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La Mulana lovefest thread.
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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:59:01


I just started this gem of a game and I am in love. So what is La Mulana well its a metroidvania kind of game, your Indy Jones like character even starts with a whip. While the look and structure is similar thats about where the similarities end cause La Mulana is far more brutal than any of those games. In reality its like SOTN meets Fez meets Demon's Souls, it is BRUTAL.

There is no hand holding and not much of any direction, you simply start the game and go. You traverse rooms like in SOTN but soon find that most of the rooms have some tablets that you cant read. Some have chests that you cant open. Some places lead you to horrible traps that lead to your death. You see contraptions that you have no clue how to activate and figure well I dont have any of the necessary tools yet.


Eventually you find a store that sells a decoder so you can read the tablets which are usually filled with riddles. And here is where it becomes Fez like, each room is like a puzzles that you have to figure out by using a combination of the clues from the tablet and what items you have. Some are simple, most require some advanced thinking. Some are multi stage riddles that require you to keep notes (you can buy a program that records notes for you but I still have pictures of the screen on my phone cause it was not enough.)


I still have no clue what to do in the room in that pic. The tablet tells me to fall on the platforms from high up but I cant get that high up as the screen above is just a celing. Thats the kinds of situations you will find yourself in all the time.

Exploration is huge cause you can totally stumble your way into much later levels you should not be in. I ended up in a water level where all the water kills me. Clearly I should not have been there but I was able to solve a few puzzles so I kept up at it.


And I died and died and died and died and kept coming back.  Eventually figuring out I must have missed something from before cause this is way too hard. Yup skipped like 3 whole levels I should have done first. Like Demon's Souls you will stumble into areas you probably shouldnt enter but I was able to get some new items ahead of time by doing it out of order. Speaking of order I am still not sure what order anything is in. I have yet to fight a boss, I have three "boss key" type things and no boss, who knows how to activate that.

I am trying my best to play with no guide, I will probably fail at some point but for now I am making some progress. When you solve a complex puzzle it feels soooo good. This is not a simple "use the new item on the thing you couldn't activate earlier".  You will go through the same rooms 10 or 20 times just wondering wtf am I missing and eventually it will click. Even though I am making progress I still feel like this


So far the actual combat part hasnt been so bad but you dont have much life so you will have to teleport back to a heal spring at the start of the game a lot to refiill your life. Now to show how pure evil this game is I accidentally unlocked a hard mode that you cannot deactivate. There was this stone that said dont read it twice. Well I guess I returned to that room much later and forgot cause I read the stone and a bunch of new enemies spawned. This makes the entire game practically impossible to beat. Luckily I had a save before then but I will lose 2 hours of progress because of it. I had no clue it made the entire game harder. EVIL.


So that is the kind  of game you are getting. If a brutal game where you will be totally lost and confused doesnt sound like fun to you then you should pass. But if you enjoy a challenge,iIf you want to think to solve difficult puzzles this game is for you. It's brilliant. I just started and I feel overwheled but I feel something even better, that sense that I dont know what lies ahead. I have played so many games, I am so used to every gaming cliche, every by the book puzzle that nothing surprises me anymore. Well this game suprises me and that is special.

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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:02:42

Leo is a game god. Thanks for finding this game.

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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:15:58

I just got this quote from the detructoid review:

f you go into La-Mulana like any ol' action game and don't pay attention to literally everything, you will find yourself wandering the halls lost and confused for hours. You can't take anything for granted -- the faintest etchings on the walls could offer some hint as to what item must be used. You must treat every word, every artifact, every structure like it's the most significant thing in the universe. Read those riddles with the same focus you would dedicate towards open-heart surgery.

This is assuming that you can even solve the riddles. Some are so vague or obtuse that you may try to convince yourself that you can solve the mysteries of the ruins without any hints. Of course, that would be a mistake, as the odds of stumbling across a room's solution by chance grow slimmer and slimmer the deeper into the ruins you delve.

What's so incredible about these puzzles is that, despite how infuriatingly impossible they seem, there is always going to be a clue. If you can't find one, it just means you haven't been looking in the right spots. The game wants you to get lost, wants you to throw your hands up in despair, yet it provides all the tools necessary for success if you just take the time to track them down. Learning the art of intense scrutiny might prove difficult for players who are accustomed to more expedited forms of gameplay.

Remember, this nontraditional brand of challenge is in addition to ball-busting murder at the hands of the ruins' traps and guardians.

Damn. What have I gotten into.... awesomeness!

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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:29:19

It also sounds like Antichamber.

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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:08:07

I could swear I started a topic about this a long time ago, but...

...Good Luck with it! Can't wait for your reaction to Terraria!

We can compare notes (on either) when I eventually get back to it!

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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:15:33

Found this in my Wii U Launch Impressions Topic:

phantom_leo said:

Don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I got rid of my Wii many, many, many months ago. I was anticipating the U and wasn't really playing or planning on playing anything on it throughout the rest of its lifespan. Oops, did I make one heck of a mistake! Turns out I missed out on one of Wii Ware's --BIGGEST-- titles, but, luckily, now that can be rectified! Check this out:

Look familiar? If you said "That looks like it could be a 16-bit Super NES game or a Metroid-Vania style game!" Turns out you'd be half right! It is indeed a Metroid-Vania game, but it is the remake of a former Free-Ware game (a-la Cave Story), released September of 2012 for the Wii. You may have heard me mention this game before. I have been anticipating it for years --BUT-- the development time took SOOO long, it was eventually CANCELLED --THEN-- stealth-released two months ago, many months AFTER I got rid of my system! It took me a day or two to remember to check on its availability after getting my U, but check I did, and then downloaded it immediately!

This is what Nintendolife had to say about it:

"La-Mulana is a massive game, with lots of areas to visit, tons of puzzles to solve, items to collect, plenty of enemies to defeat and... well, you get the idea. Depending on both your action and puzzle skills it can take anywhere from three to over twenty hours before you finally see the credits roll, which is quite a feat for a WiiWare game."

...before giving it a PERFECT 10/10 score!

I wholeheartedly agree from what I've played so far. It's TOUGH. The soundtrack is TOTALLY reminscent of a 16-bit game, and it hits ALL the right notes when it comes to the very definition of what made games GREAT back in the day! Looking for a Super Metroid/Symphony of the Night/Order of Ecclesia game lately, and can't scratch that itch? Well, here you go! Downloading it on the Wii U is as easy as going to the Wii menu, going to the Wii Shop and plunking down the $10 bucks.

The ONE AND ONLY ONE reservation I would warn you about is the control: You NEED to have a Wii Mote (or better yet a Wii Classic Controller Pro)!



Bit of a mis-step on Nintendo's part if you ask me... Oh well! I hope you saved your Controllers! You're gonna want to play this game!

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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:18:04

Gonna leave THIS here too...

Just something to refer to when you try that OTHER game you got!


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Fri, 26 Jul 2013 15:35:53

Leo I was looking very where for your la Mulana thread

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Sat, 27 Jul 2013 01:39:01

I have defeated two bosses and am at a third one that is kicking my ass. These bosses are really cool, giant full screen monsters often times in moments where you are in some vehicle, for a 2D game it has some nice effects, classic SNES type stuff.

I think I am doing ok with the puzzles, I kind of have a grasp how this works. Its more like get a clue in one area for another area that you passed 2 hours ago and now you might be able to figure out that room which then gives you something you need in a totally different area. The game is totally non linear, expect lots of backtracking but the warp system is pretty good so its not that bad.

The sense of satisfaction from this game is huge. Just getting to a new area is like a monumental accomplishment.

How far did you get Leo?

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Mon, 29 Jul 2013 00:54:55

This game is going to be the death of me. I spent about an hour on one boss. I have been getting nowhere quick. It seems like every new thing i find doesnt help me solve puzzles but introduces 15 more puzzles. I have not found a new item in like 5 hours.

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Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:20:20

Ok now I am making some progress. I needed a nudge in the right direction so I used a guide just to figure out where I should be going next and it helped tremendously. I have discovered this game is more like SOTN than I though, there is a whole other alternate world, ahhhh. Its MASSIVE. I am back to getting new items, that thrill of discover, the fear of something crazy waiting to kill me in the next room.

If any of you play this dont be afraid to use a guide simply to get your bearings straight. Wandering for hours with no clue what to do is not fun and ruins the whole experience.

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Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:18:48

Solved the Michael Jackson puzzle, lol. Im kind of stuck again, I am missing something. Time to explore for hours to see what that is. razz.gif

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Tue, 30 Jul 2013 06:17:53

This game is impossible.What kind of evil people designed this.

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Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:59:13

I am starting to think Leo recommended this game to me cause he wants me to quit gaming. Nyaa

I am going to take a hammer to my laptop.

Edited: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:59:38
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Thu, 01 Aug 2013 04:33:23

Back to bashing my head into a wall for 3 hours.

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Thu, 01 Aug 2013 06:47:31

I have put about 30 hours into the game and while I still love it its much too hard for its own good. This is not Demons Souls hard where you learn from your mistakes and deaths are usually your fault. This is FU I want you to die horribly and fail at everything. The game goes out of its way to make your life miserable. There are loads of one way doors that force you to redo entire sections. Instant kill traps while not common happen enough to keep you on your guard. Your character has that castlevania hit jump where if you get hit you fly backwards and are unable to move. Meaning you can finally climb up 4 screens just to reach a boss and ohhh a stupid bat touched you, now you fall 4 screens down, start all over.

The puzzles which is the most interesting part can be totally random and purposely vague. Solutions to a puzzle can be found in a totally unrelated level many many hours later. For instance you find a new item that you are supposed to use on a giant statue head. Well there are a ton of heads in the area you are in but NOOO you have to randomly and for no good reason return to the beginning of the game where you so happened to pass by a statue head 20 hours ago that you probably did not remember was there. The game is filled with stuff like that.

Its a shame cause this game is brilliant. Its one of the best metroidvania games I have ever played. But instead of making the game accessible the devs decided to make only the most masochist gamers be able to have the willpower to play this game.

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Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:14:13

Wrong, Vader. It's a scientific fact that nothing is harder than DS.

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