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GOTY Four Months From Now, How The Arguments Will Go
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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 19:38:54

You are totally right aspro. I am just hoping GTAV is so good it forces everyone to simply pick it.

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 20:05:50

Tomb Raider and The Last Of Us are my top picks.


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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 20:21:20

For people who love having fun: Lego City Undercover.

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 20:37:47
Dvader said:

You are totally right aspro. I am just hoping GTAV is so good it forces everyone to simply pick it.

If GTA was any good it would stop being GTA.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:18:21

Objectivley speaking it is TLOU by a landslide so far, but GTA5 has a chance of topping it.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:59:44
Iga_Bobovic said:

If GTA was any good it would stop being GTA.

You are malfunctioning.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:29:05

Nobody for Tomb Raider?


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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:32:10

Tomb Raider is easily my GOTY.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:46:43
edgecrusher said:

Nobody for Tomb Raider?

So far this year it would be my runner-up to TLOU.  I have not played DmC yet, which I think is the only "big" non-Nintendo game release I have not beaten yet this year.

Coming up I have Saints Row, GTA5, hopefully Yakuza 5 that could win if any of those series continue their trajectory of greatness.  I feel like I am forgetting another 1 or 2 great games yet to come this year.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 03:12:24


aspro said:
Foolz said:

One thing that hasn't been mentioned so far is Fez. PC port was released his year. With Phil Fish retiring, might be worth a sympathy vote from some publications.

Also, to take art lovers more literally, Dragon's Crown will win some graphics awards.

Nah, Fez is old news.  Ports to new formats don;t get consideration.

Dvader said:

GTAV is going to win like 90% of them. Last of Us with get a few, Bioshock less so. Not one Nintendo game will win GOTY.

On GTAV (or gee-tav as I will hereafter refer to it), you miss some points:

- Don't underestimate the number of critics who will be bending over backwards to redeem their credibility for tenning the fuck out of GTA4 (which in retrospect, for most of them seems a little inflated).

- Last of Us scratches the "taking the form to a new level" arty side of things.

- A lot of critics are really, really pious about the GTA franchise and stupid stereotypes about what a GTA game is (when the last one the played was GTA3).  Keep in mind for these GOTYs the while staff usually votes, not just the ones who reviewd the games.

You underestimate (or I overestimate) Phil Fish fandom and controversy (which is not to say it will win any, but obviously the situation isn't just that it's a port of an old game).

Edited: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 04:39:17

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 05:49:44

Fuck Phil Fish.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:00:22

What if GTAV sucks?  Is that possible?  I am thinking not, since they will haev to be aplying what they learned from RDR, Lost and the Damned and Gay Tony.

For gaming epicness though, I kind of hope it is a complete fuck up.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:04:16
aspro said:

What if GTAV sucks?  Is that possible?  I am thinking not, since they will haev to be aplying what they learned from RDR, Lost and the Damned and Gay Tony.

For gaming epicness though, I kind of hope it is a complete fuck up.

No chance. The formula is full proof and all the additions look excellent.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:09:49

I know.  Just saying.  Then again, we've had enough drama this year.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 03:40:12

You know what else had a fool proof formula? GTAIV. The multiple characters is bullshit waiting to happen, and it's not something they've tested out on other titles (is it?).

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 03:49:36
Foolz said:

You know what else had a fool proof formula? GTAIV. The multiple characters is bullshit waiting to happen, and it's not something they've tested out on other titles (is it?).

They tried it in slow-mo with the GTA4 games.

It's the best way to go, it won't bog down like the single character games did after 60 hours with the same dude.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:08:18
aspro said:
Foolz said:

You know what else had a fool proof formula? GTAIV. The multiple characters is bullshit waiting to happen, and it's not something they've tested out on other titles (is it?).

They tried it in slow-mo with the GTA4 games.

It's the best way to go, it won't bog down like the single character games did after 60 hours with the same dude.

With Lost and the Damend etc. you mean? Not the same thing because there's no gameplay relationship between them as there is here.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:22:19

Isn't Pikmin 3 trying it? Nyaa

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:27:59
Foolz said:

You know what else had a fool proof formula? GTAIV. The multiple characters is bullshit waiting to happen, and it's not something they've tested out on other titles (is it?).

And GTA4 was incredible, so yeah.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:29:45
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

You know what else had a fool proof formula? GTAIV. The multiple characters is bullshit waiting to happen, and it's not something they've tested out on other titles (is it?).

And GTA4 was incredible, so yeah.

Yeah, but IV sucked. Nyaa

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