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In the (non-gaming) News
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Thu, 05 Aug 2010 07:09:09

Foolz said:
So is he an idiot for not seeing a doctor, or for having a sense of humour?

See -- that's a nice kind of mind.  Seeing a positive like that.

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Thu, 05 Aug 2010 12:36:46

aspro said:

SteelAttack said:

Before the surgery, Mr Douthett asked a nurse, "Is there any chance I can get whatever's left of my toe, so I can give it to Kiko as a treat?"

LOL I can't believe this idiot.

We can only hope that Kiko has now developed a taste for human flesh and consumes this moron's balls to prevent him from reproducing.


Also on the gay marriage thing - GO judges!

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Thu, 05 Aug 2010 12:55:56


Incredible bus is also a tunnel

Chinese designers have come up with an innovative cost-effective public transport system: the tunnel bus.

Incredible bus is also a tunnel

The remarkable bus straddles two lanes of traffic, allowing cars to drive underneath while it carries up to 1,200 passengers.

It's environmentally sound too because it runs on electricity, using a state-of-the-art charging system. Called relay charging, the roof of the bus conducts electricity and contacts special charging posts as it moves along.

It's cost-effective because there are two ways it could operate: first off, special tracks could be laid into each side of the road, like a tram.

Or secondly, simple coloured lines could be painted onto the road for it to follow automatically on conventional tyres. There'll be a driver on the bus at all times, though.

Elevated bus stops will be erected to allow passenger to embark, or where there's no room for those the bus will have ladders. The emergency exits will be inflatable slides.

And if the straddling bus seems all to futuristic to be true, amazingly it isn't - a pilot scheme involving over 115 miles of tracks in Beijing will begin before 2011.

The trials will focus on traffic management and safety. Managing traffic flow is an issue: how, for example, to guarantee a bus can turn off a road safely while there is no traffic underneath.

The advanced stage of the plan suggests this is not an insurmountable issue. Then who knows - it could revolutionise public transport outside of China. London, perhaps?

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Thu, 05 Aug 2010 22:36:24
^ Cool. What happens when cars below it get into a horrible accident and slam into the sides of that thing?
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Fri, 06 Aug 2010 04:41:05

Dvader said:
^ Cool. What happens when cars below it get into a horrible accident and slam into the sides of that thing?

Everybody dies.

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Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:59:03

Dvader said:
^ Cool. What happens when cars below it get into a horrible accident and slam into the sides of that thing?

It will be like Speed.

Speed 3, the super bus.

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Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:19:50
Ever had a day like this at work?  Least the story has a "happy ending".  I love this guy.

A flight attendant ran out of patience on a plane that just landed at JFK on Monday afternoon, so he allegedly cursed a blue streak over the p.a. system, grabbed some beers,  pulled the emergency chute, slid down and ran from the plane,  sources said.

Jet Blue employee Steven Slater, 38, was working on Flight 1052 from Pittsburgh to Kennedy Airport, which landed at around 12 p.m., when he got into a verbal altercation with a passenger, law-enforcement sources said.  Following a heated exchange, the flight attendant told off the entire plane on the public address system, activated an emergency chute near the back of the plane and jumped down the evacuation slide and ran for it.

The argument began when one of the 100 passengers on the flight, got up early to get her luggage from an overhead compartment, according to sources. Slater told the passenger to sit back down — but, as he approached, the woman continued to pull her belongings down and struck him in the head with her bag, authorities said.

Slater asked for an apology but the woman cursed him out, saying in effect “go f–k yourself” and calling him a “mo-fo,” according to law enforcement sources who are still sorting out the specifics. Then Slater got on the flight’s announcement system and allegedly cursed out  everyone on the plane — especially the person who mouthed off to him, according to law enforcement sources.

When his tirade was through, he then took a some beers from the galley and pulled the emergency chute and slid off the Embraer 190 plane.  According to police sources, he threw his luggage down first and said something to the effect of “there goes 28 years,” before he took the plunge.  Slater was later arrested at his home in Belle Harbor, Queens by Port Authority officials.  Police sources said that when authorities found Slater he seemed to be in the midst having sexual relations.

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Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:40:53

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Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:58:42
He was arrested? Where's the happy ending?
Edited: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:59:05

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Tue, 10 Aug 2010 14:45:43

Foolz said:
He was arrested? Where's the happy ending?

The police let him finish first.

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Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:46:00

Vampire bats infected with rabies have attacked more than 500 people in Peru - sparking an outbreak of the disease that has apparently killed four children.

The flying mammals, which bite then lick the blood of their victims, swooped on villagers in the northeastern Urakusa region, where the Aguajun tribe lives.

Peruvian health ministry official Jose Bustamente said four children are thought to have died from rabies as a result.

He said medical supplies and vaccines to treat those infected have been sent to the tribes affected.

Rabies, a virus that causes acute inflammation of the brain, is usually spread to humans by dog bites.

It has an incubation period that can last several months.

Health teams are looking for people in communities within six miles of the jungle outbreak who have been attacked by bats in the past six months.

Mr Bustamente said 97% of the 508 people who were bitten have begun receiving an anti-rabies vaccination.

It is expected that the rest - some of whom have rejected treatment - will be vaccinated in the next few days.

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Sat, 14 Aug 2010 23:08:21

^My wife is half-peruvian.  And she likes bats.

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Sun, 15 Aug 2010 15:18:55

Beckii: Schoolgirl Superstar at 14

Documentary telling the story of 14-year-old Rebecca Flint, an ordinary schoolgirl from the Isle of Man who in Japan becomes Beckii Cruel, a teen icon and an internet sensation.

Beckii became famous in Japan after uploading films of herself dancing on YouTube. She did this secretly, without telling her parents. This intimate documentary has exclusive access to her as it explores the real world of Beckii and the other British teenage girls who hope to become famous in Japan.

Beckii's breakthrough posting attracted almost half a million hits and showed her miming an eccentric Japanese dance called danjo. Beckii was then approached by a Japanese music manager who quickly helped her to take Japan by storm. Since August 2009 she has recorded five singles, released her own DVD and appeared on Japan's biggest TV shows. Now she wants success in the UK and there are a lot of businessmen ready to help her crack the teen market.

Despite getting the fame every girl is supposed to dream of, life is not easy for this 14-year-old. Being a child doing a job in a very adult world isn't always fun and games. Balancing two different lives on opposite sides of the world is tricky, and wrestling with the consequences of a mainly male Japanese fan base can be embarrassing, especially if you've never even had a boyfriend.

The film explores the fascinating world of Japanese anime and manga - crazes that grip millions in Japan and tens of thousands here – and shows that other girls see Beckii's success and decide they too might like to be big in Japan. But although getting famous seems as simple as uploading a crazy dance, the implications of being famous at 14 are anything but straightforward.

Here's the documentary

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Ughh creepy.

The VG Press
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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:59:11
Thieves use breasts to distract victim

Police in France are looking for two attractive female thieves who bared their breasts at a man at a cashpoint to distract him before stealing his money.

The women in their 20s exposed themselves to the victim as he punched his pin code into an ATM machine in Paris.

As he stared at one, the other then withdrew 300 euros from his account before the pair fled with the money.

The incident was captured on CCTV at the cash machine on Paris’s Left Bank, but the women could not be identified, a French police spokesman said.

"We would advise anyone withdrawing cash from a machine to focus on what they are doing and not allow themselves to be distracted, however attractive the view," the spokesman added.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 02:59:02
^That's just not fair.

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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 05:02:27
See, now he's an idiot.

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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 06:14:16

Foolz said:
See, now he's an idiot.

I have to say though, public nudity is very distracting.  I once saw a lady changing her top on the freeway (while she drove).  I found it difficult to look away (and I was driving also).

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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 07:37:18

aspro said:

I have to say though, public nudity is very distracting.  I once saw a lady changing her top on the freeway (while she drove).  I found it difficult to look away (and I was driving also).

Now somebody doing something stupid like that would be quite distracting, but if you are driving then you should be able to pretty easily ignore it, plus something like that is not being done in a suspicious situation. Panaoia

I can empathise, but still, you should have your mind on the job at hand. Nyaa

I'm just complaining, though.

Edited: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 07:45:09

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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 07:51:29

Foolz said:


I can empathise, but still, you should have your mind on the job at hand. Nyaa


Don't you mean I should have my hand on the job in mind?

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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 08:34:44

aspro said:

Foolz said:


I can empathise, but still, you should have your mind on the job at hand. Nyaa


Don't you mean I should have my hand on the job in mind?

Not when it comes to public nudity. Toplessness is one thing, but masturbation is another all together! And while driving. Tsk tsk!

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