Its more about it being a sports game and being 2D and all that. Along with the rumours already about PSN and XBLA. And being a court based sports game meaning that it will be on one court and nothing else.
Games like this have to appear "worth it" as full retail releases, otherwise people hang about and wait for price drops, or just dont bother. 2D has a problem selling these days anyway, unless its some huge current, relevant franchise in 2.5 D
Muramasa was so worth full price, buy it people...
gamingeek said:Games like this have to appear "worth it" as full retail releases, otherwise people hang about and wait for price drops, or just dont bother. 2D has a problem selling these days anyway, unless its some huge current, relevant franchise in 2.5 D
I see what you're saying and yet recoil from it at the same time. It's like nowadays if something is an arcade type game(I think what you partly mean saying 2d) it automatically gets positioned as a downloadable and not console game. I was wondering where all the arcade type racers and sports games were anymore. Everybody seems to want league sim play or big epic multiplayer stuff
I must be on a different wavelength. It's like that sony exec saying
These are not just one-off, ‘hey, play table tennis for fun.’ There's an overall objective that crosses over all the different events in that title, and there's a lot of long-term play value in there."
and I'm thinking - hey, just table tennis for fun is all I want. The rest is gravy at best or game extending clutter at worst.
Agnates said:But it's not 2D... It includes 2D elements, sure, but the characters are fully 3D and (appear to) move in all the usual directions with the analog stick (rather than just 8 or something), and move nice and fluid, only their faces are photos to keep the look of the original. Also, 2D isn't necessarily cheap (if anything it can be more time consuming, ie expensive - not in this case, in general - hence why CAPCOM was so eager to jump to 3D for their fighters).
Muramasa was so worth full price, buy it people...
I know about the 3D character models, 2D faces, I just mean that superficially, unless you knew that before, looking at the video will give you a different impression.
I'm also not questioning 2D games, I like em very much, just how they are viewed by the market post PS1. Games like this are competing in the marketplace with 20 hr adventure games with epic landscapes and mo-capped character animations and all sorts. Then a gamer looks over to a retro looking game done with some visual flair and has to weigh up purchasing decisions. All too often the little guy gets left behind and honestly I can understand it.
Then you have people making games like Bionic Commando Re-armed or Shadow Complex or Lost Winds 2 as cheaper downloadable games and the bar gets shifted. IMO EA would do well to have NBA Jam launch at a lower RRP. Otherwise it launches at full price, fails to sell, people wait for a price drop and then its viewed as a failure.
Shadow Complex is the exception to the rule, most don't have that play value (going by hearsay from people who love it at least, I haven't experienced it myself). Lost WInds in particular will take another couple episodes to be worth retail price, and by then you will have paid that much, no? Muramasa is fully featured and long as it is, with insane art. If they could only offer such games for $15 then they'd likely be better off not making them at all, extra sales probably wouldn't make up for the fraction of the price.
I guess they could make downloadable games that are more cheaply made, not with such beautiful and detailed art for every single thing, but then, that wouldn't be the same (even if it'd still be day 1).
Agnates said:The lack of epicness is just the same for all sports games, none have epic storylines and 20 hour adventures.
I'm not a sports game fan in general, I can't remember the last sports game I bought, it probably was mario golf on the GC.
Agnates said:
Shadow Complex is the exception to the rule, most don't have that play value (going by hearsay from people who love it at least, I haven't experienced it myself). Lost WInds in particular will take another couple episodes to be worth retail price, Muramasa is fully featured and long as it is. If they could only offer such games for $15 then they'd likely be better off not making them at all, extra sales probably wouldn't make up for the fraction of the price.
Lost winds is great value for the price. Yeah if it was a retail price it would need to at least have 1 and 2 bundled. Muramasa looks amazing and fully featured, I just picked it up.
But Muramasa scrolls through multiple levels with tons of art and assets and design. NBA jam is set on a static court backdrop with probably, very similar 3D character models, maybe even culled from an old engine? With oversized 2D heads on. IF they had NBA Jam as a download title on say all the main consoles, because they wouldn't have the physical cost of distribution they likely could put it out at a lower price.
As a disc based retail game, well I never said $15 did I? But a lower price than say EA's next Tiger Woods game would be smart.
Agnates said:We still don't know all it includes, that's my point, not that it has insane art like Muramasa.
That's true. Value in general is relative though. As someone who generally gave up on sports games back at the end of the SNES/Genesis era, games like this have to do something really special to really impress me.
Same for other genres which I recognise as good, but just have different value propositions to me personally.

Agnates said:I don't play RTS (or Sports, outside WSR and Dreamcast's Virtua Tennis) either but that doesn't mean anything short of Starcraft 2 (as a recognised benchmark I guess) should be $30 to make me buy it
Yes, yes it does
angrymonkey said:nba jam in a budget pack with chess,backgammon and solitaire.
day -1
gamingeek said:Agnates said:We still don't know all it includes, that's my point, not that it has insane art like Muramasa.That's true. Value in general is relative though. As someone who generally gave up on sports games back at the end of the SNES/Genesis era, games like this have to do something really special to really impress me.
Same for other genres which I recognise as good, but just have different value propositions to me personally.
We all have different value judgments when it comes to games. This is why we should not excoriate each other for having differing tastes.
aspro said:gamingeek said:Agnates said:We still don't know all it includes, that's my point, not that it has insane art like Muramasa.That's true. Value in general is relative though. As someone who generally gave up on sports games back at the end of the SNES/Genesis era, games like this have to do something really special to really impress me.
Same for other genres which I recognise as good, but just have different value propositions to me personally.
We all have different value judgments when it comes to games. This is why we should not excoriate each other for having differing tastes.
Once again you are completely misunderstanding how the internet works.
Foolz said:aspro said:gamingeek said:Agnates said:We still don't know all it includes, that's my point, not that it has insane art like Muramasa.That's true. Value in general is relative though. As someone who generally gave up on sports games back at the end of the SNES/Genesis era, games like this have to do something really special to really impress me.
Same for other genres which I recognise as good, but just have different value propositions to me personally.
We all have different value judgments when it comes to games. This is why we should not excoriate each other for having differing tastes.
Once again you are completely misunderstanding how the internet works.
Yes, people do have different tastes. Like scumbag Vegans.