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The Anime Watching and Recommendation Thread (94 series now watched and rated)
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Sat, 12 Apr 2014 03:16:56

I hate the euphemistic language of violence in modern children's media. You should show them only media where people get killed instead of destroyed. Nyaa

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014 12:28:06
Foolz said:

I hate the euphemistic language of violence in modern children's media. You should show them only media where people get killed instead of destroyed. Nyaa

Yeah the 80s cartoons was all like: I will destroy you. You are doomed. We'll never see Timmy again. etc.

Oh yeah in this Snow white for kids book the evil queen ordered the huntsman to cut out her lungs and liver. Appropriate Nyaa

Edited: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 12:30:31

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014 16:02:23
gamingeek said:

Are they all worth watching? Do you need to see one series to get the next?

Yes and yes. If you jump into the second or third series you're gonna get the hang of things, but you're also going to miss a lot of stuff that happened in the first episodes, and that keeps showing up throughout the latter ones. I'd say the series as a whole is well worth watching, although the third series is less focused on Ippo's development and wanders around a bit too much between other characters.

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014 16:30:13

Finished Kill La Kill ages ago. The hilarity simply increased as the series went a long. Fucking great.

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Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:42:21

Why don't you guys do a similar list to mine so we can get a vibe on what you think is most recommended to watch?

So original FMA, what I noticed is that the first 12 or so episodes are episodic and pretty useless, but it starts to get good when Dr Marco enters the picture. If there's one thing original FMA does better than Brotherhood, it's the Lab 5 episodes. Without spoiling too much, there are far more characters in the mix and more of a prescene and event there.

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Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:16:08

I might do a list like yours but I really haven't watched too many of them.

Kuroko kicked into high gear and got even more awesome. I'm 10 or 12 episodes shy of finishing the second season. It's sitting down easily on my top 5 anime of all time.

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Wed, 16 Apr 2014 17:20:46

Code Geass Season 2 is off to a great start, the first 8 episodes or so are much more consistent with big things happening. I love that the series always tries to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Even when the reveal isn't that great, at least they always try and surprise you. That rancid piece of used toilet paper Suzaku actually becomes a tad less annoying. At the beginning of season 2 he does something which turns his character into more of a proper baddie, instead of the white knight you're supposed to somehow sympathise with in season 1.

I also watched all of the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVA which has 4 episodes on it and about half an hours worth of comedy sketches set within the world. You can watch all the comedy sketches in one block like an episode of a sitcom and it's damned hilarious, one Roy Mustang phone rap I watched about 6 times laughing out loud. The episodes are:

  • Ed and Al go to investigate the only successful human transmutation - it's a standalone episode but one with a surprising and heart wrenching ending.
  • Winrey and her earings is a strange episode that doesn't amount to much where Ed and Al try to bribe Winry with jewellery
  • The Tale of the Teacher - shows how Ed and Als' teacher Azumi survived in the Briggs mountains when she was learning Alchemy. It's really funny and kinetic, she fights bears and wolves and stays alive so she wont die a virgin.
  • The last and best shows how Mustang and Hughes went through basic training and follows them into the Isbal war.  

All in all you're getting about 1 and a half hours of content on one disc for a fairly expensive price. But for Brotherhood fans it's essential.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:12:45

I finished the second season of Kuroko no Basuke. It was great.

Now I've been thinking of what to watch next. Tried Kill la Kill but I wasn't feeling it. Also Hunter x Hunter. I guess I should go watch Paprika on Netflix instead.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:29:44
SteelAttack said:

I finished the second season of Kuroko no Basuke. It was great.

Now I've been thinking of what to watch next. Tried Kill la Kill but I wasn't feeling it. Also Hunter x Hunter. I guess I should go watch Paprika on Netflix instead.

Millenium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers are better Satoshi Kon films.

Is Kuroko no Basuke the English name? Is it dubbed in english?

Edited: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:31:01

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:37:29

Hmm, Tokyo Godfathers is on Netflix. I should give it a go.

Kuroko's Basketball is the name in english. Dunno about dubs, I watched it on japanese with spanish subtitles with the Crunchyroll app. I figure in the UK subtitles are in english.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:11:49
SteelAttack said:

Hmm, Tokyo Godfathers is on Netflix. I should give it a go.

Kuroko's Basketball is the name in english. Dunno about dubs, I watched it on japanese with spanish subtitles with the Crunchyroll app. I figure in the UK subtitles are in english.

Tokyo Godfathers is a Christmas movie and starts very depressing, kinda dark, like It's a Wonderful Life but gets better near the end.

"Your search "kuroko's basketball" did not match any products in" Sad Not on my rental service.

Anyhow, Code Geass is moving up my best of list, I'm not dead set on a position yet but it's edging ahead of Blood + and maybe even original FMA.

I've made a list of all the series that look worth checking out, by watching trailers at least:

  • Persona 4 The Anime
  • Mardock Scramble Movies
  • Glass Fleet - sci fi space battles
  • Samurai 7 - Akira Kurosawa remake
  • Utaware Rumono
  • Kiddy Grade
  • Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple
  • King of Thorns
  • Disappearance of Harumi

Any of you seen these? What's the lowdown, anything to avoid? Anything to embrace?

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:36:29
Foolz said:

Finished Kill La Kill ages ago. The hilarity simply increased as the series went a long. Fucking great.

Your search "kill la kill" did not match any products.

Your search "Hajime No Ippo" did not match any products.

No Kuroko either. What's the English name for Hajime No Ippo?

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:40:55

where are you looking for them?

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:50:13

Do you stream them? Might look into a crunchyroll account. It's cheaper than netflix where i live and has tons of stuff.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:53:05
SteelAttack said:

Do you stream them? Might look into a crunchyroll account. It's cheaper than netflix where i live and has tons of stuff.

I prefer watching them in bed, so it usually means dvd. I don't like holding a device as I have to lie flat and it hurts my back.

I've tried streaming on the computer and I tend to start wandering the internet and never finish anything.

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014 01:09:56

If you want to watch Kill La Kill you'll have to either torrent it or join Crunchy Roll or wherever it was streaming. It only just finished airing on TV in Japan.

Speaking of Satoshi Kon, what do you think of Paranoia Agent? Funny how much it owes to Serial Experiments fact, one of the episodes (MHZ) is a straight up homage as far as I could tell. I accidentally rewatched the entire series because the grossly inaccurate descriptions of the show led me to believe I'd never seen it...oh well, it was obviously worth watching again given that I didn't stop.

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014 10:39:38

Paranoia Agent is one of the few Satoshi Kon works I haven't seen. I was on a Kon kick, then got bored as heck with Perfect Blue and it put me of watching it.

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:04:52
gamingeek said:

Paranoia Agent is one of the few Satoshi Kon works I haven't seen. I was on a Kon kick, then got bored as heck with Perfect Blue and it put me of watching it.

I really wasn't a fan of what I saw of Perfect Blue, either, but reserve final judgement until I actually see the whole thing. But with that in mind, I enjoyed Paranoia Agent a lot so it might still be worth checking out sometime.

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014 15:28:38
Foolz said:

I really wasn't a fan of what I saw of Perfect Blue, either, but reserve final judgement until I actually see the whole thing. But with that in mind, I enjoyed Paranoia Agent a lot so it might still be worth checking out sometime.

I think I will, but you'll have to remind me at some point months from now. Perfect Blue was a massive fakeout but I saw the end coming a mile away so it just felt pointless and unsatisfying.

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014 16:12:01
gamingeek said:
Foolz said:

I really wasn't a fan of what I saw of Perfect Blue, either, but reserve final judgement until I actually see the whole thing. But with that in mind, I enjoyed Paranoia Agent a lot so it might still be worth checking out sometime.

I think I will, but you'll have to remind me at some point months from now. Perfect Blue was a massive fakeout but I saw the end coming a mile away so it just felt pointless and unsatisfying.

Yeah, take away the "twist" and there's not really much left to enjoy. Whereas if you take away the "twist" from something like Oldboy, then the characters and stories etc. are still enough for the narrative to be enjoyable.

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