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Star Wars spoiler thread!
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Sun, 20 Dec 2015 11:27:13
travo said:
Dvader said:

It's official...... Lalalalalalalallalalalalalalallalalalalallaalalallalaallalalaalalaalllalalalalalalalalaalalallalalalalala

Via Twitter, obi wan is the one that yells Ren in the flash back, the cartoon voice of obi wan said he was called in to do it but in the end Ewan mcGregor did it.

That is amazing!  I love how they will tie the pt and ot together.

Hmmm... Something inside of me knew I heard a familar voice. I didn't even notice multiple people calling out to Rey in the flashback. I guess I recognized something but attributed it to the wrong quote. Ah well, at least my question was answered!

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Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:37:19

Star Wars destroys box office records. $230 million in December which is extra impressive.

So how will the next movie start, this is the first time we are left with a movie ending in the middle of a scene. Don’t you want to see what Luke says at that moment. If so then how the hell will an opening crawl work? Every Star Wars movie is years apart, so will they just skip a year later with Luke and Rey master and apprentice?

Quite a mess they have there.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:59:19

hey you go watch the damn movie already, what is wrong with you. I want to stop doing this.

Terrible explaination on why R2 wakes up.

Oh and it's now confirmed that the obi wan voice is not Ewan it's actually Alec Guinness! I knew I heard his voice. They cut it from old sounds.

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Mon, 21 Dec 2015 15:59:25
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:13:22

Saw it a third time, I am really enjoying the Acting in the movie. Daisy Ridley does so many subtle things with her face that give so much expression. Like the change in her look when she does the Jedi mind trick a third time. Her excitement over bypassing the compressor. Her anguish over Finn. Same with Driver as Ren, he does a lot with just his voice and body language while in the suit. Great character, great acting.

I love that Finn is a stromtropper all the way and because of that he sucks at everything. He can't fly, he is no mechanic, he doesn't know any alien languages. All he does is bullshit his way though the movie. He only knows things they taught him and the workings of the FO. He is like a kid exploring the world for the first time, it's great.

Now I have a major issue with how the republic is handled. You are telling me they blew up the entire senate and all republic leaders in a throwaway scene?! We get one minute speech about the republic, then it blows up, that's the extent of the build up. That should be one of the most important moments in galactic history and it has the same impact as greedo dying. JJ put too much in this movie and failed at world building which was a huge strength of the OT. Name me another planet outside Jakku without looking it up. Do you know the republics relationship with the first order from watching the movie. I get SW is about characters but the rest of the galaxy was framed very well, especially the prequels.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 20:11:48
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 21:10:24

All right, more The Force Awakens spoilers  talk in the spoilers thread.  Here we go!!.....Ready? .....Ready?............,

I certainly hope to see Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christiansen return as force ghosts.  I want Luke to interact with his father as a sort of counselor to him.  Ewan can have some makeup to look older, build another Yoda and voila!  Instant magic.  What are the chances of this happening?

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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 11:52:13
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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 12:08:47

When I saw your post, I thought it was a joke headline until I realized there was a novelization.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 13:43:58

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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 14:16:38

Kylo Ren and Stimpy!  <3

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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:05:15

He acts like Ren too.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:30:06

So. This is happening...

Here's a quote from the trailer:

Darch Angel to Steelio Skywalker: "So, Steelio, I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!"

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Thu, 24 Dec 2015 01:31:58
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 00:43:45

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Mon, 04 Jan 2016 08:43:02

So I went to see Episode VII yesterday, and without being spoilery I can say that I wasn't that impressed by it.  I hear George Lucas himself didn't think much of it because it was too 'retro' and I kind of agree with him.  It's just more of the same of the OT.  Desert planet?  Check.  Droid carrying important rebel data?  Check.  Jedi's all but gone, save for one hermit?  Check.  Huge, planet destroying weapon?  Check.  The only surprise was that they didn't actually have to fly down a narrow shaft to blow the damn thing up.

Having said that, I did enjoy watching it.  Han was superb, Rey and Finn are as well.  Not too sure about Poe, perhaps he'll get a chance to shine in Ep. 8 & 9.  I think Ren was very well done, both his character and his acting.  I'd never have expected his face to pop out from beneath that helmet.  On the other hand, while he clearly has anger issues, it's kind of hard to fear him as you should since he's basically just an adolescent who's still figuring out where his place is in the world while trying to be the best he can.

I immediately understood the gravitas of blowing up the 6 planet cities of the Republic, but yeah, that was a bit underdevelopped.  The way that empire dude spoke to his troops before blowing them up was way over the top though.  He even waved his finger around while monologueing.  We get it.  They've gone from political entity to evil power bent on complete domination.  It was clear without the Hitler stuff.

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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 10:08:14

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Actors Interested in Japanese Pop Culture

Star Wars has widely acknowledged influences from Japanese culture, from the original film's plot's resemblance to the 1958 film The Hidden Fortress to samurai overtones in the depiction of the Jedi and Darth Vader. In an interview with Rocket News 24 on a promotional tour of Japan, the actors Daisy Ridley (Rey) and John Boyega (Finn) opened up about their own admiration for Japanese culture.


Ridley is a fan of Studio Ghibli and gushed about it on a previous trip to Japan. "Just when I left, I got a call, and there was one film that had not been dubbed in English, called Only Yesterday. I just did the English version [voicing Taeko], so obviously the Japanese version is always going to be the best, but for me that is such an honor, because I've always loved Japan. To be able to be a tiny, tiny part of Japanese [cinematic] history, [connected to] a legendary film and studio, that is really, really special."


Similarly, Boyega revealed himself to be a manga fan. "Growing up I was exposed to manga comics, and that was my first exposure to Japanese culture, especially in the spiritual sense," he told the interviewer. "I love, and today, still read the comics." He enjoys Naruto in particular, and sees the title character as a kindred spirit to Finn: "He is a character that wants to lead and has a dream, but doesn't necessarily know how to go about it, and doesn't have the right skill set… I love [how Japanese entertainment can] capture an underdog story, and I root for underdogs."

Boyega's Naruto influences are particularly obvious in this tweet:

John Boyega:

"Only in Japan for two days! My goals? Eat ramen, become hokage and sprint with arms dangling behind my back."

Finally, Episode VII's director, J.J. Abrams, also has an affinity for Japanese culture, but in a very different way. In an interview for Mezamashi TV, a morning talk show, Abrams recalled attending an AKB48 concert in Akihabara, Tokyo with artist Takashi Murakami almost ten years ago. He was impressed enough to consider casting one of the idols in Star Trek.

Ridley is not the only Star Wars cast member to voice a Studio Ghibli dub. Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, has had a successful voice acting career since the original trilogy and has voiced Musca in Castle in the Sky as well as the mayor of Pejite in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 17:39:35

I saw Star wars so I can finally read this thread.

Hope this comment doesn't show up on the home page.

I was a little bummed Luke was left out of the party. Was he even paid for silent smouldering at the end?

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 18:21:25

General Ginger didn't really cut it for me, too deliberately simpering.

I liked Rey but the London drama school graduate thing is written all over her which was sometimes annoying. Boyega was great.

I could see the Han thing coming a mile away. My friend said a lot of it felt like a remake, I agree. They trapse through old star wars locations, have similar scenes. There's a good middle section then it's back to blowing up the death star. Good movie though, look forward to more.

Snoke sounds like a headcold, why is he a giant Dark Lord from Harry potter?

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Sat, 09 Jan 2016 20:54:25

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