Those were some good matches last night, Bear and Travo. Hope to play some more tonight as well. Last night was my first Gears online experience. It was pretty hectic, and I struggled to keep alive. I hope to become a bit better with time.
Your UC2 Experience carried you well. It's not that different. But the other team had better weapons and players that can be frustrating. I did earn a few upgrades, if you guys would put your headsets on we could work a lot better together, the teams that do really well, they are communicating.
Yeah, I can probably join again tonight. I want to get some Undead Nightmare time in as well. I'm hunting....something.
I think I can use the mic. Did you guys use it last night?
No we did not use the mic, but we should, hmm seems there are some weapons I don't have access to Archie , a sniper, some kind of ripper exploding blade and a few others.Maybe they are laying around? Have to learn the maps, though I know one of them is from the past game.
I might bow out for tonight, guys. My ISP is in the shitter today, have had awful connection speeds all day. Will try again later tonight, but from the looks of it, I don't know if it'll be fixed today.
I had some good matches last night. I still suck, but I think I sucked less yesterday. Bear, when are you coming online again?
SteelAttack said:I had some good matches last night. I still suck, but I think I sucked less yesterday. Bear, when are you coming online again?
What aer you doing now? I was watching the Bulls. I'm ready now!