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Making GG weekly politics-free again!
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Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:28:56

Orwell wishes he could come up with a character like Boris.

Incidentally, I'd like to remind everyone that before Trump's rise in America, before Boris' in the UK, there was Tony Abbott's in Australia:

And before any of these gentlemen there was Pauline Hanson. But while she used to be at the vanguard of reactionary nationalism and a hero to race and religion-based nationalist movements in the UK and the US (can someone please explain to me why nationalists are so obsessed with copying nationalists from other nations?Uneasy), she's now just grovelling at the feet of the people who followed in her footsteps, while simultaneously pretending she never held the most extreme views that inspired these people*. The pathetic insecurity of Australians knows no bounds; our supposed nationalists get all their slogans, imagery and ideas from the two biggest engines of (((globalist))) international finance lol. Sigh.

The same goes for aboriginal nationalism. I'll give it a lot of credit for its art and ceremonial political manouvering, but outside of that it's just a mishmash of the American civil rights movement shtick.

*I'm not suggesting she inspired Boris or Trump, obviously, but she is a hero of many self-proclaimed white supremacists, (lame) Neo-Nazis, and the people from the UK who want to stop Muslim immigration with some old fashioned ethnic cleansing. So that's still an impressive achievement for an Australian politician.

Lastly, while nationalism is getting a bad rap lately, let's not forget that it was the suppression of nationalism that we remember the first world war as being about (or at least one of the ways we remember it); and that we're quickly trying to forget that in the lead-up to the second world war, Japan, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, Italy, and The Third Reich were all trying to operate on a vision of nationalism in which they supported their nation with an empire. Which is at least a bit of a hybrid.

Edited: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:56:40

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Thu, 25 Jul 2019 14:15:24

That looks like a picture from the Next Planet of the Apes movie.

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Fri, 09 Aug 2019 23:49:31

I think Green Shirt Guy is one of my new heroes. Guys across the pond, have you heard of him? Check it out. Added bonus, look for Banjo Man, too!

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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 08:55:33

Edge, concerning the mainstream media being very left wing, there are a few things you should need to consider.  While America has many large news outlets, some of which are clearly left wing, some clearly right wing, this does not exist here in Westen Europe.  There is no right wing media, unless you count niches, but the larger outlets are also not left wing, they try to give an objective view on the situation, allowing both sides (or at least moderate views) to be published.  On the other hand, studies have shown that if you confront people who are of a certain belief (be it right or left) with extreme versions of what they believe in, they will shift more to the center themselves.  That's what we're seeing here in the media as well.  When you have someone as outspoken as Trump, it is only logical that most of the articles referencing him will be condemning his decisions.

Furthermore Trump's leadership has disrupted the world order, which can only be harmfull to the west.  He's raging economic wars, withdrawing unilaterally from international treaties and Even here in Europe we are questioning if we should keep such strong ties with the US.  Is it left wing to question all of this?

Some of his legislation may be, or seem to be, beneficial to the USA itself, but whenever it has an international component, it nearly always seems to have a negative impact on other nations.  I would love to hear about legislation he introduced that really benefited the US though, because it is true that we only hear the negatives.  But that's also commonplace in news reporting: only the bad stuff makes the news.  It is concerning however, that the USA and Trump are in the news every other day now.  There's never been so much reporting on America, ergo, there's never been so much bad news to report on from across the Atlantic.

But Trump also has himself to thank for this through his personal, provocative style.  On the other hand, I'm sure this is exactly how he likes it best, as he seems to enjoy all the attention he is getting.

I also read through this thread and I've never ridiculed the man, only spoken about his policies and legislation.  I hope you can make a distinction between political views and our shared love for gaming, because I'd hate it if you stopped visiting this place.

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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 08:56:53
SupremeAC said:

So, Brexit.  It's all over the news.  I wonder if they will kick May out.  Personally I think it won't come to this, as no sane politician will want to take her place.  She was appointed to fail miserably in accomplishing the impossible, nobody is going to want to take her place.  Unless Boris Johnson maybe, at least he looks crazy enough to attempt it.

I'm just quoting this post of mine from november last year, to show of to y'all just how profetic I am at times.

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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 10:36:06
SupremeAC said:

I also read through this thread and I've never ridiculed the man, only spoken about his policies and legislation.  I hope you can make a distinction between political views and our shared love for gaming, because I'd hate it if you stopped visiting this place.

Agreed. You'd be much missed, Edge! <3

But while I didn't read through the thread, I'm pretty sure I ridiculed Trump not to mention several other politicians. And I won't stop, as the freedom to ridicule politicians is what democracy is all about, and the main difference between it and dictatorships! Nyaa

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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 12:50:20
Foolz said:

Agreed. You'd be much missed, Edge! <3

But while I didn't read through the thread, I'm pretty sure I ridiculed Trump not to mention several other politicians. And I won't stop, as the freedom to ridicule politicians is what democracy is all about, and the main difference between it and dictatorships! Nyaa

True. You'd be one of the first to get black bagged.
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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 13:21:21
SupremeAC said:

True. You'd be one of the first to get black bagged.

And ridiculing politicians on the internet is the least of my worries in that department!

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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 16:17:42

Yeah responding to edges post, this whole left media is just as bad is complete fallacy. One news outlet is catering to white supremist shit bags, protecting our racist president every chance they get, ignoring the point of real stories like our citizens being shot at an absurd rate for any first world country and instead shifts blame to anything but their precious guns. The other news outlets at least get to the heart of the story, are the left sure but at this moment the left means accepting of all beliefs, fighting for equality and addressing the serious issues we have with guns, so they are in the right to report that way.

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Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:26:29

I thought Trump was funny as fuck, before his ideas and policies starting messing up the rest of the whole and impacting me directly.

Youtube may be removed from my phone?! What the F?!

His China tariffs are even threatening our games consoles and prices may go up.

Now you have Iran capturing tankers, kinda Trumps fault. Racist white supremicist mass murderers around the world. No Russian pushback, really. And just a kind of breakdown of social norms and the world order. I wasn't an Obama or Bush fan, but whenever they or their photos show up on the news, I feel nostalgic. And remember how, reasonable and appropriate they were and how important they were in pushing American values to the rest of the free world. Under Trump, as an outsider, America seems almost scary in some regards now. When they showed the "Send her back chants" as someone who watched WW2 documentaries it was scary how similar it was to video they showed of a Hitler rally and the crowds there.

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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 00:48:44

My turn to defend Trump. Nyaa

Trump is yet to be responsible for 100,000-650,000 dead civilians in a war of aggression, not to mention nearly 5,000 dead Americans  Bush really put Bin Laden to shame in his American kill count lol, especially when you consider that the direct response to 9/11 in Afghanistan killed just over 4,000 so in a direct fight he beat Bin Laden, too. And if you combine the figures, it's a 3-1 (9,000-3,000 odd) thrashing in favour of Bush. But the lives of soldiers don't matter, so it's all good I guess?

And that's not to mention the erection of a stasi surveillance state across the anglosphere, a massive political assassination scheme (greatly accelerated by Obama), and the suspension of rule of law for certain crimes...and let's not forget that whole torture fiasco.  

Plus, wasn't it Obama who built all those concentration camps? It might have been Bush, I'm not sure. Maybe it was even earlier?

Not to mention that the sort of propaganda required to push for a war of aggression is very conducive to also encouraging cultural acceptance of terrorism, so it's not as if all the cultural changes of recent came out of nowhere. It's obviously much more complicated than that war, but it is one part of it. Obama rewarding bankers for crashing the economy probably didn't help matters much, either.

Not that this excuses anything Trump has done, especially when he's continued or doubled down on such policies himself, but I don't know how you can be nostalgic for the likes of Bush. Though The Late Show was pretty funny during his reign!

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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 10:41:16
My policy on the middle East is to let them get on with it and don't get involved. I believe it was Bush that set up Guantamo Bay.

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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:32:11
gamingeek said:

His China tariffs are even threatening our games consoles and prices may go up.

Are you sure you're not mixing this up with your own Brexit?  Nyaa

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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:33:10
gamingeek said:
My policy on the middle East is to let them get on with it and don't get involved. I believe it was Bush that set up Guantamo Bay.

That were certainly have been the case, were it not for the fact that they're sitting on the world's biggest oil reserves.  Oh cruel fate, why must you mock us?

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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 12:33:34
SupremeAC said:

Are you sure you're not mixing this up with your own Brexit?  Nyaa

No, Brexit will push the prices of everything up. I'm hoping we can make a deal with america so I can buy stuff from ebay without paying an extra 20%.

SupremeAC said:

That were certainly have been the case, were it not for the fact that they're sitting on the world's biggest oil reserves.  Oh cruel fate, why must you mock us?

There are plenty of corrupt, violence ridden countries on the planet that are pretty much ignored by western govts. Oil is the reason it became a concern.

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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 13:05:04
In 1989, Trump purchased newspaper advertisements demanding the reinstatement of the death penalty after the arrests of the “Central Park Five,” black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white jogger in New York. They were exonerated in 2002, but Trump has repeatedly refused to acknowledge their innocence. In 2005, he pitched an idea for his reality television series, “The Apprentice,” that would have pitted white people against black people.


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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 14:15:33
I can understand why TV studies didn't run with the idea. If team dark chocolate would have won, it would have plummeted the USA in another civil war.  Nyaa

Also, what is the politically correct term for 'black people' in the US these days? Over here, if you absolutely want to offend no one, it's 'someone with roots of people from the sub sahara'
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Tue, 13 Aug 2019 16:23:16
Here in the UK academics can and do often refer to the term "Black" as any ethnic minority. Except for lighter skinned ones. Asians and actually black are in that group. But most other Asians for instance don't like the term.

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Wed, 14 Aug 2019 00:13:50
SupremeAC said:

That were certainly have been the case, were it not for the fact that they're sitting on the world's biggest oil reserves.  Oh cruel fate, why must you mock us?

Why does everyone forget about the lucrative poppy fields? WinkWink

gamingeek said:
My policy on the middle East is to let them get on with it and don't get involved. I believe it was Bush that set up Guantamo Bay.

This is what I had in mind. Looks like the vast majority were built by Bush as well. Dude just loved concentration camps of all shapes and sizes.

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Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:05:24

Trump has reportedly suggested using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes from striking the US

President Donald Trump has reportedly suggested dropping nuclear bombs into hurricanes to stop them from causing damage to the US, Axios reported on Sunday.

The report said that the president suggested the idea on multiple occasions to senior officials at the Department of Homeland Security and other national security officials.

One source present at a hurricane briefing at the White House at an unspecified date told Axios that Trump suggested something along the lines of: "I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them? They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?"

The person who was briefing Trump on the hurricane reportedly responded, "Sir, we'll look into that."

But the source added that when Trump repeated the suggestion, people in the room were shocked and thought, "What the f---? What do we do with this?"

Trump has faced sharp criticism over his response to natural disasters, particularly after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September 2017.

Nearly 3,000 people died as a result of the storm. The entire island was declared a Federal Disaster Zone after the hurricane made landfall, and much of the power grid is still recovering from the catastrophic damage.

When Trump visited the decimated island in 2017, he said the hurricane was not a "real catastrophe."

He also told the residents, "I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you've thrown our budget a little out of whack, because we've spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico, and that's fine. We saved a lot of lives."

In the wake of the widespread public backlash to its handling of Hurricane Maria, the Trump administration has reportedly doubled down on its preparation for hurricane season this year.

According to USA Today, the administration expanded its outreach to states, provided additional supplies, and conducted drills to test emergency response times.

The added preparation lends to the realization that many of the communities that were devastated by natural disasters in the past were likely to be hit again.

"If a hurricane makes landfall in the United States this year, chances are a community that's already undergoing recovery will be hit again," homeland security adviser Doug Fears told USA Today. "That means it's a much more vulnerable community because all of the work necessary to restore it or even make it stronger has not been completed."

A senior administration official who was briefed on Trump's suggestion to nuke hurricanes told Axios that the president's objective is "not bad." "His goal - to keep a catastrophic hurricane from hitting the mainland - is not bad."

This isn't the first time the idea has been suggested - it was first floated by a scientist during the Eisenhower era, but experts widely agree the idea won't work.

National Geographic posted an article in 2017 explaining that besides for the suggestion being labeled as "wacky" by physicist Robert Nelson, the move would be prohibited under a nuclear treaty signed between the US and the former Soviet Union.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration even published a fact sheet online, explaining that the approach "won't work" and that radioactive fallout from the action would have a devastating environmental impact.

"Needless to say, this is not a good idea," it states.

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