wait, I know it may take a month but at the end of that month I will have Animal Crossing back and I could still get another game, which I have been planning to do so, odds are it will be Punch-Out.

one month is not such a long time ... but you will miss my birthday Sad  having said that can i recommend you get Madworld as that game over punch-out?  you have got to get to play Madworld.

gamingeek said:

Oh and the specific holidays means that you can visit online to see foreign holidays. I cant wait to see thanksgiving Happy

And LOL, Bugs set up your wiispeak. What is the point of me Travo and you having it but never using it?

is the game going to do anything special for my birthday?  you guys have to come over ... and bring lots of gifts ... and money !!

gg the thing with wii speak beyond the embarassment is that as you know i have to set up the wii before each play session and put it all away afterwards (if it stays out it dies), so i that will be one more thing to worry about.  but i will set it up at least sometime this weekend ... will send you a sexy voicemail (by the way your last few ones have been so heavily distorted i could hardly make out what you were saying ... so no more message while your having sex ok?)

You get a cake and some special music. I'm not giving you cash. My fruit are the seeds of all your future cash. You guys already owe ME. Nyaa

OMFG I just got my Dsi gift as I type this! Grinning

The Wii speak thing is tiny and sticks with an adhesive to the sensor bar. The wires are the same size. Just stick it on and use a rubber band to stop your wires from tangling and its just a nub on the end of your sensor bar. Its almost weightless too. Happy

Oh yeah I distored my message on purpose, you press the 1 button.

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Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:32:17
i got the DSi from nintendo yesterday!!! i'm going to have my salad dinner and play some later ... i will look for towns to visit or open gates if there are none.

i've been chopping trees and working on my path network.  when looked from a height it will look like steel's wang with all the paths being the veins!!!  

*raven runs away and vomits*


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Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:42:03

Pics of my awesome days


It was Luckys and he gave me a Robo bed which I sent to one of you guys.


All this talk of under cleavage inspired a catchphrase.  


He was happy


This old coot was wary on April Fools.


It's been a fishing frenzy recentely!


Mabel tells me about her favourite soap.




All this undercleavage talk inspired a catchphrase.  

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Fri, 03 Apr 2009 22:57:44

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:
I know that newegg deal is sweet but the thing is I have all these gift cards so I need a retail store to drop it to that price. I dont think Best Buy price matches online only stores. I figure I can wait, I know it may take a month but at the end of that month I will have Animal Crossing back and I could still get another game, which I have been planning to do so, odds are it will be Punch-Out.

Retail is tough. Maybe do the target deal and sell the other games on ebay to get more cash back?

IGN have this whole punch out article that really puts me off. Sounds like a basic remake with a complete lack of modes.

Hmm sell stuff on ebay... but how much back would I get, on ebay the average price for AC is about $35 (thats for sealed new), and at retail its still $50 so its a gamble. And I am lazy, lets not forget that one.

Punch-Out I will monitor, its not a sure thing yet, I am really hoping that it does have a ton of extras that allow for many hours of gameplay. If it really is just a remake then I will just stick with the NES game.

As for Madworld, I will play it at some point, that is a given. Something about that game keeps turning me off and trying it out at a friends house didn't help. I think i am just so afraid of ending up with another No More Heroes, which I found to be repetitive and a bit boring. Maybe I am wrong but at this point I am not sure enough to run out and buy it full price.

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Sat, 04 Apr 2009 12:06:01

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:
I know that newegg deal is sweet but the thing is I have all these gift cards so I need a retail store to drop it to that price. I dont think Best Buy price matches online only stores. I figure I can wait, I know it may take a month but at the end of that month I will have Animal Crossing back and I could still get another game, which I have been planning to do so, odds are it will be Punch-Out.

Retail is tough. Maybe do the target deal and sell the other games on ebay to get more cash back?

IGN have this whole punch out article that really puts me off. Sounds like a basic remake with a complete lack of modes.

Hmm sell stuff on ebay... but how much back would I get, on ebay the average price for AC is about $35 (thats for sealed new), and at retail its still $50 so its a gamble. And I am lazy, lets not forget that one.

Punch-Out I will monitor, its not a sure thing yet, I am really hoping that it does have a ton of extras that allow for many hours of gameplay. If it really is just a remake then I will just stick with the NES game.

As for Madworld, I will play it at some point, that is a given. Something about that game keeps turning me off and trying it out at a friends house didn't help. I think i am just so afraid of ending up with another No More Heroes, which I found to be repetitive and a bit boring. Maybe I am wrong but at this point I am not sure enough to run out and buy it full price.

I mean the target deal. By the games and sell the ones you dont want, you could make some money back? I dunno.

Madworld is more consistent then No More Heroes. So far they have mixed things up each level but yeah it does glory in its repetitive brutality.

Strangely when you hit the castle level the gameplay almost completely changes. Play time is over and far from just brutalising the enemy you're on the run for your life most of the time. I wouldn't judge the game on the first level, because that is the worst bit IMO, I didn't like it either.

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Sun, 05 Apr 2009 17:23:03
Bought a red turnip last sunday. Should I dig it out today? With a shovel? Gates open assholes. 
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Sun, 05 Apr 2009 18:13:41

SteelAttack said:
Bought a red turnip last sunday. Should I dig it out today? With a shovel? Gates open assholes.

yeah dig it up with shovel!!  my nook's closed tomorrow renovating ... bastard


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 10:10:25

SteelAttack said:
Bought a red turnip last sunday. Should I dig it out today? With a shovel? Gates open assholes.

You have to dig out red turnips by Saturday, the price doesn't vary by nooks or days so just sell them to your own nook.

New DLC is coming.


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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 10:16:43

Oh yeah guys I got the sailor hat, so we are one step closer to the village people reunion.

I got the Indian outfit and Sailor hat and Construction hat.

We need, 4 moustaches, a construction and sailor outfit.

And a police hat and uniform. Now do we go with security shirt and hat or police if anyone can find that? I hear its DLC in Japan.


OMG, you know when I said the cherry blossoms were out and that the trees just turned pink? Well today I turn on Animal Crossing and the wind is blowing the blossoms through the sky.


Oh yeah I got some letters from you guys, a backpack from Steel for my man boobs? A birthday invite from Bugs (you need to hit enter to stop your words from splitting) and Dvader told me he got a pikmin hat. Happy

Edited: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 10:35:05

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 11:31:36

Pic time!

Malle is shy and wants me to go to the fishing tourney with her. Awwwww


Awesome cherry blossoms.


Ooooh, tension is building in Fortress. These two girls hate each other. Catfight!

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 13:30:29

I also sent you the Robochair! Fucking mail service.

I started chopping down some trees, it came to a point where I couldn't see my own character. LOL
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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 13:56:50

SteelAttack said:

I also sent you the Robochair! Fucking mail service.

I started chopping down some trees, it came to a point where I couldn't see my own character. LOL

Oh I got that a while back. Thanks.

There seems to be two different kind of robo furniture. The dark grey with green eyes and light grey, blue eyes. I have a mix.

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 14:34:51
I got a black DSi to rest my weary old buttocks.
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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 14:41:46

Ah, turnips at 68 bells here.

Are we keeping daily turnip watch fellas?

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 14:50:29

gamingeek said:

Ah, turnips at 68 bells here.

Are we keeping daily turnip watch fellas?

Hopefully. I bought 600 turnips yesterday and I have until wednesday to sell them. Anything over 93 bells will do.

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:03:34

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Ah, turnips at 68 bells here.

Are we keeping daily turnip watch fellas?

Hopefully. I bought 600 turnips yesterday and I have until wednesday to sell them. Anything over 93 bells will do.

Why Wednesday? You going on a trip? It's saturday normally.

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:07:20

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Ah, turnips at 68 bells here.

Are we keeping daily turnip watch fellas?

Hopefully. I bought 600 turnips yesterday and I have until wednesday to sell them. Anything over 93 bells will do.

Why Wednesday? You going on a trip? It's saturday normally.

Yeah. My wife and kids are outta town with teh inlaws. Gotta catch up with them on thursday. We have a looong weekend here because of teh Holy Week. Which is sort of an Easter celebration. I'm more into pagan stuff myself, if it involves sacrifice of nude, virgin goats, even better. But sometimes you gotta play ball.

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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:17:02

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Ah, turnips at 68 bells here.

Are we keeping daily turnip watch fellas?

Hopefully. I bought 600 turnips yesterday and I have until wednesday to sell them. Anything over 93 bells will do.

Why Wednesday? You going on a trip? It's saturday normally.

Yeah. My wife and kids are outta town with teh inlaws. Gotta catch up with them on thursday. We have a looong weekend here because of teh Holy Week. Which is sort of an Easter celebration. I'm more into pagan stuff myself, if it involves sacrifice of nude, virgin goats, even better. But sometimes you gotta play ball.

Ah I see. I will watch out for you if I have high turnip prices.

I created a fourth character on sunday to store all my stuff.

So I think you can have 3 rooms per character, so will eventually have 12 rooms.

So far I have a robo room, lab room, green room, cabin room. And I just started a play room. I noticed that the kiddie chair makes a whoopee cushion noise when you sit on it. Nyaa It's all in the attention to detail.

Do your kids or wife have houses in Chestnut? Who has the best house?


I was going to send Vader or Bugs a Phineas gift, but it would spoil the fun of seeing him for the first time right? Sad

Am I still the only one to bust in on the Resetti surveillance center?

Edited: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:18:32

Country: CO
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Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:19:43
My daughters have a house. It's way better than mine, but smaller, because my daughter doesn't focus too much on making money.
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