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Star Wars Rise of Skywalker: Into the Darthness.
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Tue, 17 Dec 2019 02:16:42

This is it!  My most eagerly awaited movie of 2019.  The one to end the Skywalker series and it looks like it's going out on a high note.  Star Wars fans of The VGPress, post here.  Tell your stories.  Are you a huge fan?  How did you become one?  What movie brought you to the light side? What do you think of TROS from the previews? I'm going on Thursday night, 6pm to see it with the whole family. I'm so excited.

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Tue, 17 Dec 2019 09:03:22

I'll be seeing it on Sunday with my dad and sister.  We got him tickets for his birthday.  I watched the last Jedi last Sunday in preparation and was reminded of how silly these movies really are.  I'm not much of a fan, but I do enjoy getting swooped up in the hype.  Best thing to ever come from the franchise were the Rogue Squadron games.

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Tue, 17 Dec 2019 20:38:58

I thought Return of the Jedi ended the Skywalker series. Nyaa

I'm looking forward to it, though not as much as I'm looking forward to Jojo Rabbit.

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Wed, 18 Dec 2019 00:06:25

I'm looking forward to it about as much as George Lucas.


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Wed, 18 Dec 2019 00:23:59

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Critical Drinker is going to see it.

Edited: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 17:25:15


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Wed, 18 Dec 2019 07:03:54

I earnestly look forward to sitting down and watching the entire Star Wars movies one day. I thin kI'l lbe blown away by how many things in the films have been referenced in other media.

Honestly, from that perspective I am pretty annoyed at myself for not having seen all of them for that precise reason.

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Thu, 19 Dec 2019 19:48:59

I watched TLJ today. And I have no expectations from the third.

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Fri, 20 Dec 2019 03:36:34

Just got back. I had my issues with TLJ but I did like it overall. I generally like everything with this series. But man this movie is a mess, a bloated off the wall mess that didn’t give much time for anything to breathe. Hell it didn’t even have great action scenes, it’s full of action but the kind of stuff you find in shallow summer movies, not a Star Wars movie.

There is so much new random shit that goes on that I was wondering if I was watching a Harry Potter movie. at least it keeps moving so it isn’t boring. It has some really great moments usually fleeting as it has to get to the next insane moment.

Yeah this is the worst of the three, I don’t know what was going on here. It feels like the quality dropped, like when you compare the Hobbit to LOTR.

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Fri, 20 Dec 2019 03:40:36

I watched one movie every night in lead up to this one so I got to rewatch this series I love so much. Man even the prequels with all its problems are fun to watch and they do have a really strong core story with a brilliant finale as ROTS is one of my favorites. The OT is untouchable, our modern myth. I loved TFA, felt the most like the OT. TLJ I rewatched and enjoyed it a lot more. It has its issues but it's a well directed movie, has its themes at the expense of a proper middle movie as it doesn't leave the last movie with much to go on. And it shows as TROS feels like two movies stuffed into one. Where the prequels got progressively better these movies got worse.

We still have mandalorian which has been divine.

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Fri, 20 Dec 2019 11:17:07

The pacing was very bad during the first half.  It's clear JJ had an idea for the end of the trilogy and he would be damned if Rian Johnson was going to ruin it for him. Many things were retconned or forgotten about from the previous film.

Though it had lots of issues (it probably should've been two movies instead of one, prequel level humor, introducing too many new characters), I still enjoyed it, especially the finale.


I really dug the idea that Palpatine was in Ben's head the whole time.  It certainly explains why he would be swayed by the dark side so easily and asked for guidance from Vader.

The thing about Star Wars is I grew up with these movies and still get excited to see them so I do view them with rose tinted glasses and forget my worries for two hours.  I know there's issues but I can look past many of them.

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Fri, 20 Dec 2019 15:42:36

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The look on this poor bastard's face. LOL


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Wed, 25 Dec 2019 19:20:16

I watched it this morning. I enjoyed it quite a lot. For a 2.5 hour film, it moves very quickl. I am sad that Rose had such a diminished role in this film, though,

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Wed, 25 Dec 2019 19:29:17

During my second viewing, a lot of issues I had with the film went away.  There's still logic problems, too many scenes stuffed in but it's certainly grown on me.  Not to mention this is one good soundtrack by John Williams.

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Wed, 25 Dec 2019 19:54:36
I watched it last Sunday. There's just too much stuff going on, leaving no room for anything to really sink in. Also, someone chasing someone around always makes for bad storytelling in my experience.

I'm also not very fond of this trilogy's expansion of manipulation of the Force. Surviving outer space, healing wounds, transporting matter through space. It's veering too much into fantasy water. Everything is possible, there's no grounding to it anymore.
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Tue, 11 Feb 2020 03:39:36

Finally saw this. Non-spoiler things first: finally a fucking kick-arse John Williams soundtrack. First film's soundtrack was awful; it was like some hack imitating John Williams lol, and I can't even remember the second film's music (not in a good way). I love this film as a pure bonkers audio and visual feast. The first two hours are a fucking insane montage of scenes, none given enough time to breathe so they all blend together in a delicious way. It makes the fan-fictiony aesthetic of the series less hard to swallow, as at least in terms of the cinematography being it's its own thing; that wasn't the case in the prior two. Daisy Ridley killed this shit; great to see her finally giving something more meaty so she can complement Snape brooding about having to teach Harry Potter every other lesson.

Oh, and the sword fighting choreograph was absolutely brilliant. Some of the best, let alone some of the best in Star Wars!

Now the spoilers, and why as a story (and especially a Star Wars story) this was a horror show. If you're going to fan fiction ROTJ, maybe have the ending be about good triumphing over evil through pity and mercy, not strength through violence and self-sacrifice lol. Also, what a terrible, terrible end to Rey's story. Seems like a Rian Jonson diss. Should have just called herself Palpatine or Rey; otherwise she's just kinda ignoring her past, rather than accepting it. I suppose it's meant to be her rejecting determinism, but what a stupid way to do it. But speaking of disses, the most fascinating thing about this series is it seems to have ended up just being an epic rap battle between Rian Jonson and JJ Abrams, with neither having any interest in making the films to make any other point than the dude who directed the previous film sucks. Case in point: lightspeed skipping makes no sense after the kamikaze light speed jump of the previous film. Also, was there actually any set up for the good guys showing up at the end? I don't recall there being any.

This trilogy as a whole, ultimately, just feels totally pointless, and doesn't add anything interesting to the series (the rebellion won, again; woo!). If they'd taken politics as seriously as Lucas did, what came after the revolution of the OT could have been really interesting; even if it was immediate collapse, and they were forced back into the jungle. But what we got was some nonsense about the rise of the fourth reich from Nazis fantasising in Argentina. Good luck to the Nazis in Argentina rebuilding a force even more impressive than the Third Reich! What a silly concept compared to the politics of the other trilogies. Oh well. I'd call it a missed opportunity, but these films really didn't need to exist even if they had taken the political consequences of revolution more seriously.

P.S. Get rekt Asian chick. Honestly I missed her.

P.P.S. Richard E. Grant in of the most hilarious casting choices in history.

P.P.P.S. Pretty much all the cute puppets in this film were fantastic, not gonna lie.

P.P.P.P.S. Speaking of Nazis, I haven't seen JoJo Rabbit yet. Sad

Edited: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 03:45:07

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Tue, 11 Feb 2020 14:12:46

That's about right foolz

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Wed, 12 Feb 2020 20:10:22

I actually liked the ROS. It was too long but it felt a lot better than TLJ which was a shit show.

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Thu, 12 Mar 2020 23:29:44

I haven't watched it yet, but I did order the Skywalker Saga in 4K, so I'm going to marathon them when I get it.  

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Sat, 14 Mar 2020 14:31:06
Good luck with part 2.

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