Here I document my rising to guitar god status.
I laugh. And then I think of this. And picture you dressed like this hooked up to a bunch of old audio gear.
Rocksmith that shit bro. Then you can pretend to be a gamer and a musician both at once!
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Té_Rojo (9m)
Gaming isn't doing it for me these days, admittedly. Outside on-and-off sessions of Blue Dragon that halted this week because of a close friend's death, I wasn't really feeling like playing anything as of lately. So while I decide on whether I'll pick up a WiiU in the coming weeks or maybe overhaul my PC and finally get a high level card, I decided to start practising guitar again.
I know my way through a few chords, although I've never been in a band or anything. Most of what I know is self-taught so I guess I have picked up a few vicesduring the years. There was a time during college where I would practice daily, but during the past few years I really haven't done too much with my guitar. Bought Rocksmith for the PS3 a few months back but the song selection wasn't really my cup of tea and my system disc drive is dead anyway so back to the basics it is for me.
I'll be mostly doing the lessons from, starting from the beginners course, and at the same time start working up on a few songs I like to document my progress, if there's any progress to document in the first place. I also have a book/dvd with lessons so that might help as well.