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The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 14:24:55

Played more Goldeneye, I went from an under 20" SDTV to a 50 inch HDTV. Blergh! Aside from the graphics getting murky and jaggy, it reminded me of what a large screen does to FPS controls on Wii. Because the screen is physically bigger, you end up having to move your wrist and hand to cover that area. So I've gone from moving my hand a few inches to moving my hand a couple of feet on a 50 inch TV. Also, compared to CRTs, plasmas and LCDs, unless they are top of the line have slight motion problems so unless you are playing a 60 FPS game the games seem more framey.

Anyhow the tank level was fun, explosive, if brief. I will try it out again and take my time with it, see if I can just mess about without having to chase the car and see if the game makes me fail automatically. Then there is this construction level which does have some notable frame rate hiccups which are exaggerated on the big screen plasma. It's a decent level though it forces you to use assault type action over stealth, thankfully there always seems to be several different ways you can make your way around the environment to reach the same goal, so you can either do a front assault or flank the enemy or stay back and snipe or go to a higher or lower level. It's pretty smart design that feels a lot less rigid than you average COD level.

Then I got to Zukofsky park, pretty cool this level, back to either stealth or action, looks great, actually sort of reminds me of splinter cell in the first person. Again though there are frame rate hiccups here and there.

Tooled around with the controls more, which I had pretty perfect before, I had to adjust, fairly unsuccessfully to the larger screen. The problem is that there is no whole screen camera lock i.e the camera doesn't move, but your pointer can, so instead of the pointer turning the screen it just moves the cursor for mouse like precision.

In ADS I tried to extend the dead zone to the whole screen but the game only lets you increase it to 90 leaving room either side. I'm going to have to re-fiddle with it tomorrow

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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 14:36:16
angrymonkey said:

gamingeek said:

Monkey! Please don't leave again!

Are the controls are very similar to reflex?

Minus the camera lock (hold down Z) which does make a big difference.

angrymonkey said:

I like that leaning is in, I liked that feature with medal of honor. Makes a ton of sense with stealth play.

It's nowhere near as good as it is in MOHH2. They rotate the camera around the central pivot point at a very sharp angle. Not only that it's just nowhere near as responsive as it is in MOHH2 either.

I liked motioning the nunchuk for grenades in the Conduit, that worked really well but the nunchuk melee move here more than makes up for it. You can't even use grenades in the single player unless it's the secondary function of a particular gun.

From what I've noticed, you can shoot pretty much anything and see visible damage but I haven't experimented with it enough, you kinda don't pay attention to that when you're in a frantic firefight for your life.

One thing that I've noticed is that if you don't complete all the objectives in a level it lets you continue but then drops the difficulty so subsequent levels are on the lowest setting. Only the game doesn't tell you, you have to go to mission select to see what difficulty is open to play.

Also, importantly, if you have a GC pad plugged into one of the controller ports, your wii remote might seem unresponsive and you might think you have a broken game. No, the game is assuming that you want to use the controller plugged into port 1. Just unplug it.

Edited: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 14:58:24

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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 14:56:05
Agnates said:

My main issue is the difference in the camera speed between the deadzone area and when you actually start turning. If I set camera speed too low then turning is too slow, but set too high it messes up my aiming-during-turning. In other games I can more smoothly both turn and aim where I want at the same time, and the more to the side I look the faster I turn so I can do quick turns.

It's a bit difficult to understand your problems in writing. I think I get what you mean. But are you talking about Aim Down Sights or normal movement? If the camera speed is either too fast or too slow the only thing I can offer, is to you use something in between. You can set the zone for when the turn picks up maximum speed. Try altering that to where you like it but also remember to alter the turn speed too.

You can't just set the ADS and normal control modes to the same settings and get away with it. ADS has to be tuned differently. It's definitely not as good as MOHH2 and having no camera lock from REFLEX means you'll probably never get ADS to that perfect level you want it at.

it says it twists the view to where your crosshair is, I've experimented with it on and off and can't get it right regardless though

I have no idea what this does, I thought it would fix the leaning to make the angle less sharp but I can't see any different turned on or off.

It's similar for sniping, it doesn't need to sway up and down, if I'm doing the pointing myself it should only sway if I do

I think most FPS devs do this, because otherwise because of the accuracy of the remote, you would be too deadly and unbalance the game. I think that is part of the reason why the AI in MOHH2 are so godamn accurate and persistent.

I like the analog leaning though, I never leaned when I played through Reflex cos it just felt wrong, but here it feels right. I'd use it much more if I could get the controls to feel better for me, since you can only lean with the iron sights up...

Ack, the leaning in REFLEX is digital and crapola too. The leaning in this game feels like it's halfway between REFLEX and MOHH2. I very rarely use it but it is useful when you are badly pinned down.

And the enemy AI is fun to fight, the way levels are set up with points of cover that both you and they use as they see fit and how they try to flank you it makes everything more dynamic than the average FPS, not the same every time, it reminds me of F.E.A.R. in that aspect. Games like HL2 don't have that so are boring to replay.

Agree, it's like Halo, the battles can seem different each time, they aren't just mindless respawning drones. One time I was behind cover and this dude ran up and kicked me whilst I was crouched. LOL

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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 15:00:53

Oh yeah, very cool I was on the construction level and I ran to this particular cover point, I could have chose many different places, but the AI recognised where I was and shouted to each other "He's by the red crane!" Grinning Cool stuff.

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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 15:25:44

Goldeneye Dolphin shots.

More here

Jungle screens here

Edited: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 15:29:56

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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 17:48:50

I used some dude's guide to make the controls feel more like Reflex. It works better although turning is a bit too slow still (but if I set it higher I can't aim well during turning) and I have most of the same issues, just to a lesser extent. There is camera lock btw, just hold down A when in iron sight mode (I think out of that also)... I'm pretty sure that's how it was in Reflex also, at least with my config. But it's not very useful, your gun's movement is more limited than in Reflex for some reason. Unless you mean something else.

I finished the game on the easiest difficulty (I still died quite a bit, I started on higher difficulty but failed some objectives so the next levels reverted to the first, or I'd have to start over). Some later sections are horribly unoptimised and seem to go down to single digit frame rate, which absolutely sucks. Once was at a point enemies were pretty aggressive and it's impossible to use stealth there, I had to turn ADS snap on to make it through as it also had some screen filling visual effects which coupled with the awful frame rate made it hard to even see the enemies, nevermind actually shoot back... That shouldn't have gone past testing, I would prefer to have underwhelming effects but smooth frame rate and proper gameplay instead of crap like that, if they really couldn't just optimise it better (it's hardly the best looking Wii game). The same for every other low fps instance.

Most of the game was sweet though. There were quite a few sections where stealth wasn't an option but those still weren't very COD-like thanks to having actual and pretty aggressive AI. There's no grenade spam, although some dudes using rocket launchers in the final levels got me a few times, they have them reloading a bit too fast so even though their first shot was (I think) scripted to miss to let you hear/see it and realise you should focus on those enemies first, I wasn't fast enough on occasion, and one shot was enough to kill me. It was at its best when it allowed stealth as well though, which was most of the game. I wanted more.

Hopefully they'll do a sequel (I don't mean GoldenEye 2, just a game that follows this design philosophy, whatever the setting, be it another movie - maybe more Brosnan-turned-into-Craig - or an original story) fix the frame rate and get rid of some of the worse and less polished stuff. It's a shame they had to rush this to come out before Black Ops, they should have just kept it baking a few more months to polish it further and add more content, especially multiplayer wise, and more replay incentives (like I said I'd love to choose to replay levels with any weapons I wanted, I'd also like to select a higher difficulty and the classic health but without having to do all the objectives since some are obscure) then it could pass as an AAA product.

Edited: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 18:13:42
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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 14:29:59
Agnates said:

I used some dude's guide to make the controls feel more like Reflex. It works better although turning is a bit too slow still (but if I set it higher I can't aim well during turning) and I have most of the same issues, just to a lesser extent. There is camera lock btw, just hold down A when in iron sight mode (I think out of that also)... I'm pretty sure that's how it was in Reflex also, at least with my config. But it's not very useful, your gun's movement is more limited than in Reflex for some reason. Unless you mean something else.

Yeah that is exactly what I meant. In REFLEX you freeze the whole screen. In GE they put you inside this invisible horizontal rectangle shape in the middle of the screen. I got kicked into operative difficulty at the end of the facility, I must have missed an objective, but even on the low difficulty it can still be hard and you can still get killed a lot.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 15:12:19


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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:59:13

^ Looks like a DS game. Nyaa

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:14:05
Dvader said:

^ Looks like a DS game. Nyaa

Edgecrusher says it's great, so you must buy.

edgecrusher said:

Goldeneye is awesome. Finally, the Wii gets a FPS that is on the level of the greats on the other systems. Hats off to Eurocom....they did the impossible. Bye.

Hoo rah!

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 15:36:37
Saw these Goldeneye controls that Agnates linked, dude is trying to make WaW controls on Goldeneye.

                    I tested it out, for people having problems or who are new to Wii pointer controls, this might help to give them a more stable and easier experience.

                    I tested them you do have to bash the sides of the screen a bit to turn, it does emulate WaW controls, unless you customised that. And for me I had to increase the horizontal turning speed to halfway on the bar and reduced the horizontal dead zone to 10.
I tried to emulate MOHH2 controls for ADS but upon looking at the options, they don't let you see the magic behind their ADS controls, so I can't copy settings. So I turn on Black Ops which has some awesome ADS, about as accurate as MOHH2 but with no nunchuk lean.
Their Black Ops settings for ADS is:
Horizontal turn speed about 2 units of the bar imagining the bar divided into 10 parts.
Vertical turn speed about 2 units of the bar imagining the bar divided into 10 parts.
Dead Zone of 13cm vertical, 18cm horizontal.
ADS reach at MAX (this is important as it dictate how far you can drag the gun about the screen - goldeneye lacks this)
Unfortunately using these settings doesn't make the ADS GE controls as good as Black Ops and I think I know why.
Toying with the controls I made a max dead zone and had max turn speed reached at the outer edges of the screen. The ADS dead zone in Goldeneye doesn't work as a dead zone should.
A dead zone is an area where you can move the cursor withouht having the screen turn. Even with the max sized dead zone and ADS turning speed vertical and horizontal set to zero, you could only aim in an invisible dead zone in a central rectangle, the exact same sized one you get with camera lock (holding Z). Anything outside that invisible box and the screen would turn regardless of the size of your dead zone setting.
It's a bit strange but I customised from there and got something I am happy with.
HERE THEY ARE (ADS) controls
Dead zone at maximum size possible
Maximum speed reached zone at maximum outer edges of the screen
Horizontal turn speed - when the bar is empty click the d-pad right 10 times
Vertical turn speed - zero - you can still move it up and down
Cursor sensitivity max.
Also in normal turning, the cursor is more stable when the sensitivity is around just higher than the middle position.
Now these controls aren't perfect and you will never get them as good as Black Ops or MOHH2 but I find them useful. And if you have problems the best thing to do would be to play with the horizontal turn speed in ADS - keeping the settings I wrote.
Edited: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 15:39:43

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:03:54

Re-read the 7/10 gamesradar review.

The controls issues he mentions don't even exist. If the cursor is jumping between ADS and normal aiming, it is probably because he is playing the game with sunlight reflecting, off either the end of the wiimote, or the sensor bar. If he's missing head shots he's just crap. It's a shame as from the rest of the review it sounds like he really would have loved it. For instance:

"And the set-pieces that do happen are all well designed and allow for some amazing moments.

For instance, the tank driving level is full of beautiful demolition, giving you machine guns, tank shells, and heat-seeking missiles to flatten half the city – with actual entire buildings collapsing in the mayhem. Another level has you infiltrating a facility while rival factions battle outside. It effectively evokes a war zone, with bullets flying everywhere and enemies getting plugged right before you can train your sights on them. Running, sneaking, and shooting your way through it is seriously exciting. And these fantastic sequences increase in frequency until basically the whole last part of the game is like it. "

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 10:40:13

I found a minor bug on the Frigate level.

On playing on 007 difficulty, after you rescue your 3rd hostage and defuse your 3rd bomb. It saves a checkpoint, let's call this checkpoint B.

If you should die after this point you restart at checkpoint B only the game now says you have rescued only 2 of 3 hostages. The problem? You can't backtrack through the level as where there was previously an opening, there is a sealed wall.

Should you try and revert back to an earlier time, say checkpoint A. You can't and end up at checkpoint B again with 2 out of 3 hostages rescued.

Which means you have to replay the level from the start including the sky briggs conversation, chase through the arms fare etc, all the way back to the same point.

So after you reach checkpoint B with all objectives completed - do NOT die

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:33:32

I've bumped my Goldeneye review score up to a 9.5 as this is everything I could want in a single player campaign.

I was replaying some levels last night and experimenting. I could play this for the next 6 months and I haven't even got into the multiplayer yet.

So I played the outpost (snow level) on 007 mode, did all the objectives, loved it. Then I should have gone onto the bunker but I just saw all these different ways I would have played outpost. So the next day I started it again and took a completely different approach. First I snuck up and choked a guy to death. Then under the bridge instead of creeping about stealthily and picking them off, I started a firefight. So the enemies started flooding in. They rarely just spawn from nowhere or anything, I turn around and right next to me 3 guys start sliding down the edge of the snowy cliff. I pop these guys and fall back to a safe cover point.

Of course, they try and shoot me from a distance and eventually throw grenades, forcing me to run forward towards them and pick a new cover spot. Then there are guys on the top of the bridge shooting down on me. I run under the bridge so they can't hit me. But the underside of the bridge is clouded in smoke from a prior explosion. The radar in this game only shows the enemy position when you have line of sight, so if you are tracking a guy on a radar and you hide behind an object, you will momentarily lose his position and not be able to predict where he will go next. Very clever, very cool.

So amid this smoke filled under bridge, I was ducked and sweeping around, not being able to see the enemy or having to watch for muzzle flare or shadows. It was frigging tense and because of the radar I kept having to try and check and predict where they would go next.

So cool.

Next up I reached the 2nd mountain assault where they set you up with sniper rifle. Hell no I said, you know what, I am going to assault this cliff filled with snipers and other goons with a freaking shotgun that only works in close quarters. Cue me dodging and weaving, taking heavy fire and trying to make my way up the cliff, being flanked by bad guys. It felt like Saving Private Ryan. And I would sweep out of corners and shotgun fools in the face or run up and melee them with the best melee move in gaming today (IMO).

Then I should have gone to bed, but instead decided to just toy around with the Construction level. I could not stop playing and then switched to the archives. Wow. 2nd time through the archives when you had an inkling of the layout, it was so much more enjoyably. It's closed quarters combat, action packed at every turn, it's a style of shooter you don't really see anymore where FPS try and give you huge vistas or large battlefields. There was so much variety in the combat, I could shoot out glass windows and melee them out, then hop over walls or objects like in RE4.

And guys start crashing in through the windows on ropes. It was freaking intense. I am so happy with this game.

Edited: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:34:37

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:52:49

I should be able to pick this up by early next week, then multiplayer time, GG?

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:58:58
travo said:

I should be able to pick this up by early next week, then multiplayer time, GG?

I'm not really into online FPS but I might try it out with you if you want. You should be able to find other matches quite easily though. You can get matched with other people you don't have to play only with registered friends.

Full Goldeneye single player campaign in videos - video quality isn't that great.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 15:30:04
travo said:

I should be able to pick this up by early next week, then multiplayer time, GG?

I'll definitely play multiplayer with you, Travs!

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 15:56:29

Who minused my post? You could have just hit the hide button angry

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 15:59:05

Maybe it was minused because that dude is using the classic controller making it look like ass.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 15:59:29
phantom_leo said:

I'll definitely play multiplayer with you, Travs!

If you or maybe a couple of other guys were interested I would definitely try it with you. Just let me know how we are supossed to connect.

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