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Empire Online's Top 50 Videogame Characters - This was awful
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Thu, 27 May 2010 13:23:01

This was the link in today's news for the Top 50 game characters. No top 50 list will ever make anyone happy, but I figured I'd look and give my impressions along the way.  I just commented periodically when I saw a character that piqued my interested on the list, and then commented on all Top 10 Characters.  Ultimately I think this list sucked and a blind monkey who never played a videogame could have done a better job, but that's just me.  So anyway here we go. . .

Yay! Dirk the Daring got props at #49 ! Booyah!

The best male hair videogames have ever seen checks in at 44. Congratulations Mr. Leon Kennedy.

Sam & Max at 42, good choice.

Pyramid Head at 41?? Really??

Dante is an unfortunate inclusion, though completely expected.  I wouldn't have bitched if he was #50, but #38 is too high.

Miner Willy at 32?? Who?  Never heard of him. I guess you UK folk really must like him.

Look! Steel made the list. . . oh wait that's Manny Calavera.  I hardly think that's my mistake though. Congrats at coming in at #30 Steel.

Alice is a fairly ridiculous choice to be on this list.  Particularly in the top 20.

Sonic at 14... yeah... not anymore.

Sephiroth at 10??  Why the hell??  He never even had a personality up until Core Crisis. I don't think I've ever been more confused how a character became popular for have not any real personality traits.

Lemmings at 9 - sweet.

Master Chief at 8? I never played Halo so I can't comment, so I'll leave you guys to bitch about that.

Guybrush Threepwood at 7.  Brilliant choice!!  Easily one of the best PC characters ever.

Link at 6?  Meh.

Lara Croft at 5?  Really?  Why? For having boobs... well I suppose that's sort of fair. That's how it works in the real world.  A great rack will get you far in life even if there's no other redeeming qualities, though still not all the way to the top.

Nameless One? Hmmmm he looks cool, but I never played the game.

Again I have no clue who Shodan is.

Mario only at 2? Got to admit I'm surprised by that. I though he'd get number one just out of fear of reprisal from Nintendo.

Gordon Freeman?  Well shit if I knew they were going to go with him for number one I wouldn't have even bothered reading this list. Nevermind I quit.

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Thu, 27 May 2010 13:42:03

robio said:

Gordon Freeman?  Well shit if I knew they were going to go with him for number one I wouldn't have even bothered reading this list. Nevermind I quit.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Now I don't even want to read the list.

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Thu, 27 May 2010 13:46:25
No name and Shodan?

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Thu, 27 May 2010 13:48:12

gamingeek said:

robio said:

Gordon Freeman?  Well shit if I knew they were going to go with him for number one I wouldn't have even bothered reading this list. Nevermind I quit.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Now I don't even want to read the list.

There's some interesting inclusions on this list that I've never seen before on list like this, so I'll give them a little credit. But overall this is a bad list.  Still, read it and laugh.

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Thu, 27 May 2010 22:05:21

The one they call Free-man eh?  Dude doesn't talk and you never get to see him in the game.  When you look down he doesn't even have feet.  So they give #1 chr to a camera.

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Thu, 27 May 2010 23:44:24
Fifty pages means I don't take a second look.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Fri, 28 May 2010 00:55:21

Yodariquo said:
Fifty pages means I don't take a second look.

 Yeah, the layout for the list is beyond retarded. I wonder if they get a new hit for each click on the next number.

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Fri, 28 May 2010 03:27:16
Fuck the Freeman.

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Fri, 28 May 2010 10:28:46

I wanted to read it but you have to click through 50 individual pages.

Is viewtiful joe on the list?

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Fri, 28 May 2010 15:23:56
Joe is not on the list.
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Fri, 28 May 2010 15:37:56

robio said:
Joe is not on the list.

Travis Touchdown?

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Fri, 28 May 2010 16:09:27

gamingeek said:

robio said:
Joe is not on the list.

Travis Touchdown?

Again no. I'm going to post the entire list so we can all look at how crappy it is.

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Fri, 28 May 2010 16:10:58

Here's the whole thing in its craptastic glory. We could do something so much better...

50 - 41

Ryu Hayabusa
Dirk the Daring
Donkey Kong
The Horned Reaper (Dungeon Keeper)
Vault Boy
Marcus Fenix (please contain your laughter)
Leon Kennedy
HK-47 (Star Wars: KotOR)
Sam & Max
Pyramid Head

40 - 31

Dr. Fred Eddison (Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle)
Mr. X (RE2)
Big Daddy
Prince of Persia
The Announcer (Unreal Tournament)
Miner Willy (Maniac Miner . . . your guess is as good as mine)
Kane (Command & Conquer not Blood Omen)

30 - 21

Manny Calavera
Garrett (Theif)
Harmen Smith (Killer 7)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Samus Aran
Arthrus Menethil (Warcraft III)
Sabre Man (Sabre Wulf . . . again I got no idea)
Nathan Drake
Agent 47 (Hitman)

20 - 11

Duke Nukem
Solid Snake
Alice (American McGee's Alice)
Illidan Stormrage (Warcraft III. . .  think the list maker had a hardon for this game?)
Cloud Strife
Misc & Boo (Baulder's Gate)

10 - 1

The Lemmings
Master Chief
Guybrush Threepwood
Lara Croft
The Nameless ONe (Planscape: Torment)
Shodan (System Shock)
Gordon Freeman

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Sat, 29 May 2010 03:44:07
The last time we tried to do a best ever thing it failed unfortunately. Sad

Big Daddy. LOL

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Sat, 29 May 2010 04:06:55
Foolz said:
The last time we tried to do a best ever thing it failed unfortunately. Sad

Big Daddy. LOL

I propose we make a list of game characters.  Not by quality, by quantity.  List them all out.  Then generate a randomly selected list of 50 and compare.


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Sat, 29 May 2010 04:09:20
Pac-Man = 1st
Edited: Sat, 29 May 2010 19:44:23

The VG Press

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Sat, 29 May 2010 08:44:37

Yodariquo said:

I propose we make a list of game characters.  Not by quality, by quantity.  List them all out.  Then generate a randomly selected list of 50 and compare.

But isn't that what they did? Nyaa

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Sat, 29 May 2010 13:24:31
Sabreman. I remember playing this gba game by Rare. It was this side scrolling platformer with a little guy in a safari hat. 

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Sat, 29 May 2010 19:43:04
Taizo "Dig Dug" Hori = 2nd

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Sat, 29 May 2010 20:55:30
Mr. X (RE2)


Who came up with this crap.
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