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Nintendo E3 2015 Press Conference Discussion and Dissing thread
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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 10:37:56
travo said:

Star Fox's visuals aren't that bad.  They'll probably improve too.  The game play looks top notch.

Once they implement better lighting, add in the shaders, reflections and replace those placeholder textures it has a chance to look good.

edgecrusher said:

Oh wait, last year was the Zelda U video right? So basically they "won" just because of that.

Just check it out for yourself:

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 12:48:45

What throws me, is all the pre-show stuff they shared. The Smash announcements, Earthbound Beginnings, etc.... if they had added that stuff to their digital conference it would have been at least a little bit more interesting. Nothing could have made it good, but their pre-show stuff made it look like they had more than they could fit in their one hour. Gahhhh...

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 13:02:17
robio said:

What throws me, is all the pre-show stuff they shared. The Smash announcements, Earthbound Beginnings, etc.... if they had added that stuff to their digital conference it would have been at least a little bit more interesting. Nothing could have made it good, but their pre-show stuff made it look like they had more than they could fit in their one hour. Gahhhh...

They should have had something like an actual NEW EARTHBOUND for U to go along with the classic title. Its annoying how they try to live off of old games.


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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 13:03:18
edgecrusher said:

They should have had something like an actual NEW EARTHBOUND for U to go along with the classic title. Its annoying how they try to live off of old games.

Well that's just silly talk right there. Go sit in the corner and breath into a paper bag, and come back when you're feeling rational.

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 13:03:21
edgecrusher said:

They should have had something like an actual NEW EARTHBOUND for U to go along with the classic title. Its annoying how they try to live off of old games.

Well, at least they're trying to live off their own old games.  *looks sideways at MS and the Rare collection*  Nyaa

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 14:58:33

Quite a few previews are shitting on star fox and it's bad control scheme. Most just want to. Play it normally and you can't. Looking at the pad is distracting and not as fun they say.

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Wed, 17 Jun 2015 17:54:46
robio said:

What throws me, is all the pre-show stuff they shared. The Smash announcements, Earthbound Beginnings, etc.... if they had added that stuff to their digital conference it would have been at least a little bit more interesting. Nothing could have made it good, but their pre-show stuff made it look like they had more than they could fit in their one hour. Gahhhh...

I might have even delayed Splatoon to launch on the day of the event, crow about that, show the new Smash stuff, stick in Devils Third and Fatal Frame V and have a XCX gameplay demo with some English dub. Things would look better.

What a lot of sites are saying today is that most of the stuff in the other conferences ran up to and past the end of 2016 - some games are 3 years away, whilst Nintendo's event gamesonly goes up to early 2016. And if you actually look at the release schedule Nintendo is doing better with publishing games this year than the other companies - 3rd parties not included obviously.

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Dvader said:

Quite a few previews are shitting on star fox and it's bad control scheme. Most just want to. Play it normally and you can't. Looking at the pad is distracting and not as fun they say.

Most of the problems I read about are that they aren't recentering the camera, remember Skyward Sword aiming, or even Splatoon? You have to hold the controller comfortably and press a button to reset the camera to a comfortable position. Some people worked out you just click the stick in, others didn't. In Splatoon you use both sticks and the gyros, I dont see why you can't aim using gyros and look at the tv screen with Starfox.

Also, you can turn the gyro off and use sticks in starfox.

Edited: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 18:20:20

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 14:46:30 - Nintendo should pull out of E3 entirely:

Dropping out of E3 completely and showcasing its games elsewhere would be much better than the company's present half-hearted approach

You know a company has had a particularly miserable E3 when, before the show is even over, one senior executive finds himself having to officially deny that another senior executive has apologised for the state of their E3 offerings. That's exactly the situation Reggie Fils-Aime found himself in earlier this week, as the disappointment at Nintendo's extremely weak showing crystallised around a single tweet sent by company president Satoru Iwata. The tweet was in Japanese; various translations floated around, some more accurate than others, and the media gleefully seized on an interpretation which had Iwata promising to "do better" at E3 in future. It was the perfect stick with which to beat Nintendo for failing to live up to the standards accomplished by Microsoft and, even more spectacularly, by Sony on the previous day; look, even the company's own president thinks it was rubbish!

As it happens, Fils-Aime is quite right; Iwata did not apologise for Nintendo's conference. He said that the company was listening closely to feedback and would work hard, in future, to meet the expectations of even more people. This was prefaced with a comment related to the extremely late hour at which the show was broadcast in Japan (it didn't start until 1am JST; the Sony conference the previous day was at a rather more comfortable 10am JST, and nobody in Japan really cares about the Microsoft conference). In context (and context is king in the Japanese language), Iwata's comment is clearly a generic "thanks for your feedback, we'll work hard in future too", coupled with a tacit promise to try not to mess up the scheduling for Japanese viewers in future.

"Nintendo said 'we're not playing the E3 game' and attempted to dodge the inevitably negative contrasts with Sony and Microsoft... It didn't work"

Iwata didn't apologise. Of course he bloody didn't; the Nintendo boss is often frank and refreshingly direct in his manner, but the content of his statements is always, always on-message. The idea that he was going to take to Twitter to say "sorry, that was a load of old bollocks wasn't it?" after his company's event is ludicrous. Yet, at the same time, the fact that it seemed plausible to so many people is a reflection of something troubling; Nintendo's event was genuinely bad enough to make an apology from Iwata himself seem, if not realistic, then at least not ridiculous.

Nintendo, or at least a part of Nintendo - perhaps the Japanese part - didn't want to be at E3. That's partially related to NX; the company is the only platform holder which has acknowledged that it's working on future hardware, but isn't going to say anything further about it until 2016. It's also too early to talk about its mobile titles (and E3 probably isn't the venue for that anyway), and Iwata confirmed prior to the event that it wouldn't talk about its health, lifestyle and education related projects at a purely gaming event like E3. Nonetheless, there's plenty that Nintendo could have talked about but didn't. The choice to reveal only games that are locked in for release within the next 10 months or so isn't confirmation of a time-of-death being decided for Wii U (they did the same thing for 3DS, which has an installed base twice the size of the PS4 and isn't going anywhere any time soon), it's a decision which was taken, along with the decision to do an online broadcast rather than a live event - cutting out the whooping crowds and the spectacle that usually defines an E3 conference.

These are decisions which say, "we're not playing your game" - the game in question being E3 itself. Nintendo doesn't feel like it fits well with E3 right now. It's not just troubled by the dismal sales of the Wii U, it's also deeply uncomfortable with being the only major company in the industry that's still seriously committed to family entertainment. It knows that no matter how wonderful its software and franchises are - and I maintain that Nintendo is in a genuine golden age regarding the quality of its games - they make problematic bedfellows for the mainstream of distinctly adult-focused games and the monetisation of violent nostalgia for thirty-somethings. I think it's genuinely wonderful that the games industry's wings are spread so wide, even in the AAA space, that it can accommodate both the charming, gentle fun of Yoshi's Wooly World and the gut-wrenching, visceral violence of the Doom reboot; at the same time, I can understand why the creators of the former don't see much value in investing heavily in promoting it alongside the latter. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong audience. It's no accident that one of the very few third-party games to appear in the Nintendo event was Skylanders, a hugely successful franchise that's equally uncomfortable standing shoulder to shoulder with Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed.

By going digital rather than having a staged event, by replacing its executives with loveable puppets, by giving developers lengthy, meandering videos to chat about their creative process after showing off their new trailers, by refusing to talk about anything but the immediate future of its software line-up - by all these decisions and more, Nintendo said "we're not playing the E3 game" and attempted to dodge the inevitably negative contrasts with Sony and Microsoft.

It didn't work. It didn't work because it's an intrinsically dishonest approach, one which not only failed to establish a "Nintendo difference" that denied negative contrasts, but which also robbed the company of the chance to make a decent fist out of its showing. Nintendo hobbled its own event, making it even more disappointing than it needed to be, and all it achieved was to make itself look even weaker, even more troubled, next to the might of Sony and Microsoft.

Here's what Nintendo should have done - should have had the courage to do - nothing. They should have held no digital event. Some of Nintendo of America's activities, like the entertaining and light-hearted Nintendo World Championships, fit nicely with the week, but the digital event shouldn't have happened at all. The company is absolutely correct to think that its approach and its products don't fit E3 as it stands, but absolutely wrong to think that it can avoid the resulting negativity by just downscaling its involvement. Pick a lane and stick with it; given the choice to go big or go home, Nintendo's decision ought to have been "go home", not "can't we just go a bit small and hope for the best?"

"It failed so miserably that the Internet spent a few hours genuinely believing that Iwata had apologised for the whole sorry affair"

This would not be unprecedented. Faced with a similar disconnect between their games and much of the rest of the industry's direction, Nintendo - by far the largest games company in Japan - has spurned involvement in the Tokyo Game Show for many, many years. Being at TGS makes no sense for the company. It can achieve better exposure for its games in a more positive environment by holding its own event, digital or otherwise, at a different time; a month or two before the show, or after the show. This decision has never hurt Nintendo one jot - not in the way that a rubbish, half-hearted TGS conference every year would have.

Precisely the same logic applies to E3. Imagine if Nintendo had skipped E3 entirely; sure, there would have been a bit of hand-wringing and pearl-clutching in the media over it, but it would have been over soon, and a few people writing "Nintendo were conspicuous by their absence" in their show reports is hardly the end of the world. Then this week's digital event could have been held as an ordinary digital event a month or six weeks later; call it "Nintendo's preview of the next six months", or whatever. In that context, it would actually have been a pretty great show. Tack on a few seconds of new footage from the upcoming open-world Zelda game and one of Miyamoto's work-in-progress Gamepad titles, and you'd have a digital event that everyone would consider pretty strong, instead of an E3 show that everyone considered awful and weak.

To make this work, though, Nintendo needs to commit to the strategy. This year, it tried to have its cake and eat it; to participate in E3 without committing to it, without making a big deal of it. It failed so miserably that the Internet spent a few hours genuinely believing that Iwata had apologised for the whole sorry affair. Skipping E3 entirely - or at the very least, dropping all pretence of holding a conference during E3 week - would have been preferable, and ought to be the company's strategy for the future.

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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 20:11:18

Actually what would be better is if Nintendo pulled back IN to E3 and did a real fucking show like the rest of the industry.

Edited: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 20:11:29


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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 05:31:32

I don't think the directs are the issue. I actually don't mind the directs, and the tree house stuff is great.

They just have weak lineups and wildly over estimate what fans want. Some of it can be the NX stuff, but on balance there is no like instantly wow you type game. To be fair I don't think Nintendo's games without brand name power (like Zelda, Metroid, Mario) ever instantly grab you with some badass demo or something. Their games are pretty typical you have to actually put your hands on a controller to actually appreciate.

But stuff like Zelda and Metroid was like, gross, why? Why not make proper Zelda and proper Metroid for the 3ds? Shit the last proper Zelda for the 3DS was really good, dare I say great.

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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 09:08:42

It was truly great and I'd love to see another Zelda on the LttP era.  Does anyone else think it's time for Nintendo to have the successor to the 3DS right now? Or maybe no later than summer 2016.

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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 09:57:36
Gagan said:

I don't think the directs are the issue. I actually don't mind the directs, and the tree house stuff is great.

They just have weak lineups and wildly over estimate what fans want. Some of it can be the NX stuff, but on balance there is no like instantly wow you type game. To be fair I don't think Nintendo's games without brand name power (like Zelda, Metroid, Mario) ever instantly grab you with some badass demo or something. Their games are pretty typical you have to actually put your hands on a controller to actually appreciate.

But stuff like Zelda and Metroid was like, gross, why? Why not make proper Zelda and proper Metroid for the 3ds? Shit the last proper Zelda for the 3DS was really good, dare I say great.

I think you're onto something here. Games like Kirby Canvas Curse and Yoshis Wooly World, it doesn't really matter how 'good' they are, these sorts of games will never wow anyone at an e3 conference stage. There are plenty of cinematic dudebro games that are of 8/10 quality but they play well in the cinematic reveal environment, especially when they are years away from release.

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Sat, 20 Jun 2015 10:17:07

You expect the opening of Star Wars and you get.... Yoshi.

You know the more I think about it, I can see I'm right about this. The press conference is like a cinema theatre. And when you sit down, when our generation sits down in the movies we are usually there to watch some populist action movie. We expect a summer blockbuster movie everytime. Even the very act of the lights dimming brings an anticipation to the experience. And when that experience isn't met we get pissy.

We expect and want the opening of Star Wars everything, with the shock and awe of the Star Destroyer slowing emerging over our heads.

And they we get some cutesy Yoshi game.

Of course there are some games that still play well like arthouse cinema equivalents but anything family friendly gets shit on, whether it's Skylanders or Just Dance, even Lego City which turned out to be a great game got ignored and panned on its reveal.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2015 07:31:20

I don't think that's actually fair plenty of people go to see a more serious flick.

But yeah on balance E3 is about whiz, bang, pow, show a spectacle, and games with average gameplay will get paraded around like they showed something special.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2015 08:55:25

I think the whole knowing-goofing on Reggie thing by Nintendo is well passed the due date. Either he's doing his fucking job or not, but the clowning is demeaning. He's got to be jsut riding this gig out into retirement at this stage.

I could play the race card here, but I'll leave that alone for now.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2015 13:45:33

Also, Nintendo is the only company with a handheld gaming device that makes money from and cares about handheld gaming.

And handheld gaming at a huge showbiz stage show just doesn't work with 3DS levels of tech. I have noticed across many E3s, whenever they start doing portable games, people tune out, shout abuse and want to be all about home console gaming. Sony and MS don't have to satiate the handheld market so they can just do home console which goes a lot better with journos and the public.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2015 21:49:15

Nintnedo should have enough to show for their home console that they don't need to show handheld shit on stage, though.


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