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Official Resident Evil Revelaitons thread of 3D lock-picking
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Tue, 24 Jan 2012 01:19:57

This is going to be copy pasted from GS so I expect horrible formatting. Sorry guys.

Thanks to my friends at Biohaze for this OP (Yama, CVXfreak):



Welcome to the Revelations thread. The game releases this week in Europe and Japan, those of us in NA need to wait 2 more weeks (BOOOOOOO!!!!!!). This is a 3DS exclusive so because of that I don't expect much discussion on the game as many of you probably won't have one. I am sure we will hear things like its just a portable game, I'll wait for the next true sequel RE6.

Make no mistake THIS IS A FULL FLEDGED Resident Evil title. It is just like Code Veronica, it doesn't have a number but its part of the series none the less. Just cause it is on a portable it shouldnt be assumed its a side game, it is not. The game has every bit of large production values as any main title in the series. It is actually the RE game many old fans have been waiting for, a return to its roots with maze like areas and many puzzles. Too many this maybe the best RE to come out in years.

I do expect this game to one day come out on consoles in some form. It seems too big of a project to keep it to just one system. But till then it is a 3DS exclusive, the killer app for the 3DS. The demo is out right now on the 3DS store, if you have yet to try it, please do so, it is incredible.


Game length and replayablity:

Expect a full length RE game, about 10+ hours long. The demo has a hard mode called hell mode which seems will unlock after you beat the game. This is the true way to play the game. It is not a basic hard mode here the entire game is reorganized. New enemy placements, new item placements, much less herbs and ammo. It changes the game dramatically. Plus Raid mode is being called better than Mercenaries and it has full online modes for tons of replay value. The game is stacked with content.

Return to survival horror:

I never cared for the entire survivial horror debat but I know there are a ton of fans that want a return to the old ways. Fans that were disgusted by the RE6 trailer. This is the game for you as Jill's section of the game plays just like an old school RE title but with the far superior RE4 control scheme and camera. Plus if you complain about moving and shooting, you can move and shoot. In fact the demo allows for tons of control customization, more than any other RE title, play however you want.

The Price:

Yes the game is expensive, $50. I understand the concept of paying for a portable gameat the same price of a console game is a tough one to swallow. Well look at it this way, you are getting a game that has more content than most games you pay $60 for right now. I am sure it will be absolutely worth the price.



Game Informer - 9

Famitsu - 39/40

Nintendo Power - 9

Official Nintendo Magazine - 9

Edge - 6

GamesTM - 6

Strange reviews I know. The ones that don't like it complain of the action segments outside of the Jill storyline. They don't like the episodic content and complain of lack of enemy variety. Those that love it say its a return to ****c RE, an incredible full flegded title that is one of the best entries into the series.



The reason I am trying very hard to explain this game is cause I do not want it to get ignored just cause it is on portables. This is a true Resident Evil game, the game many of you wanted.


Edited: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 02:13:18
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Tue, 24 Jan 2012 01:48:42

Awesome, Vader.  I want this game, but has no moneyz. Sad

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Tue, 24 Jan 2012 01:54:31

Awesome, Vader. I want this game, but has no 3DSz. Sad

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Tue, 24 Jan 2012 02:50:43

Lets keep it going guys. Edge is in the same boat.

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Tue, 24 Jan 2012 04:01:50
I'll wait for the real deal, Resident Evil 6. Nyaa Nah I'll probably end up getting this game.


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Tue, 24 Jan 2012 10:03:57

Wait....... is the word "class" still causing problems at gamespot? LOL

So me and Bugsie are the only ones who can play the game for the next 2 weeks? It comes out on Friday here, I will order it but no doubt it will arrive late.

I was reading the Iwata asks interviews, it is a fully fledged game and the producer thinks it probably should have been a main numbered title in the series with 6 becoming 7 for home consoles.

This is capcom so they will port it to every and any platform, including iPhone. Vita port is for sure.

In the interviews Kawata said that feedback from fans said that REmake was the best game in the series so they wanted a game that could evoke the same feeling.

I have a couple of problems with the demo and fears for the game, the segmented feel - oppossed to the one continuous world we've become used to... that will hurt the game. But the enemies too, I prefer fighting ganados, they have human like weak spots, I can pop the kneecap and they drop to one knee, I can shoot the head for a killshot where the new enemies constantly and annoyingly duck and weave.

I could shoot the axe out of a ganados hand and they could have things like shields you could destroy etc.

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Wed, 25 Jan 2012 00:18:00
gamingeek said:

Wait....... is the word "class" still causing problems at gamespot? LOL

So me and Bugsie are the only ones who can play the game for the next 2 weeks? It comes out on Friday here, I will order it but no doubt it will arrive late.

I was reading the Iwata asks interviews, it is a fully fledged game and the producer thinks it probably should have been a main numbered title in the series with 6 becoming 7 for home consoles.

This is capcom so they will port it to every and any platform, including iPhone. Vita port is for sure.

In the interviews Kawata said that feedback from fans said that REmake was the best game in the series so they wanted a game that could evoke the same feeling.

I have a couple of problems with the demo and fears for the game, the segmented feel - oppossed to the one continuous world we've become used to... that will hurt the game. But the enemies too, I prefer fighting ganados, they have human like weak spots, I can pop the kneecap and they drop to one knee, I can shoot the head for a killshot where the new enemies constantly and annoyingly duck and weave.

I could shoot the axe out of a ganados hand and they could have things like shields you could destroy etc.

Yeah the combat won't be as good. Lets just hope the rest makes up for it.

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Wed, 25 Jan 2012 09:52:22

I ordered it.

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Wed, 25 Jan 2012 12:08:47

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Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:45:15
gamingeek said:

I ordered it.

*Hugs GG*

You will play it before me... grrrrr

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Thu, 26 Jan 2012 10:40:55

I was hoping it would show up today, a day early.

No luck.

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Thu, 26 Jan 2012 12:31:01

6 new RE revelations reviews up, check 26th Jan updates


Resident Evil Revelations is a truly impressive achievement, and the definitive ‘mature’ title on the 3DS. With production values worthy of a home console release, a significant volume of content, a blend of the series’ different game styles and a subtly evolved control system, this title feels like a tribute to and progression of the franchise. There are some downsides though, including spikes in difficulty and drops in frame rate that are occasionally jarring in contrast to the rest of the title. All the same, Revelations has something to offer Resi fans old and new – there are few experiences on the 3DS more engrossing or exciting.



You have one of the best-designed and most authentic Resident Evil games in some time. All of this is packed into this portable adventure without feeling too archaic or overly-crowded, which is quite the accomplishment.

Revelations is without a doubt the best looking 3DS game so far. In fact it's difficult to see anything that will best Capcom's efforts anytime soon. Incredible character models, creature designs, environmental effects and lighting create spectacular settings for some of the franchise's most memorable moments. Stopping to admire some of the stunning graphical work proves almost as routine as stopping to line up a shot or scan a room for secrets.

Make no mistake about it, this is a full Resident Evil adventure that isn't watered down because it's in portable form. That's no small accomplishment. Despite its disappointments, Revelations will be remembered as one of the better entries in this series, and should serve as a notice to all other developers, including Nintendo itself - this is the type of production value we want to see on the 3DS.



Intense action, gorgeous graphics, lots of replay options.

TIRED Convoluted ridiculous story, occasional weird framerate hitching, several errors in subtitles.



It's a bona fide Resident Evil with lengthy single-player, excellent online, magnificent locations and some stunning 3D visuals. But it's not all jam. Revelations is a move back towards the horror side of the series and to this end makes big changes to the recent formula, most notably with its combat system.

Revelations' campaign feels like every great sequence is paired with a slightly botched one, but overall it just about delivers. Long after those twists and turns are a memory, however, you'll be running through the game's corridors with a pimped-out shotgun, a comedy costume and eyes on the prize.

Resident Evil: Revelations is gorgeous, huge, and offers the most fully-featured online co-op experience on 3DS. The single-player isn't quite the survival horror comeback Capcom promised but, with its brilliant take on score attack, Raid mode ensures Revelations delivers at least once on its title.



From a technical perspective the game is flawless, with visuals that are at least as good as a low end PS Vita title. The graphics are easily the most advanced on the 3DS so far and a real triumph for Capcom given the console's not even a year old yet. The 3D is good too and there's an eye-popping 'very strong' setting which is freakishly impressive, but alas there's so much image ghosting it's really just a tech demo.

For those that never bother with the 3D though it's interesting to note that turning it off slightly improves the visuals, making the outlines of objects a little smoother (it adds 2x antialiasing if you want to be technical, whereas in 3D mode there is none).

Technically the game is consistently excellent but the tone is much more variable. Most of the sequences on the ship do indeed harken back to the original games, but those expecting an old school survival horror should temper their expectations. We did jump out of our seats a number of times - much more so than in Resident Evil 4 or 5, but much less so than the games before that. There are also no real puzzles, just a range of simple environmental obstacles.

Playable either on or offline Raid mode adapts most of the story campaign's main action sequences into short co-op sequences filled with a wider variety of monsters (some are larger, faster or stronger for example).

Raid is excellent then, and despite all the complaints you can level against it so too is the story mode. We would've said it was impossible to create a satisfying compromise between the original Resident Evil and its all-action fifth outing, but that's exactly what this is. As with all compromises some important things have been lost, but like the game's own biological mutants it's still fun to see what new creation has been born from the old.

In Short: The best Resident Evil since number 4 and that's despite a number of compromises in the story mode, but very much helped by the superb graphics and online mode.

Pros: The best graphics on the 3DS help create some memorably tense sequences. Solid controls, lengthy campaign, and Raid mode is superb.

Cons: Not a true return to survival horror. Combat lacks nuance and computer-controlled partners are a detriment to both the atmosphere and the still rudimentary storytelling



Surprisingly, Revelations' faults are not due to its technology, and the power of Capcom's MT Framework Mobile is nothing short of phenomenal, effectively realising the dream of bringing a console-like experience to Nintendo's handheld.

Resident Evil: Revelations hooked long-time fans with the promise it would return to the series' survival horror roots, but couldn't resist an attempt at reaching a wider audience. Instead of producing a splintered and botched attempt at blending action and horror, Capcom should have stuck to its guns.



Reading the reviews it seems the Raid mode is excellent, it strings together environments, you can play in co-op or alone and you face escalating monsters and have to make your way through from one end of the level to the other as fast as possible.

Graphics are highly praised, console like graphics, Vita comparisons.

Episodic structure seems to hurt it the most - it cuts between characters and settings in 30 min - 1hr segments. Many reviewers did not like this.

Combat has gone back to bullet sponge classic RE and you don't get the context sensitive Ganados -shoot in kneecap- action.

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Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:14:55

Got an email from the mail order firm. Supply problems so I wont get the game tomorrow, maybe next week. Sad

I'm too sick to go out to the shops too.

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Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:17:44

Thanks GG, read all the reviews, sounds good to me.

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Fri, 27 Jan 2012 02:01:23

Vader please update the thread title with the game's new official name.

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Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:56:51


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Sat, 28 Jan 2012 01:44:07

And now it deserves the plus one. Good job.

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Sat, 28 Jan 2012 01:51:54

This game is now $40!$39.99!

Capcom magically found a way to cut the cost by $10 and make a big deal about this game being priced like all others.

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Sat, 28 Jan 2012 12:23:33
Dvader said:

This game is now $40!$39.99!

Capcom magically found a way to cut the cost by $10 and make a big deal about this game being priced like all others.

And all it took was them fucking up the cover!

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Sat, 28 Jan 2012 19:13:27

Does it only apply to the botched copies? Nyaa

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