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Official MGSV thread of Kojima's final gift.
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Mon, 07 Sep 2015 21:14:31
travo said:

Diamond Dog Page?

Diamond Dallas Page.


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Mon, 07 Sep 2015 21:19:56
travo said:

Just curious, how did you guys take out Quiet?

I used my tranq pistol, yeah I didn't do much researching of weapons and stuff for some time. It didn't take much stamina from her. I then used my assault rifle a few times then punched her a few more times. I wasn't sure how the battle would turn out but now that I know I'll try it again later using different tactics and weapons.


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Mon, 07 Sep 2015 22:21:34

DDP could be a buddy who runs out and gives the Diamond Cutter to enemy soldiers or distracts them by trying to teach them yoga.


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Tue, 08 Sep 2015 04:13:50

Ok, now I have a zoo.  How do I get buddies to join me?  I've got DD and Quiet but I can't get either to help.  DD isn't grown up yet and quiet is still in a cell.  

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Tue, 08 Sep 2015 04:15:41

Vader, tell Solid I couldn't find my mic or I would've joined the chat.  I'm having issues getting my phone to log me in over at RoF or I would have told him myself.

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Tue, 08 Sep 2015 11:33:33

Not sure if Vader remembers, but I had said back when the MGS Collection released, that Peace Walker seemed like it should have been a console game because it was too ambitious as a handheld game, and that they should take PW's ideas and design the next game around them. Well, that's EXACTLY what MGS5 does! This is Peace Walker for modern consoles.

The game is far my favorite game of the year. I have 3 days off in a row starting Wednesday, so that night I plan to get back to the main missions. I've just been fucking with side quests the last few days which are a ton of fun in their own right. The replay value on this game is the highest I've seen in a long time. And what's cool about that is, replay value to me has never been a MGS strongpoint. Sure, they're always fun to play, but once you've seen the story...well, you've seen it. This game is so based on dynamic gameplay that its different every time you play it....kind of like Halo 1.


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Tue, 08 Sep 2015 21:02:39

I out sniped her.

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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:09:08

I love this game!  It misses the mark when it comes to boss fights and cut scenes, but excels with replayability.  It's a joy to return to the same areas again with a new objective or find hidden resources. It's quite the departure from the usual Metal Gear game structure.  Even the best MGS games can be a struggle to play through again and again.  I don't believe that is the case with this one. I'm sort of obsessed with making Mother Base the best it can be.

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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 22:03:06

This was an airport assault I did in one of the later missions. This is just part of the fight, it goes on and on. I need to kill the guy highlighted in yellow and stop him from getting on the chopper. But I rather extract him so I didn’t want to kill him. So this is the fun you are missing out on if you are not using dwalker.

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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 23:37:52

D-Walker is now available.  I can't wait to wreak havoc.

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Thu, 10 Sep 2015 00:05:40

I've been playing for over 40 hours and I'm only on mission 14. I've done 38 side ops and have D-dog, Quiet, and D-walker as buddies now. This game is amazing.


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Thu, 10 Sep 2015 00:09:03

I've only done 20 hours but finished mission 13.  I simply can't put in too much time per day. Sad

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Thu, 10 Sep 2015 05:09:45

The FOB stuff in this game is bullshit.

Besides the fact that the servers sucked, but you can be invaded if you aren't online? That's so fucking stupid. Microtransactions is aids. On the other hand the part where if you have a nuke, you can't be attacked by people unless they themselves are a nuclear power, is great.

Edited: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 05:10:35

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Thu, 10 Sep 2015 11:21:55

I'm only on like main mission 5 with 11 side ops done and I'm at 5% complete...and I've been playing all week.

I love this game...can't stop playing and it doesn't get boring at all. As much as I loved MGS4, this game blows it away from a gameplay perspective.


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Fri, 11 Sep 2015 01:19:28

I had a good run today completing mission 15 and a lot of free roam.  I was so excited to finally have Quiet as my buddy....until the humming.  Sad. She's actually pretty awesome.  I can't wait to have her tranquil sniper rifle ready.

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Fri, 11 Sep 2015 03:15:07
Gagan said:

The FOB stuff in this game is bullshit.

Besides the fact that the servers sucked, but you can be invaded if you aren't online? That's so fucking stupid. Microtransactions is aids. On the other hand the part where if you have a nuke, you can't be attacked by people unless they themselves are a nuclear power, is great.

Heroes can invade your base even if you have a nuke.

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Fri, 11 Sep 2015 22:56:31

Fuck mission 16.  It's over now.

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Fri, 11 Sep 2015 23:18:57
travo said:

Fuck mission 16.  It's over now.

Yeah I just recently finished that one as well. It was...... fun.


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Sat, 12 Sep 2015 00:06:12
I thought you had to hit quiet with the tranquilizers to not kill her which takes 20 times more effort than just hitting her with the sniper rifle. Fucking assholes.


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Sat, 12 Sep 2015 00:17:51
That part in the helicopter....just wow.
Chick is hot....didn't people complain about how hot she is? That shit kills me.


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