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Killzone shadow fall thread
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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:07:31

I figured this should get its own thread as I bet one day this thread will have many updates for a long time to come.

As always if you want video requests let me know. I may stream some single player later.

One thing that sucks is how few people are on, about 4000 earlier today if the numbers are correct. There are so many game types to make but so few people to fill them. I saw this one that was just deathmatch forever, 100 kills. It's just a level up fest and I could see it was getting a bunch of people. Meanwhile team tactics is almost empty. Sad

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Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:08:54

That death match actually sound kinda cool, though it might get boring after about ten minutes.

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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:00:17

So the 4,000 people don't bunch together in games? The people still playing 2 generally join games with a lot of people so there's always several full games, including both death match and warzone.

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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:11:32

Those people are all in classic warzone or TDM. Very few in the more experimental modes.

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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 05:08:21

That should come with time as people get used to the maps and bored with doing the same thing over and over again.

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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 09:39:30

I played online for 3 hours straight, totally lost track of time. I love pistols only, its a really fun intense mode. I tried a new mode that was called run and capture fun, its capture progression (you know where you start at C and then go to B, then to A, or backward if the other team is winning) but almost all skills are locked, only speed and one other in assault class is available. Everyone gets the same rifle and it has 1 second spawn times and I believe everyone has half health. Basically you die quick and kill quick as everyone is going for the capture spots. Its a fun mess and I found that no one knows how to play it. I cannot tell you how many times I was at a capture point and two other teamates were just standing around outside the circle. I won matches by getting the later capture points all alone cause I guess everyone was in the middle of the map. I have video of this tomorrow.

I mostly played classic warzone and was on a super team. We dominated, we didnt just win every match, we won every mission. I found you can have multiple aids out at once so I would run to a defend point, put a spawn point, die, respawn now with turret skill and put a turret down. Then later I can put an air drone too. The whole team has the support aspect down, we destroyed them. When it went to capture the beacon mode I would get an assualt class with super speed and run through the map like flash with the beacon and no one could hit me. I have no clue why no one else does this, I win those missions all by myself.

I love the online but without the overall leveling up there doesnt seem to be a true progression so it kind of feels like I have seen it all already. Even though the options are greater I feel like the content is less, not sure if that makes sense.

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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:50:10

You mean it's truer progression because the progression is your own skill. Nyaa Killzone 2 did not begin until everything was unlocked.

With putting out multiple support things, do you get points for the support things you've placed in a different class? In Killzone 2 and 3 you could also put out multiple supports switching between classes, but once you switched to a new class you stopped getting points for the support things from the old class.

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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:13:34
Foolz said:

You mean it's truer progression because the progression is your own skill. Nyaa Killzone 2 did not begin until everything was unlocked.

With putting out multiple support things, do you get points for the support things you've placed in a different class? In Killzone 2 and 3 you could also put out multiple supports switching between classes, but once you switched to a new class you stopped getting points for the support things from the old class.

Hmm good question, I have no clue.

I still cant believe there is no way to see stats at the end of a match, wtf.

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Sat, 07 Dec 2013 19:50:31

So I had this awesome match where I was a total badass. It was a new game type where its only pistols and grenades but you have all your abilities, TDM. It lead to some awesome battles. So I hit share to get the video of the last match and the stupid PS4 recorded the previous 15 which was from a match where I did so horrible I refuse to share it.

BTW Foolz yes you can cancel out of the cloak, my mistake I had simply not figured it out.

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Sat, 07 Dec 2013 20:25:52

Where are the rock pics?

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Sat, 07 Dec 2013 22:42:01

GG I have something for you. Oh yeah get ready...


You like those dirty clothes, oh yeah look at it.


Ohh Bed and cans.


Does moldy wall turn you on!

Here comes the money shot


Look at those rocks, so beautiful. You like that huh.



I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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Sat, 07 Dec 2013 22:48:01


Bonus pretty picture.

So I played the 5th chapter in the game, its right smack in the middle of the campaign and I want to show why this game can be very boring even though the combat possibilties are far greater than in any Killzone game.

So this is how the chapter begins

You cant do anything for about 4 minutes. Tell me what is the point of all that.

Now let me show you how big some of the levels are and how empty they are

There so much good to be had with the gameplay but there are way too many moments like this throughout the game.

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Sun, 08 Dec 2013 12:31:24

Yes! You're finally getting it. *grabs tissue*

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Sun, 08 Dec 2013 23:09:34

After listening to the podcast looks like I'll be getting Killzone for PS4, when I can find it for cheap.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 02:15:15

Thank Christ.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 04:34:16

Foolz want to watch me play some KZ. I can stream the next level live and you can comment while I play.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 04:39:27
Dvader said:

Foolz want to watch me play some KZ. I can stream the next level live and you can comment while I play.

Do it if it doesn't require you to fiddle around too much (may have to stop watching at any moment).

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 04:50:54
Foolz said:

Do it if it doesn't require you to fiddle around too much (may have to stop watching at any moment).

Yeah its no problem. It takes 10 seconds to start and stop.

As with lots of the game I have been wandering around for like 5 minutes doing nothing.

Edited: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 04:51:22
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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 05:16:17

Cool, watching a bit now.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 05:48:33

Okay, to answer your question on the podcast:

Looks like they're trying to make it much more "cinematic" in its pacing with a lot of scenes you can stumble into etc. so the actual battles naturally end up being much further apart: thus all that damned walking lol.

As to the combat, it looks like the battles are much smaller and involving less enemies and, more importantly, the enemies seemed to all be placed at the same range. So you're not fighting enemies at close, medium and long range all at once, which takes away from the spontaneity and intensity of combat.

What was the progress bar that kept popping up for?

Edited: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 05:49:07

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