Forum > Gaming Discussion > Killzone shadow fall thread
Killzone shadow fall thread
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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 06:22:18
Foolz said:

Okay, to answer your question on the podcast:

Looks like they're trying to make it much more "cinematic" in its pacing with a lot of scenes you can stumble into etc. so the actual battles naturally end up being much further apart: thus all that damned walking lol.

As to the combat, it looks like the battles are much smaller and involving less enemies and, more importantly, the enemies seemed to all be placed at the same range. So you're not fighting enemies at close, medium and long range all at once, which takes away from the spontaneity and intensity of combat.

What was the progress bar that kept popping up for?

I think you mean the radar bar, you hold that down to send out a pulse.

That was a really weird level, no owl, very different tactics used.

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Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:49:41

I just finished the game, holy hell what a piece of shit ending. Guerrila Games has to go down as the developer with the worst endings in games ever. To be fair there is this bonus level at the end that sort of redeems it a bit but still, overall its a total mess. The last 3 or 4 levels felt like the devs figured what would make for the worst ideas for setpieces and simply strung those together for 3 hours of shit. It reaches Killzone 3 levels of crapitude. Killzone 2 was a total fluke in terms of campaign.

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Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:58:06

This is not encouraging

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Tue, 10 Dec 2013 16:45:10
gamingeek said:

This is not encouraging

Killzone can only be recommended for online which is very fun.

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Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:20:41

But I don't like shooting people online. sad

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Tue, 10 Dec 2013 22:59:44
Dvader said:

... its a total mess. The last 3 or 4 levels felt like the devs figured what would make for the worst ideas for setpieces and simply strung those together for 3 hours of shit. It reaches Killzone 3 levels of crapitude...

Like the end of killzone 3.  Well, this sucks, I was only intending to play the campaign.

Edited: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 23:00:28

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Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:40:39

This game absolutely sucks.

So far.

I am an hour in, it is complete shit. If I had not paid hard-earned money to buy it I would quit, but I'll play it until I get to the end.

The presentation is absoutely ridiculous, with your hads also hovering in front of you as if you are a T-rex.  If you look down at your feet it looks like a prop-guy is extending a fake leg in front of the camera (added bonus, it has palsy).

The gameplay is shit as well, with this fucking owl thing getting to shoot stuff before you do.

FPS needs a kick up the ass.

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Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:35:48

I like your review Aspro.


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Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:09:49
aspro said:

This game absolutely sucks.

So far.

I am an hour in, it is complete shit. If I had not paid hard-earned money to buy it I would quit, but I'll play it until I get to the end.

The presentation is absoutely ridiculous, with your hads also hovering in front of you as if you are a T-rex.  If you look down at your feet it looks like a prop-guy is extending a fake leg in front of the camera (added bonus, it has palsy).

The gameplay is shit as well, with this fucking owl thing getting to shoot stuff before you do.

FPS needs a kick up the ass.

Podcast pls.

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