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The E3 2010 Great Dustbin of Doom dumping thread - Might as well put it somewhere
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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 21:21:46
Back to G4, I start with Driver... yay... Gameplay is ok, showing the shift, eh. Story is that Tanner is in a coma but his mind thinks he is awake and has new powers, you basically play his imagination and try to get him out of the coma. That was quick, thank god.

Epic Mickey!!! Adam is having an orgasm. Spector is there "its not just a platformer, not just an action/adventure, it is the best of everything". I am loving the paint and thinner mechanics, neat hidden objects in the environment. Spector says people think it would be paint is good, thinner is bad but that is not true. Its about the decisions you make. This game is beautiful! Mickey entered a shop of some kind, it is an adventure game too. Thats it, they didnt show anything, I need to see more videos.

Guitar Hero, it has a story now, gods and quests and all sorts of crap. What is this? Who cares red head is doing the interview. Happy

Ghost Recon, same footage as the conference. 4 player co-op for the whole campaign, single player will have AI controlled teammates. You need to work in sync to win, said you may need a headset for this. They said its not just a stealth, you can choose to go rambo too. Its on PS3, 360, PC and 3DS, wow.

Red head with more music games, DJ Hero 2. "we were number 1 IP in 2009 based on money" shut up guy.

More Bioware now, celebrating 15 years of Bioware. Creators of Bioware were doctors, they quit and became game devs. They are talking about their history. Talking about how story is what they decided to focus on.

LBP2!! I doubt I will see anything I have not seen yet. I have seen all this already and I have heard all this from the dev already. Its all fantastic! You can attach an emitter to a helmet and have it release anything like rockets or flowers. Talking about the new website where you can advertise what you make. They know there are players that are like the journalists of LBP who search for good games, this website will make it easy to share which those are. Full voice acting.

Cute chick with Peter Moleneux, he is lying to her, Talking Fable 3. You become a king halfway through, Peter is extremely excited. It is the most simple game ever, you give anyone the controller and they will get it and its the most deep game ever too! Point of the game is too make people follow you. Game shifts this year, where is the gameplay demo?

Red Faction Armageddon, it is Dead Space. Over the shoulder cam guy walking in an underground cavern. Oh crap! he has this gun where you shoot at an object and then shoot somewhere else and that object is sucked toward the other point.  So he shot this crane and point at a building and the crane crashed through the building, awesome! You have a gun that fixes everything, cool.  HOLY CRAP!! Monsters are attacking and the dude uses the magnet gun which is what I described above to launch enemies into buildings or launch pieces of a building at an enemy! Guy got into a mech suit, like the last game but moves better and with more guns, it kicked an alien baby monster. WOW!! That changed my entire opinion on the game.

GoW on show floor, man G4 hired some cute reporters for the E3 floor reports. GoW PSP takes place between 1 and 2. Whatever I got my GoW fix. She is now at the Pac-man booth, I'll play pac man with you.

Halo time, last Bungie Halo game. Graphics are good. They will debut firefight mode, its endless enemy assult mode, survive as long as you can. Matchmaking for firefight, apparently ODST didnt have it.  Very customizable, can make game types and share with others. Lots of Halo action going on onscreen.  They said the player is faster and jumps higher. There is a shield item, it creates a dome of protection that heals. Looks good.

what is this, regular guys playing Twisted Metal while a booth babe feeds them pie and Olivia Munn interviewing them. Good this is so awkward. Wow what is this sad. The winner is "awkward guy number four!"

More CoD now, new part of the campaign. You are in recon plane looking down. Instead of blowing stuff up like CoD4, you command troops. Ok this is different, cool, its what I like about CoD. Once you set up the squad you then transfer to the character on the ground and the normal FPS game takes over. Snow level, stealth level, bow gun kills. Rappelling down a mountain. Rappel through a glass window into a base and lots of shooting. More stealth action now. Sweet, this looks sooo much like an IW CoD, they did a great job.

Booty Pop!  With Booty Pop your clothes will fit better and you will be more confident. Buy one Booty Pop now and get one free! Call Now! (great commercial)

Fallout New Vegas yay. Hmm graphically it is looking rough, classic Obsidian. Most of game takes place in the desert around Vegas.  Game starts with you being shot in the head and thrown into a ditch, the game is your revenge. Vats in action, still looks like fun. You can customize guns, like put a flame grenade into a machine gun. There is some gun that is shooting green plasma on screen. They are playing it as a FPS mostly.  Companion wheel that quickly comes up so you can command your allies. This game has hardcore mode for those that thought Fallout 3 was easy, it adds weight, dehydration, slow healing over time packs, fatigue and more. Looks great.

WTF a virtual reality headset where you play in a giant hamster ball, you hold a gun and you walk in the hamster ball. I dont know. Ending day 1, what are the favorites. Kevin picks Bulletstorm. Morgan picked Old Republic. Adam picked Epic Mickey. Munn picked the throw the asian girl off the set game, lol.

And that ends day 1. Thats enough for now. Still have day 2 and 3 to go.

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 17:42:16

This is nostalgia done right:

Side-by-side: NBA Jam and GoldenEye


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 19:21:17

Booty pop?

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 07:52:24

gamingeek said:

Booty pop?

  A commercial I saw, its probably on youtube.

Edited: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 07:52:35
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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 08:14:18
I started to watch day 2 coverage and it started with Rage. Honestly the best looking game at E3, this is unbelieveable! Its pure 60 FPS, the environment is huge and gorgeous, it all looks so smooth. Out in the desert shooting up a bunch of nomad guys. Now in a car with machine guns, world looks big. Now in an awesome town, better than the ones in Fallout 3, you can play gambling mini games and stuff. They said you do get some missions from the town but its not like Fallout. They will be back with more later, Adam is jumping around like a school girl.

Now GT5 setup, they have the whole arcade like setup with a special chair, steering wheel and screen. And the director is there and TRANSLATOR GUY!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!He has no note pad this time. Apparently Yamauchi understands english perfectly cause Oliva Munn is speaking and the translator guy is not translating. Yamauchi is speaking in Japanese and translator guy translates that and he forgot what Yamauchi said!! This guy sucks! He just stood there with a blank face "uhhh" and Yamauchi saved his ass by saying the part he missed again.  They left and some NASCAR dude is taking control of the game and HOLY TITS. He is escorted by booth babes, I do not understand how those boobs are not popping out, there is magic involved here.

Back to Rage, now in an underground area, this is a lot more linear corridor shooter like, very doomish. Enemies have great animation, they are doing flips and stuff like they are circus performers that throw knives at you. You have like an electric bow gun cause you shoot it into water and it electrifies the enemies. Holy crap you have a little RC car that you can drive and make it explode, he just blew up a room of enemies. You can lay down turrets to aid you. The action is awesome! Head shots don't seem to do much of anything, the enemies are more like bullet sponges. Very impressive.

Red head chick is showing off the Move. Its like a montage of games and crap, nothing new. Heavy Rain move, never seen that. Oh the red head said she loves Resident Evil, I love her.

Next is Star Wars TFU2. I have seen this demo before and it is still awesome. If you have not seen it find videos of it cause it is very very impressive.

Some wrestling game, skip. Ok now its Gears 2, BOOBS (they showed cleavage booth babe again) and Cliff B is on stage. He is talking about how enemies now mutate, they can morph into tenticle creatures and stuff, you never know what you are going to get. Plus they explode when they die so now if you do a chainsaw kill you kick them away at the end. Crazy stuff is happening on screen, giant tentacle thing came out of the ground. Enemies are sprouting tentacle claws all over, its like RE4. Cliff talked about the women and how his game doesn't have the usual giant boobed girl, he is going for a more realistic ass kicking woman. So sorry no boob physics. New multiplayer mode allows you to play as all the enemies, cool.

Now they are taken to a floor report on Zelda! Nothing new at all.

Next is True Crime hmm this looks like a better looking Yakuza game. He is walking down streets of Hong Kong, lots of people around, like Yakuza but far more detailed. It has a map on the bottom screen so it is open world like GTA. Now a chase started and woah its like a movie chase, you climb up walls, knock down pedestrians,  break food carts, jump up fences. Very cinematic. You got lead into a trap and thugs are coming at you, fighting time, NICE. Again its a brawler like Yakuza but with modern animation, he is grabbing and countering moves, looks all mo caped, impressive. He uses the environment as a weapon (like Yakuza). The fighting looks great. Wow that was a very impressive demo, I had no idea this game could be good.

I stopped there, I will continue with more later.

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 08:40:55

Dvader said:
I started to watch day 2 coverage and it started with Rage. Honestly the best looking game at E3, this is unbelieveable!

That's encouraging.  I was not really expecting much out of id on this one, mostly because of all the delays and then EA Partners dropping them (which probably had to do with the delays).  That's great to hear.

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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 02:19:05


Girl on right is boob girl I described above. They were coming out even more on the show.

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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 22:16:50
I watched some more, I will speed through it now since we are getting to the games no one really wants to see. They did have Need for Speed, which looked just the same as it did at the EA conference. They had Killzone 3, again nothing new shown, Die Hard villain guy was there to talk about it

The best was GT5 and translator guy! Translator guy had his note pad again but he seemed a bit more interested this time. The interview was a bit awkward and gave us nothing really. But the game is pretty.

I saw this shooter by the guys that did Black, looked like garbage. Medal of Honor was shown but it was a multiplayer demo and that is kind of boring to watch. Pretty game, so much like CoD.

The best I saw was Dead Space 2 which again was the same demo but it wasn't as dark so I could see what was going on. It really looks excellent. The interview was great as well, they described this new enemy called the puker which of course pukes all over the place. If you take out a limb bile will shoot out of it and if enemies are near by they will be damaged by it. Clearly a AAA game.
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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 11:21:24

Bodycount was disappointing.

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 05:58:55
Game Informer Magazine has rated the E3 showings:
Nintendo: A-
Sony: B+ - Not quit sure how they got such a good score since th only positive in thier summary was Portal 2.
MS: C+ - Again, the summary was completely negative except for a mention of the 360 slim, so not sure why they rated so high.

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 06:15:15
Game Informer breaks down top ten most embarrasing e3 moments:

1. Sega launching Saturn at E3. As in, "it's in stores now", not in September, like we told you.
2. Jamie Kennedy Hosting Activision 2007 (drunk).
3. Sony 2006: Historically accurate giant crab, riiiidge racer,  "I heard the graphics on it was crazy", "massive damage", 599 US Dollars.
4. Wii Music.
5. N-Gage
6. High School Musical launch -- it was embarrasing, you'll have to read it.
7. Miyamoto puts the moves on Tina Wood during Nintendogs demonstration.
8. Jeff Bell, very white man tells Reggie Bush, "You schooled me on that on Brother!" and many other very unfortunate things that a white man should never say ever, least of all to a black man in public, on the internet.
9. Rock Revolution launch.
10. Game journalists, grown men, CRYING upon seeing Zelda Wii trailer in 04.

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 07:35:55
"10. Game journalists, grown men, CRYING upon seeing Zelda Wii trailer in 04."


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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 13:46:43
Was wii music unveling that bad? I thought it was okay. After Wii sports and nintendogs I was willing to cut them some slack and feign interest in case it was good. Sure the end game wasn't hot but the E3 unveiling wasn't bad. 

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:53:37

Foolz said:
"10. Game journalists, grown men, CRYING upon seeing Zelda Wii trailer in 04."


That is the greatest moment. Sad

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:54:29

gamingeek said:
Was wii music unveling that bad? I thought it was okay. After Wii sports and nintendogs I was willing to cut them some slack and feign interest in case it was good. Sure the end game wasn't hot but the E3 unveiling wasn't bad.

I don't know if it was the unveiling but that thing with Ravi Drums and Miyamoto was hilariously bad, one fo the all time worst.

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 19:33:33

Dvader said:

I don't know if it was the unveiling but that thing with Ravi Drums and Miyamoto was hilariously bad, one fo the all time worst.

 I like the drumming demo. I still want a Wiiware cheap download of just the drum part. I want to be able to have it on the flash drive and insert my own CD into the wii to rock out. 

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 23:09:18
Here is what they said:
Nintendo built Wii Music under the premise that music games were too hard.  Unfortunately, no one could work the damn thing, especially the poor souls tasked with demonstrating it onstage... The first victim was befauxhawked "professional" drummer Ravi Drums, who became an internet joke after struggling with the botched air drumming interface for three long minutes.  To cement the game's reputation, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto led some Nintendo staffers in a Carribbean, marimba flavored version of the Mario theme that sounded like an 80's Carnival Cruise commercial having a grand mal seizure...

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