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Star Wars Hype Thread! Cast announced!
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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 03:12:10

The hype train has begun for the biggest movie event of forever. Today we got the cast of Star Wars Episode VII!!!!!

Many of the names are not well known, so here is your cast!

John Boyega

- Attack the Block

Daisy Ridley

Adam Driver


-Inside Llewyn Davis

Oscar Isaac

-Inside Llewyn Davis

-Drive (the ex-con husband)

Andy Serkis

-Lord of the Rings

-Planet of the Apes

Domhnall Gleeson

-Harry Potter series

-About Time

Max von Sydow

-Judge Dredd

-Minority Report and a million other things

Join these guys

Its pretty funny that the only one looking over their lines is Chewbacca.  LOL  

So theories on who will play what?

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 03:23:06

My best theory


Our main character, a young Jedi Knight trained by Luke who will lead the heroes to victory.


Han and Leia's daughter, jedi padawan


Our main villain, a Jedi fallen to the dark side, would be even better if he is a kid of eith Luke or Leia.


The rogue Han Solo type who tries to hook up with Han's daughter. Leading to this conversation between Han and Leia. Leia "He is just like you were back at that age." Han "That is why I'm worried."


Awesome CG character, could be good or bad.


No clue, a good guy clearly. Luke's son?


Evil remnant of the Empire, wants to rebuild the empire and will get all the events of these movies moving.

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 03:24:58

Or Leia and Lando had an affair and had a boy which is John Boyega. Han killed Lando which is why he isn't in the movie but then felt bad so he raised the bastard boy as his own.

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 08:55:08

And he has to adopt a bastard last name...."Dando Star."  

Im finally getting excited for this now that there's proof that this movie is moving forward.

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:22:53
Dvader said:

Awesome CG character, could be good or bad.

Jar Jar Binks anyone?

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:02:05

A black and white photo? It's 2014 FFSake!

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:16:46

Where's Enslaved in Serkis' credist? Hrm

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Wed, 21 May 2014 15:54:23

The first glimps of the movie!!!


Puppets!!!! Not stupid CG!

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Sun, 22 Jun 2014 08:43:08

The man who directed the fly episode of Breaking Bad will be helming Star Wars Episode VIII. Oh he also directed THE GREATEST HOUR IN TV HISTORY, OZYMANDIAS!!! He is the director of Looper as well.

Rain Johnson will write and direct Episode 8 and will help write episode 9. I was not in love with looper like some people but it was a really cool movie. His breaking bad stuff is legendary, this is a great pick. Disney is not wasting anytime, they are already getting all sorts of sci-fi directors to work on Star Wars.

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Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:12:34
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Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:24:27

That's utterly ridiculous.

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Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:00:58

So there are a shit ton of SW rumors flying around including some plot synopsys which is scaring me.


Well if the rumors are true, and you never know with JJ he is a master of covering stuff up. But rumor has it this movie will involve flashbacks and that main actress is not a new character but young Leia. And Vader will appear in flashbacks.

Ummm NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. SW should not have flashbacks, its episiodic, it moves forward, the whole point of older episodes is to cover the stuff in the past.

Plus the main villain is a sith inquisitor which will be introduced in SW Rebels. So now the movie ties into this new cartoon that is introducing totally new shit into the timeline.

I hope none of this is true.

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Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:16:51

The one that really bothers is the about Luke,  saying that after Jedi.... Luke, perhaps one of the greatest Jedi ever is essentially imprisoned for the next thirty years by that Sith Inquisitor.  I really hope it's not true cause it's almost like Luke went out like a punk right after saving the galaxy from the evil Empire.

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Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:18:18

I do like the idea that the Empire is so big that there could be smaller remnants around.

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Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:10:36
travo said:

The one that really bothers is the about Luke,  saying that after Jedi.... Luke, perhaps one of the greatest Jedi ever is essentially imprisoned for the next thirty years by that Sith Inquisitor.  I really hope it's not true cause it's almost like Luke went out like a punk right after saving the galaxy from the evil Empire.

Is that what you read, I thought he just went missing which is just as absurd. They want to do the whole Han and Leia has not seen luke since the first movie cause heaven forbid they did stuff between movies, the audience couldnt handle that. I hate dumb plot points like that.

I have faith the core plot once the action gets going will be fun and fantastic but the overall story to get to the action if this is true is just stupid.

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Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:15:01

That motherfucker would be training Jedis for the next thirty years, especially any Skywalker kin!  You know, like he did in the canon... Before it wasn't canon.

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Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:43:54
travo said:

That motherfucker would be training Jedis for the next thirty years, especially any Skywalker kin!  You know, like he did in the canon... Before it wasn't canon.

Yup. I already miss the non cannon.

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