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Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars (DS) The thread, previews, pics and more
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Thu, 12 Feb 2009 20:28:31

"The audio is equally impressive, with some great tunes to be heard on the game's variety of radio stations"

This should be interesting to see what they can cram onto the cart.  What cart has the most licensed songs on it so far? EBAgents?

In the PSP GTA:LSC they had a whole range of new radio stations (with very limited playlists) -- like a Bollywood station.

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Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:39:44
All of the tracks are instrumentals as far as I know. Shame. They should compress some stuff.

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Sat, 14 Feb 2009 02:29:15

From Game Informer: (I prefer this method of losing wanted stars)

Ditching the cops just got a heck of a lot more dangerous. With “Chinatown Wars”’ new police chase logic, players will spend a lot more time behind the wheel of the car driving for their lives. Rather than evading police cars until you’re in the clear like in past GTA games, players must now lower wanted levels by disabling squad cars without killing the cops. Turning Unit 52 into 52 Pickup won’t be easy; your best bet is drawing the pursuers into oncoming traffic or running them off the road. Put your Allstate agent on speed dial, because these frenzied chases will undoubtedly spike the number of car accidents in Liberty City.

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Sat, 14 Feb 2009 13:50:22

Oh my, that's a change that might be tough to stomach. Depends how tricky it is.

Spong preview skim through

Yet after an hour or so of previewing Chinatown Wars I am already confident that it is going to be one of my most-played DS titles in 2009. Finally, we may even have a worthy successor to the sublime charm of Phantom Hourglass

In addition to the depth of the story, the well-rounded characters and the mother-expletive'ing, superb dialogue in the comic-book cutscenes, the second thing that grabs you about the game is that the isometric top-down ‘kinda’ 3D (or 2.5D, whatever) which makes up the gameplay really does work well.

As with most highly playable DS titles the real pleasure only starts when, five minutes in, those little squirts of serotonin* in your brain make you do that little smile to yourself. You feel excited, genuinely excited for a change that here in your hand is a game that is going to keep you blissfully occupied for the next six months of bus and tube and train and plane journeys. Here is a game that is going to make your hum-drum existence liveable again for a while. Thank Christ for that!

While the Rockstar-composed funk, soul and jazz soundtrack combined with the perfectly created missions and cool little (car-jacking, safe-cracking, Molotov-cocktail making) mini-games combine to create an almost perfect just-one-more-go game

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Sat, 21 Feb 2009 15:14:13

Video. Wow, looks great in motion.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:08:19

2 nights ago I dreamt that this was included as a demo on the Retro Game Challenge cart.  Sad to say it handled poorly.

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Sat, 28 Feb 2009 13:12:42


The game looks great, even on the small DS screens, but doesn't look like the Liberty City you've come to know. It has a more cartoon-style feel, hand-drawn with hard lines around objects and characters that make them pop on out in the tiny viewing area. But it will feel familiar to anyone who has played Grand Theft Auto IV, and has navigated its streets. Dukes, Bohan, Broker, Algonquin, and Happiness Island -- they're all here, with a scale that's comparable to what you're already familiar with.

For one, the driving mechanic is tweaked a bit for the handheld. It has a more arcade-style feel, and the game will even lock on to a rail to make navigating through traffic a bit easier. (You can, of course, go off the rail and smash into cars ... but more on that later.) There's even a new burnout maneuver, done by holding the emergency break and spinning out before you boost forward leaving a trail of fire behind you. And while I didn't see or use any, I'm told that boats and motorcycles will also be drivable.

On the subject of driving, get used to it -- you're going to need to be proficient if you're going to evade the fuzz. The police evasion system in Chinatown Wars is unique, unlike it's been in any Grand Theft Auto game before it. Once in the sights of the law, players will now have to disable police vehicles that ramming into them at full speed. Taking out the vehicles lowers the wanted level, but you'll have to be careful -- in one mission I rammed a police car into a side rail, causing me to disable the vehicle ... which then exploded. My wanted level went up considerably, considering I had just killed an officer.

On foot gameplay is also more frantic and arcade-like, and in the few shootouts I engaged in felt more like Smash TV than any Grand Theft Auto I had ever played. With this in mind, Ramapage missions are back, and look to play a decent role in Chinatown Wars but within missions and as side-games. Chinatown Wars features a target system, which was as simple as facing an enemy (or a group of enemies) and firing.

OK, so I think you get it; Chinatown Wars looks like it's going to be no joke. The interesting mix of modern Grand Theft Auto elements with the classic, as well as some brand new DS functionality, make it an irresistible package for those with even a passing interest in the series.

With that said, don't be surprised if Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars helps get the DS into the hands of a few players who haven't already

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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:29:34

The latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine UK brings with it the first review of the brilliant GTA: Chinatown Wars, slapping it with a huge 94 percent score.

"With the arrival of Chinatown Wars, the DS can now boast a GTA title that's every bit as compelling, impressive and fun to play as its home console cousins. If not more so," gushes the review.

"While some might suggest that hosting a Grand Theft Auto game on DS would prove to be a restrictive, watered-down experience, we'd argue that the opposite is true," it adds.

The full six page review is in issue 41 of the Official Nintendo Magazine, in subscribers' hands now and on news-stands Friday. Look out for our review next week.

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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 22:20:51
I was never a huge fan of the modern GTA games, (though I did dig Vice City since I could identify virtually every building they used in South Beach to design the game).  But I always enjoyed the original.  This looks like a nice mashup between the two.  Looking forward to checking this one out.  Not a day one purchase, but it'll likely be the next DS game I get.
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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 23:20:47
This is going to cost $30 right?
Country: GB
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Thu, 12 Mar 2009 10:59:15

Dvader said:
This is going to cost $30 right?

No idea. Out Friday 20th here though.

DS games are expensive here. I usually import but the UK pound is in mud at the moment so there is no point. Sad

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Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:27:35
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Fri, 13 Mar 2009 01:34:27
I had a dream the DS was on sale for $95 and included this. Sad

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Fri, 13 Mar 2009 10:42:34
Foolz said:
I had a dream the DS was on sale for $95 and included this. Sad

Did you see my earlier post where I dreamed about this game?  I freamt that it was included as bonus material in Retro Game Challenge and I was unimpressed with the controls.

IN ANY CASE, I'm glad I pre-ordered it.

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Sun, 15 Mar 2009 13:39:26

Lots of videos here: is selling it for £18 Europeans. Out on the 20th march.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:43:37

Reviews are coming in!

10/10 at Eurogamer

A- from 1up

I will post those in a moment, but pics first.

More GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshotsMore GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshots

More GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshotsMore GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshots

More GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshotsMore GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshots

More GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshotsMore GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshots

More GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshotsMore GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshots

More GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshotsMore GTA: Chinatown Wars screenshots

Country: GB
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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:48:48


Altogether, Chinatown Wars is what I expected -- it takes an understandable few steps back from GTA4, but also takes a couple forward (a touch screen can do that). It's a well-honed "core" GTA on the handheld, not merely a one-to-one clone of its console parents.



Well, if Chinatown Wars does nothing else, it presses the DS harder than virtually anything else you can buy for it. This is GTA on a smaller screen, but by no means a smaller scale. GTAIV's Liberty City may have been cut back to two islands (the best ones), but they're massive, diverse playgrounds, teeming with cars, pedestrians, the series' trademark missions and side-games, wonderfully rendered in surprising detail by an engine that ranks among the best on the platform. And with the addition of touch-screen gimmicks and a significant new drug-dealing component, the loss of things like the comedy voiceovers and talkshows are hardly felt.

On balance though, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is a triumph, not just in terms of bringing a difficult game to a new platform intact, but because it actually improves it in the process, and demonstrates a mastery of DS form and function. Those hoping for another gritty, complex narrative spine bound in the flesh of an openworld action-adventure may be disappointed by the rather more frivolous and silly antics of the Chinatown Wars cast, but even cynics should be converted by the huge, densely packed action playground we've been given instead. Overall this is GTA as it first was, with the inherited wisdom of GTA as it's been since, finished off with all sorts of things that would happily belong in a GTA of the future.


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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:56:12

Chinatown Wars thankfully excels in its excellent mission design compared to some of GTA IV's by-the-numbers missions. Its little brother opts for a more action-packed, streamlined set-up, which means you spend less time immersed in the itty-bitty details of the world and more time blowing shit up.

That's not to say there's any less of a GTA experience here. The size of the city and depth of content on offer is immense. Rockstar North could certainly learn from Leeds' excellent pacing.

bullet.gif  Liberty City looking fantastic on DS
bullet.gif  Unique, consistently entertaining missions
bullet.gif  Drug dealing works brilliantly
bullet.gif  Pure fun
bullet.gif  Fiddly combat lock-on... again



Closing Comments
I know I'm omitting a ton from this review - there's so much to the design that it's impossible to list everything there to experience. What I won't forget to mention: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars continues GTA's legacy as the premiere "sandbox" game design. Though it might look like a lot has changed in the move to the handheld platform, more has been added than taken away - there's so much to do in this Liberty City, and it's hard not to be impressed and amazed at some of the things the developer's managed to pull off on the hardware. GTA: Chinatown Wars is easily one of the best Nintendo DS games on the platform.



Closing Comments
But that’s one of few gripes about a game that makes little compromise on its journey to the small screen. Chinatown Wars takes the template of the old games and makes them feel completely new, taking the lessons learned from the 3D games and mixing them in with some nuanced use of the touch-screen. Working in perfect harmony with the DS’s unique capabilities, it’s no less than a fully featured GTA - a standalone entry that not only holds its own amongst its esteemed company but acts as a celebration of all that has come before it. The definitive GTA? That depends where your tastes lie, but either way there’s no denying this is a masterpiece of handheld gaming.


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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:41:17
This game gives me a really nostalgic feeling of watching the original Grand Theft Auto being played on PC pre-Y2K. I've never been a huge fan of GTA, but with all of the rave reviews I'm reading, this game looks like a steal for only $40 CDN. I'm gonna have to pick it up.

Woot, first time I will really use my DS in probably a year.

But... DOES THIS GAME HAVE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER OR NOT? I don't think even Rockstar has officially confirmed or denied it yet.
Edited: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:05:55

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:24:44

Yarcofin said:
This game gives me a really nostalgic feeling of watching the original Grand Theft Auto being played on PC pre-Y2K. I've never been a huge fan of GTA, but with all of the rave reviews I'm reading, this game looks like a steal for only $40 CDN. I'm gonna have to pick it up.

Woot, first time I will really use my DS in probably a year.

But... DOES THIS GAME HAVE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER OR NOT? I don't think even Rockstar has officially confirmed or denied it yet.

According to Amazon there is multiplayer but there are no real specifics on it.  Here's what they said:

Nintendo Wi-Fi mode allowing for head-to-head and co-op multiplayer mayhem. Free access to Rockstar Games Social Club where players can chat, trade items and commodities and compete in online tournaments and leaderboards.
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