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Sony had the greatest conference of all time, discuss here.
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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 21:50:04
gamingeek said:

  • Last Guardian PS3 so late it's now on PS4?
  • Kickstarter Shenmue? Really?

What does that have to do with anything? How about the tons of games people have wanted from Nintendo for years but never get? At least the games are coming.


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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 08:39:31
edgecrusher said:

Hitman.....not much shown. I'm sure it will be a good game, though I wonder if this series will ever impress me like it did in the Hitman 2 days again.

I've never ever ever gotten into Hitamn or anything IO has made.

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 08:41:58
edgecrusher said:

Shenmue 3....still can't believe it.

I've always said though, if they can make a new Yakuza every year why in the fuck can't they make another Shenmue?

Because Yakuza is the prototypical perfect game and Shenmue was an overblown tech demo they used to perfect the form (Yakuza).

And also, Yakuza does not sell in the west. We are still waiting for Yakuza 5 and they have since released another full Yakuza (Yakuza Zero). Also, I get $4 everytime I type Yakuza. So... YAKUZA, YAKUZA!!!


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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 17:45:47
edgecrusher said:

What does that have to do with anything? How about the tons of games people have wanted from Nintendo for years but never get? At least the games are coming.

What has that^

Got to do with anything? How about the tons of games people have wanted from Nintendo for years and have gotten? More 2D Mario, a 3D DK platformer, the amazing return of Metroid on the GC. New Starfox?

You said the 3 Sony announcements are "untouchable" - and that "It would have taken Nintendo to literally pull out everything fans have asked of them for years, to top"

To me in context - from my point of view - they showed a CGI trailer which means what? A game is 3-4 years away and we have no idea what form it might take. Not a single piece of code is written for Shenmue 3 so that is 3-4 years away too which does fuck all for me now in 2015 - and don't get me started on introducing it as a kickstarter. SEGA doesn't support it, all the staff from previous Shenmues are scattered to the wind and despite me being one of the biggest Shenmue fans of all time (I used to dress like Ryo and went to Guilin and Hong Kong retracing his footsteps) introducing it as some cheap and crappy kickstarter is not what I want. And considering that Dreamcast fans are scattered all about the gaming spectrum it should be multiplatform.

We now know it's going to get further funding and help from Sony but we didn't know that then. Happy

And then there is a late PS3 game, which the creator gave up on and left the company over and all I hear from the guys here is belly aching over how overated either Ico or Shadow of the Collosus is.

To me, it wouldn't take a lot to top that, as I have no attachment to FF. Perhaps Skies of Arcadia 2, Metroid Prime 4 and a massively connected online Animal Crossing game with different regions fashioned from different cultures, asia, indian, american etc.

But that's me.

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 19:16:44
gamingeek said:

But that's me.

You're a negative nancy.



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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 20:32:38

I'm with GG

If we're arguing Sony had the best press conference? Absolutely, it was the only one that was fun to watch. For a good stretch it felt like anything could happen during that conference shit was wild. You start looking at it in a more grounded way and say alright lets look at games lineup, and that's where those announcements hold no impact.

The Last Guardian is Ueda, it's a new ip, it had gameplay, it has a release window. That's legit, all on board.

FF7 remake? It's a CGI trailer of a game from 1997 being remade, which is hilarious given the crying over definitive games. Bigger annoyance it's Square who has a nasty habit of taking forever to make their games, we're still waiting for FF15 which is next year, Kingdom Hearts 3 is only in development, and FF7remake could be 2017,2018? At the earliest? So again why should I fucking care beyond the fact that it exists in production?

Shenmue- beyond the fact that Shenmue sucks, it's a kickstarter project. We won't be seeing it until at least 2 years from now in 2017, and that's the earliest.

Comparison wise Microsoft and Nintendo showed stuff that is either this year or next year. Admittedly the WiiU still sucks because it missed out on the lions share of third party and indie games (which tend to make up the best games of a given year), but I'm still not coming out of that PS4 press conference like man, my PS4 is going to be more than a Bloodborne machine this year.

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 21:16:23
Gagan said:

I'm with GG

FF7 remake? It's a CGI trailer of a game from 1997 being remade, which is hilarious given the crying over definitive games.

There's a big difference between a definitive edition of a game that came out a year ago, and a complete remake that's basically like a brand new game using the story and setting of an old title.

I see people lumping the two together all the time and it boggles my mind.


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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:32:30

Differences aside, I bought new machines for new games. This is a game from 1997, that didn't need a remake in the first place. FF7 is good on its own, looks like PS1 era butt. The only thing to get gassed up about is that people have a major boner for that game and it will exist. But again the fuck did they actually show? A cgi trailer, and it's from a company that will take forever making this shit. Kingdom Hearts 3 which finally showed gameplay didn't show a release date, it actually said the words "In development", put that into perspective, no one actually puts that shit in their trailers, Square does.

So all things being equal and not built around the mythical status that game has been put on because of it being almost 2 decades old, I'm failing to see how a game that won't be out in the next 2 years, didn't have gameplay, was some untouchable announcement against the rest of E3 which had actual games being shown, newer games being shown, or newer projects being announced that will come out sooner. Even at Sony's E3 I would absolutely give the nods The Last Guardian and Horizon as their best showings. There is an unknown there to be excited about? FF7, the only surprise was that Square finally is making it to appease that vocal fanbase that gasses that game up.

Could it be a RE1remake scenario of being wildly superior to its predecessor and being stellar? Sure, FF7 is a good foundation, but bottom line there is no substance to that announcement.

Like I said from a surprise factor and this press conference was fun to watch standpoing? It was great

In terms of actually needing to give a shit: fuck no.

Oh and no a full blown Zelda conference wouldn't top this, I'll  agree there. The fuck would that even matter? hooray we made another fucking Zelda, with another fucking boomerang, with another fucking hookshot, with another fucking bow and arrow, and another fucking fetch quest right before the end of that game?

Edited: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 23:01:32

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Thu, 18 Jun 2015 00:49:46

Didn't SONY have the Best Conference of All Time last year?

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Thu, 18 Jun 2015 04:45:46
I'm excited for FF7, that's all I care about. CGI, fake overblown graphics or whatever else they could have showed, its at least in the works. Its more than I can say for so many other titles I'd like to see.


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Thu, 18 Jun 2015 05:09:17
Gagan said:

Differences aside, I bought new machines for new games. This is a game from 1997, that didn't need a remake in the first place. FF7 is good on its own, looks like PS1 era butt. The only thing to get gassed up about is that people have a major boner for that game and it will exist. But again the fuck did they actually show? A cgi trailer, and it's from a company that will take forever making this shit. Kingdom Hearts 3 which finally showed gameplay didn't show a release date, it actually said the words "In development", put that into perspective, no one actually puts that shit in their trailers, Square does.

So all things being equal and not built around the mythical status that game has been put on because of it being almost 2 decades old, I'm failing to see how a game that won't be out in the next 2 years, didn't have gameplay, was some untouchable announcement against the rest of E3 which had actual games being shown, newer games being shown, or newer projects being announced that will come out sooner. Even at Sony's E3 I would absolutely give the nods The Last Guardian and Horizon as their best showings. There is an unknown there to be excited about? FF7, the only surprise was that Square finally is making it to appease that vocal fanbase that gasses that game up.

Could it be a RE1remake scenario of being wildly superior to its predecessor and being stellar? Sure, FF7 is a good foundation, but bottom line there is no substance to that announcement.

Like I said from a surprise factor and this press conference was fun to watch standpoing? It was great

In terms of actually needing to give a shit: fuck no.

Oh and no a full blown Zelda conference wouldn't top this, I'll  agree there. The fuck would that even matter? hooray we made another fucking Zelda, with another fucking boomerang, with another fucking hookshot, with another fucking bow and arrow, and another fucking fetch quest right before the end of that game?

Me and you will not get along. Nyaa

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Thu, 18 Jun 2015 08:00:27
Dvader said:
Gagan said:

Differences aside, I bought new machines for new games. This is a game from 1997, that didn't need a remake in the first place. FF7 is good on its own, looks like PS1 era butt. The only thing to get gassed up about is that people have a major boner for that game and it will exist. But again the fuck did they actually show? A cgi trailer, and it's from a company that will take forever making this shit. Kingdom Hearts 3 which finally showed gameplay didn't show a release date, it actually said the words "In development", put that into perspective, no one actually puts that shit in their trailers, Square does.

So all things being equal and not built around the mythical status that game has been put on because of it being almost 2 decades old, I'm failing to see how a game that won't be out in the next 2 years, didn't have gameplay, was some untouchable announcement against the rest of E3 which had actual games being shown, newer games being shown, or newer projects being announced that will come out sooner. Even at Sony's E3 I would absolutely give the nods The Last Guardian and Horizon as their best showings. There is an unknown there to be excited about? FF7, the only surprise was that Square finally is making it to appease that vocal fanbase that gasses that game up.

Could it be a RE1remake scenario of being wildly superior to its predecessor and being stellar? Sure, FF7 is a good foundation, but bottom line there is no substance to that announcement.

Like I said from a surprise factor and this press conference was fun to watch standpoing? It was great

In terms of actually needing to give a shit: fuck no.

Oh and no a full blown Zelda conference wouldn't top this, I'll  agree there. The fuck would that even matter? hooray we made another fucking Zelda, with another fucking boomerang, with another fucking hookshot, with another fucking bow and arrow, and another fucking fetch quest right before the end of that game?

Me and you will not get along. Nyaa

Impossibru, our shared joy for Resident Evil shall carry us, and I'm sure at some point Towers or Fogg will say something so exceptionally stupid that we will be united in our cause to correct them.

Unless you like Resident Evil 6, then we definitely don't get along.

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Thu, 18 Jun 2015 21:34:43
Gagan said:

Impossibru, our shared joy for Resident Evil shall carry us, and I'm sure at some point Towers or Fogg will say something so exceptionally stupid that we will be united in our cause to correct them.

Unless you like Resident Evil 6, then we definitely don't get along.

I do like RE6, it is a terribly made game with a fantastic combat system.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 00:39:47

I agree that the combat has interesting mechanics, I would disagree with said combat being fantastic. Purely because the actual game feel is awkward and terrible.

Still need to finish that game and my suffering though.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 00:59:28
Gagan said:

I agree that the combat has interesting mechanics, I would disagree with said combat being fantastic. Purely because the actual game feel is awkward and terrible.

Still need to finish that game and my suffering though.

Its actually a ton better now that they fixed the camera perspective and you can see what you're doing.


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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 05:34:16
edgecrusher said:
Gagan said:

I agree that the combat has interesting mechanics, I would disagree with said combat being fantastic. Purely because the actual game feel is awkward and terrible.

Still need to finish that game and my suffering though.

Its actually a ton better now that they fixed the camera perspective and you can see what you're doing.

Did they now? Me and Aljosa have to power through that piece of shit because we said we would, but I eventually was like yo I'll tolerate the shitty QTE's, the bad level design, the lame boss fights, what they did to glorious Leon S. Kennedy, or even the existence of shitty ass Chris Redfield, but the core act of running and shooting in this game is lame as well. That game was built around what they felt was appealing about western game development, and if I was a western dev, I'd be offended. That game is so sloppy.

The Evil Within had its own fair share of jank, but that game was like way more enjoyable to play.

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