Forum > Gaming Discussion > Resident Evil Revelations 2 details. Claire, Barry's daughter, coop, TLOU like?
Resident Evil Revelations 2 details. Claire, Barry's daughter, coop, TLOU like?
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Sat, 06 Sep 2014 22:29:35

Some magazine has info:

  • •Claire Redfield will return as the playable lead and it is said that “In the time since we last saw her (Claire), she’s grown to be a seasoned veteran.”
  • •Claire will be joined throughout the campaign with Moira Burton, daughter of the legendary Barry Burton.
  • •The campaign will be playable in co-op or singleplayer.
  • •When playing as Claire, her style will be more combat focused. Whereas Moira will be supplying Claire with health herbs, provided the flashlight and general support.
  • •Claire will be the only player death that will result in a Game Over, one of Moira’s key roles will be to help keep Claire alive (though Claire can obviously heal herself).
  • •The story will take place on an abandoned island detention facility.
  • •The campaign will begin with Claire and Moira awakening after being abducted.
  • •The events will take place between the events of Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6.
  • •Gameplay will be much more Survival Horror orientated (much like the first Resident Evil: Revelations), bringing the series back to its roots with less over the top action, unlike Resident Evil 5 and 6.
  • •Fan feedback has played a part in the development of Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Producer Okabe said that “The project has been finding the line between listening to fan feedback and also doing something different to confound expectations.”
  • •Okabe also said that “I want this to be both a game that doesn’t lose what made its predecessor great, while also bringing something new and exciting to the Resident Evil series.” He also added that “Achieving that lofty goal by bringing together past and future will make this an itchy-tasty prospect indeed.”
  • •Resident Evil: Revelations 2 will feature a new “Afflicted” enemy type, which “may look like zombies, but are in fact something quite different.”
  • •The Afflicted enemy will be both fast and able to deal heavy damage to the player. It is also said that they will force the player to decide whether to take them head-on, sneak up using stealth and applying a take-down or the player can run for the hills and “preserve ammo”.
  • •Resident Evil: Revelations 2 will run at 1080p and 60fps (for the PC and new gen versions at least).


So a young girl side kick who specializes in support in a game where you can use stealth to take out enemies, hmm. Sounds familiar.  So it is still coop, I guess RE will be like that forever now.  Graphics look great. Barry will be in the game, probably comes later on to rescue his daughter Taken style, should be awesome.

And as you can see this is impossible on the 3DS, it is not a portable game.

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 03:22:01

RE: Revelations 1 gameplay in co-op? Sold.

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 03:24:48
Foolz said:

RE: Revelations 1 gameplay in co-op? Sold.

There was almost always a second person with you in Revelations so this time you can control it. But it is not like past RE games. Moira cant shoot, she just aids Clarie and she cant die even when controlled by a player.

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 03:29:32
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

RE: Revelations 1 gameplay in co-op? Sold.

There was almost always a second person with you in Revelations so this time you can control it. But it is not like past RE games. Moira cant shoot, she just aids Clarie and she cant die even when controlled by a player.

Exactly. Revelations had the bullshit of Sheva (not really, because the other person didn't matter in Revelations) without the payoff of one of the best ever co-op experiences.

And wait, so it's not like normal co-op then? wtf?

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 03:42:48
Foolz said:
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

RE: Revelations 1 gameplay in co-op? Sold.

There was almost always a second person with you in Revelations so this time you can control it. But it is not like past RE games. Moira cant shoot, she just aids Clarie and she cant die even when controlled by a player.

Exactly. Revelations had the bullshit of Sheva (not really, because the other person didn't matter in Revelations) without the payoff of one of the best ever co-op experiences.

And wait, so it's not like normal co-op then? wtf?

Yeah they wanted to have it so both players are not rambo, they wanted a support class basically. In single player you can switch between characters with the push of a button.

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 03:58:46
Dvader said:
Foolz said:
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

RE: Revelations 1 gameplay in co-op? Sold.

There was almost always a second person with you in Revelations so this time you can control it. But it is not like past RE games. Moira cant shoot, she just aids Clarie and she cant die even when controlled by a player.

Exactly. Revelations had the bullshit of Sheva (not really, because the other person didn't matter in Revelations) without the payoff of one of the best ever co-op experiences.

And wait, so it's not like normal co-op then? wtf?

Yeah they wanted to have it so both players are not rambo, they wanted a support class basically. In single player you can switch between characters with the push of a button.

Well, if they can make the support class fun, then that could actually be pretty cool.

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 11:40:59

Barry's daughter? What's next, Leon's cousin?



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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 12:11:58



I thought the focus was on graphics? Then why does it look like a 3DS game? Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 12:13:03

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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:34:57

Sounds great. Barry Burton making a comeback, well sort of. Definitely looking forward to this game.


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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:24:42
edgecrusher said:

Barry's daughter? What's next, Leon's cousin?


Barry is in it, don't worry. Think Code Veronica.

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Sat, 13 Sep 2014 04:09:42

I'm just curious and excited to play as Claire again. I played the stuffing out of RE2 and CVX back in the day and this looks interesting. I loved the first Revelations (tacked on MP modes aside) so I'm in. Not sure if I'll own a new-gen system by then, but we'll see.

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Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:25:14

You know I was thinking the other day, as cool as this looks half of my excitement is just because it is connected to the series it is. At the end of the day, even though Revelations was good, it STILL wasn't the old Resident Evil I love. That kind of depresses me.,


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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:54:07
edgecrusher said:

You know I was thinking the other day, as cool as this looks half of my excitement is just because it is connected to the series it is. At the end of the day, even though Revelations was good, it STILL wasn't the old Resident Evil I love. That kind of depresses me.,

Old RE is dead it seems. Capcom needs to make downloadable new RE classic style games. They are doing it with all their old franchises.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:20:52

What if RE7 was episodic?

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:53:34
gamingeek said:

What if RE7 was episodic?

No. That is just for budget RE.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:20:51

What if Resident Evil 7 didn't suck?


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Tue, 16 Sep 2014 11:01:32

That's not going to happen. Seriously wtf is Capcom anymore, seems everyone apart from Ono has left?

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Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:45:23

Just watched the trailer for Revelations 2.

Not impressed. The graphics don't look all that great, and the tone is kind of odd. The character models suck....that is not Claire Redfield....seriously why is it ever since RE5 the characters don't even look like themselves anymore? The controls look crappy...very stiff movement and the camera is in some weird PS2 era action game.

Its just not what I want in a new RE game. Looks like a very average action/adventure game. Please just rehire Mikami and let him design he next RE.


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Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:09:42

To be honest my first impressions of revelations 2 pictures were: I thought this was avoiding 3DS for super great graphics and this is how it looks? And the character models were off, I couldn't even recognise Claire.

I watched the footage this morning and it looks super generic, it could be some online only Steam game made by someone in Eastern Europe. The character models, clothing is super average and boring.

Revelations got good reviews on 3DS, less good reviews when it came out for consoles. It's going to be competing with better home console games now with Rev 2 and I think it's going to suffer because of that.

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Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:07:36

Its kind of pathetic when I'm 20 times more excited for REmake HD than I am for an actual new RE.

Edited: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:07:54


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