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Sony had the greatest conference of all time, discuss here.
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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 12:50:45

World of Final Fantasy? The fuck? Pretty funny that nobody had said one word about this next to the FF7 reveal.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 12:58:16

Shenmue 3....still can't believe it.

I've always said though, if they can make a new Yakuza every year why in the fuck can't they make another Shenmue?


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 12:58:19
Gagan said:

I thought it was fun to watch live, especially because that press conference killed neogaf. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen lol.

But honestly the "hype" things they showed were a CGI trailer for a remake with no gameplay being shown, by a company that takes forever to make things (I finished college, got my CPA, and my career job in Accounting in the time of Versus 13's announcement to Final Fantasy 15's 2nd demo being out in the world) and a kickstarer pitch for 2 games that also notoriously don't have compelling gameplay..admitedly Yu Suzuki is pretty fucking chill.

That said I dig The Last Guardian, because I'll be damned if Ico and Shadow of the Colossus aren't cool as hell. And in some weird ass twist of fate Guerilla's game actually pretty fucking fun, it was a new ip, and it looked to have none of the short comings of Guerilla's other games sand the obviously bad writing. Because christ that bitch sounded stupid.

The greatest conference of all time? Eh, it ended with more Uncharted, way too much cgi, and not enough gameplay. A lot of this E3 was just announcing stuff with nothing to really show. Kind of lame E3 across the board on the triple A front, at least the indie stuff looks fun.

Ah so it was CGI FFVII.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:08:30

Andrew House is a fucking robot.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:09:25
gamingeek said:

Ah so it was CGI FFVII.


As long as its being made, that's all that matters.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:12:28

Wow a new Call of Duty.....its been so long since the last one.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:24:56

Shawn Layden really enjoys picking at his fingernails.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:26:55

This Star Wars guy needs to ease up on the cocaine.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:31:54

Battlefront looks great.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:36:19
edgecrusher said:

As long as its being made, that's all that matters.

If it's CGI now, when is it out? 2018?

Watching some trailers now.

  • RIGS - So uninspiring I have nothing to say
  • SWBF Tatooine - Looks pretty damn cool to me
  • BLOPS 3 - Hahahaha no
  • Dreams - What am I looking at? frown
  • Horizon- commentary from the woman is annoying. Looks great visually. I dont buy a bow and arrow beating those machines. Monster Hunter with robots?
  • Last Guardian looks almost like an indie game and I mean that in a good way.
  • Firewatch looks interesting but looks like 90% of the game will be wondering about with someone yapping at you.

Can't even muster the enthusiasm to watch UC4, Hitman, AC and Division et al.

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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 13:37:49

Uncharted! Why did they restart the video twice though? That was weird.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 14:35:56
All right here's my thoughts.

1. I don't really get what dreams is yet, but it's made by Media Molecule so I'm not questioning if it will be good - only if I'll like it. The only way it ends up bad is if they get way too self-indulgent with it, but since it's a creator platform I'm not sure that's possible. Anyway, genuinely excited for this.

2. FF7 is kind of good I guess.  I've played through it 3 and a half times, and last time in 2011 I didn't find it nearly as appealing. I may just be too familiar with it. Not really moving the needle for me.

3. Shenmue 3? Was this game popular in the day and I missed the memo? I remember a small vocal community that loved it, but emphasis on the word small.  And the Kickstarter stunt for it makes it feel cheap.

4. Last Guardian looks old. Blah.

5. World of Final Fantasy looks decent.

Overall, good show, though not a ton that really appealed to me. Definitely convinced me that I still don't need to have a PS4 until 2016.
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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 16:19:38

It was a great conference but not as good as Microsoft's.

Horizon: Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 looked stunning.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Call of Duty Black Ops III, and Batman: Arkham Knight looked fantastic.

World of Final Fantasy looked very interesting and Final Fantasy VII remake is awesome news.

Team Ico and their games are over-rated so The Last Gaurdian was meh.

Shenmue III is cool I guess.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 16:31:52

This is what Sony gave us last night. It wasnt just games, it was all our hopes and dreams. A gift to the world. The reactions are priceless, I was jumping up and down screaming like a little girl.

This is what E3 is all about, this is what has been missing for years. Thank you sony for bringing back the magic of E3.

aAMn22R.gif  Miami theater reaction, I was not there.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 16:36:52
Dvader said:

This is what Sony gave us last night. It wasnt just games, it was all our hopes and dreams. A gift to the world. The reactions are priceless, I was jumping up and down screaming like a little girl.

This is what E3 is all about, this is what has been missing for years. Thank you sony for bringing back the magic of E3.

aAMn22R.gif  Miami theater reaction, I was not there.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 16:50:35

LOL Microsoft was still better. Nyaa


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 21:05:37

Personally I thought Sony had a significantly better show than MS.

MS has some great stuff coming but its all the usual suspects. Halo, Gears, Forza, and a stolen 5 month exclusive Tomb Raider. Oh, and backwards compatibility. Recore was my favorite part of their show because it was a surprise.

FF7 Remake and Shenmue 3 alone made Sony's show untouchable. It would have taken Nintendo to literally pull out everything fans have asked of them for years, to top this.


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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 21:25:33
edgecrusher said:

FF7 Remake and Shenmue 3 alone made Sony's show untouchable. It would have taken Nintendo to literally pull out everything fans have asked of them for years, to top this.

Not really, IMO.

A truly decent Zelda blowout would kill it.

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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 21:31:59
gamingeek said:

Not really, IMO.

A truly decent Zelda blowout would kill it.

For nintendo fans. What Sony did can never really be touched. It covered three of the four most request games, mythical games. Only HL3 remains.

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Tue, 16 Jun 2015 21:40:22
Dvader said:

For nintendo fans.

Of course, which is everyone here. But an open world zelda can reach far further than just Nintendo fans. We've hardly seen anything of Zelda U, not even a proper trailer, Aonuma with a moving screenshot and some offscreen running about? If they did a massive blowout gameplay trailer akin to TPrincess and an epic gameplay demo then it would be the thing to gawk at, at E3.

  • Last Guardian PS3 so late it's now on PS4?
  • Kickstarter Shenmue? Really?

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