I have not but my BiL said colors just pop. He stayed up all night watching Star Wars and Marvel movies.
If I do own said bag, I still need to decide if I'm ever going to do anything with it.
My Ex-"friend" said it had given her several revelatory experiences, but based on our interaction, I'm not sure that was true. Apparently they're absolutely disgusting, though, so I'll stick to the type Te_Rojo enjoys. I think acid is meant to be similiar, but based on my
own ex-"friend's" experience, it's like an even worse tasting cigarette that costs ten times the price (and cigarettes are fucking expensive), yet is equally unaffecting from a mind-altering perspective as tobacco it was also revelatory. Luckily I didn't pay for it. According to the friend of a friend who gave it to me her, it made him feel a little less anxious. But he was about as trustworthy a personage as my ex-"friend", so I reckon all of these drug taking people (from alcoholics to ice addicts) are full of shit. Or they're just cripplingly deficient in the realm of perception and imagination, and require a placebo of some sort to get them going.
Of equal interest, I learnt from researching this topic that Chris Dodd's dad was also a senator from Connecticut, which diminishes Chris Dodd's standing in my mind considerably (not that I held him in positive light, but I find political dynastys, particularly in the USA, repulsive).
Also, before creating this thread, I had no idea they were so broadly illegal. I thought they were totally legal, like nitrous or such.
Ravenprose said:Colorado decriminalized it this year.
Shrooms or weed?
Has anyone's "friend" tried mushrooms.
From all accounts it is a postive and revelatory experience.