Forum > Gaming Discussion > Red Steel 2 Official Thread: "Probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory"
Red Steel 2 Official Thread: "Probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory"
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Sun, 12 Jul 2009 10:49:32

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:

gamingeek said:

darthhomer said:
Thought I'd bump this by saying that if everything goes to plan, I may be playing this game on Monday.


The game has got its first bad previews actually, from joystiq and Destructoid. They said that it would get repetitive. 

 It's getting bad previews? It must be terrible then.

 Hmm . . . . *crosses game off to-buy list* 

I hope you guys are joking! 

 When am I not joking? Nyaa

 I wasn't joking. 

 I was hoping you would know better than trusting Destructroid and Joystiq about Wii games. And I hope neither one of you were actually hyped about a Ubisoft game!

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Fri, 14 Aug 2009 11:26:51
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Fri, 14 Aug 2009 11:35:34
WTF? why are they actually answering questions? Haven't they seen the Capcom forums.

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 14:18:44











So this is the ninja.

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 19:56:24
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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 20:11:00

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 20:20:16

gamingeek said:

 So GG, there is more than one type of gun. But who cares real men play with swords!

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 03:47:46
Visually looks fantastic, but then again, they are Ubisoft screenshots.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 05:03:01


Yeah, they don't look quite like gameplay to me.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:56:12
^ I dont get it? They looks exactly like gameplay to me. In one shot he's defending with the sword, in another reloading and in another shooting and missing.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 11:28:36
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 12:14:19
Compare it to the videos, though, it looks at the very least that little bit sharper.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 12:49:51

Foolz said:
Compare it to the videos, though, it looks at the very least that little bit sharper.

But the videos online aren't 100% representative of what you'll see on your screen. For a start the game is 60FPS and all the videos are laggy.

I agree the pics here are very clean, perhaps too clean.

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Sat, 22 Aug 2009 14:56:07


What we saw ? And played impressed us enough that we feel confident this will be one of the best Wii games released in 2010. (Ubisoft tells us the game is scheduled for release between January and March.)

The games combo system is based on combining simple actions together. As an example if you hold the Z button (which targets an enemy) and then slash your sword, you'll perform a 360-degreee attack that strikes everyone. If you tap the A key (dash) twice, you'll perform a jumping attack. And if you hold the A and B keys, you?ll charge your sword up. You can then discharge the energy at an enemy, which knocks them back. Or if you slash up when you discharge the energy, you'll flip your enemy into the air. You block incoming sword attacks by holding the A button down and moving your sword in a realistic blocking fashion. To block a downward slash, you hold the Wii controller up. To block a thrust, you move your sword down.

Stay tuned for more info. In the meantime, however, it's worth noting that the game's controls are hyper-fluid and super fast-paced. Furthermore, the new setting and improved art style have us very excited about the possibilities here.


What Impression The Game Made This Time: We were surprised by how well the controls worked in Red Steel 2. It'll be a good litmus test for how well this new peripheral works in fast-paced action games. Nintendo has already proved it can work well enough in sports minigames with Wii Sports Resort, so now we'll have to see how Ubisoft does with it.

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Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:01:38

Okay both sites said postive things about the controls. And they are not exactly Nintendo friendly.

So we have good graphics

good control for shooting and sword

Now we need to know more about level design and battle gameplay (does it get repetitive?  is it fun?)

Then I might get hyped.

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Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:31:06
I have to admit that new area looked boring to me. Now that the excitement of the overhaul and controls has settled down, I'm worried that the actual level design and combat may get repetitive and boring. I hope not. I've never really been a fan of Westerns and western games.

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Sat, 05 Sep 2009 21:22:00

How do you actually unlock moves?

Yes, you buy them. Smile

Throughout the game there are these “safehouses” – places where your allies have set up shop to set about the business of taking their home back from the villains who have turned it into a warzone. There are four types, each one related to a specific character and a specific kind of player ability.

One of these safehouses is controlled by your old teacher. However, he’s not 100% sure that you can be counted on – and you and he didn’t exactly get along before you left the last time, so he’s a tad reluctant to just hand over his entire stash of ancient Kusagari wisdom. That said, for a fee (using the gold you ‘recover’ from your enemies Smile), he’ll teach you new moves and unlock new abilities.

Is there a special move acquired at some point that allows you to spin around and swing your sword in a complete circle like in the trailer?

We call it the 360° attack. Smile

To execute it, you tap the Z button and then immediately slash in the direction you want to turn. You can see the attack being used in the latest walkthrough video! My personal record is five hits in one spin. I tell this to everyone I meet. Which is sort of sad, I suppose, but it was an awesome moment.

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Tue, 15 Sep 2009 13:07:05

If two enemies are in front of you and slash at the same time, can you block both at once? [SMBX2J] 

From Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director 
Hell yes. You’ll need to be careful, though, if one of them is coming in with a directional attack – if one of them breaks your guard open, the second guy can land his hit! So make sure to hold the WiiMote in the correct orientation if you see a big red glow!! 

How exactly does the blocking / deflecting bullets move work? [SMBX2J, Fender0] 

From Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director 
We believe that the ability to block bullets with your sword is the sacred, God-given, inherent right of every katana-wielding cowboy samurai badass.

To that end, you simply hold the (A) button to block – swords or bullets, same/same.

Now, this won’t grant you 100% protection against (say) a machine gun or burst-fire – but it does help, for sure.

Further, there’s a feature in our counter system that lets you send bullets back at the shooter – if you manage an “active” block (we’ll probably talk about this later) with the right timing, you can kill ‘em with their own bullets.

Which, you know, saves ammo and stuff. Oh, and it kills them, too. 

How many special moves will there be in the final game? [Faith-Warrior] 

From Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director 
Well, the final number is still a guess – we intend to keep adding moves as long as we can, and our polish window recently got a little bit longer. Lots! Lots and lots! I dunno – ask me again in a few months. 

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Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:46:19
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Fri, 18 Sep 2009 11:16:32
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